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Everything posted by yikai

  1. and one flashing. omg so gorgeous!!! for the price of a wrought iron i dunno what to decide.
  2. here's a wild photo and one in an aquarium. yes the colour looks abit darker in the previous photo but should be from minor stress bah. very stress would be the mottled vertical bands like the one shown in the bag.
  3. where got stress? earlei wrasse looks exactly like this. the only pictures that depict the stress pattern is the one in the bag and the tiny juvenile. the others look very comfortable and show gorgeous colour. now so tempted to just order one! argh.
  4. just took a close look at earlei and noticed that the line from snout to dorsal to tail has many white dots. this line is characteristic of roseafascia, lanceolatus, and now, earlei. very similar markins for dorsal. the horizontal lines remind me of marjorie. so if a marjorie were to hybridise with a roseafascia, it will probably look something like this. except that earlei has a beautiful purple hue which is just GORGEOUS!
  5. the recent trio of earlei wrasses that were shipped to nebraska from BH. the juvenile is SO TINY! for all the photos, here's the link interested? anyone interested in Cirrhilabrus earlei? :eyebrow: Digiman you want? can ask Koji bring it for us. the price is so attractive!!
  6. the NPS tank i dunno isit a wild aught one or one that has grown into an alpha in captivity. if it's wild caught very rare and difficult leh. and for it to do so well. moreover the colour is holding so freaking well. if it's grown from captivity then there's hope for people like us who are after alpha male randalls. i like both equally. i like tinker coz the black and white is VERY pure and so starck. the white is pearlescent and the black is jet black. and it's so well defined and not smudged. i like them like this. declivis is also beautiful with a gorgeous yellow back.
  7. good. those looking for flame wrasse can get from LCK since Iwarna's hawaii shipment's flame wrasse did not arrive.
  8. it's fine. the skin is not peeling off. that is the colouration. the non-green patches are part of the pattern and when the coral expands, it appears bigger. a very very healthy piece!
  9. or should i wait for tinkeri? or get both? since iwarna has such good price for both. anyway a plethora of tinkeri in the wild. so beautiful the first photo is my absolute favourite.
  10. My C. declivis coming tomorrow. Hope it's the yellow variant, small/medium, and healthy.
  11. PBT in that tank size? good luck. and i see white spots on it. only a matter of time before it submit it's IC. sorry to be so negative. but keeping a PBT in a tank this size is just unrealistic. other than that, looks ok. and that moon wrasse is going to outgrow your tank very quickly too.
  12. what do they eat? i only know they are planktonic filter feeders that trap food in their arms and move them to the mouth. their feet also can trap food in the sticky mucus and then flick it to their arms and eat it. sounds like cyclopeeze does a good job?
  13. first photo is not considered alpha yet. this one iwarna shipment still can get just very rare only. but still obtainable. the other two photos are out of our leage for now. hopefully yours grow till like that.
  14. a bigger picture of Pseudanthias flavicauda. gorgeous male from fiji.
  15. Pseudanthias parvirostris. the sunset anthias. another beauty with great potential. here some beautiful males.
  16. more pictures of alpha male Pseudanthias randalli. Gorgeous anthias but sadly only very large alpha males of the randall's anthias posess such colouration.
  17. so many rare anthias that don't even have proper photos except for holotype. one example is Pseudanthias mooreanus. this is slightly better. Pseudanthias fucinus
  18. Pseudanthias engelhardi beautiful! looks like a cross between rubrizonatus and randall.
  19. some old pictures of shepardi and rusty flames the 2nd one abit too red. i'm thinking it could be a normal flame.
  20. My current favourite ad. HAHAHAHA. look at how the girl in the pink shirt dances.
  21. Today my friends and I cooked 120 prawns in a little seoul garden soup pot. the soup was so extremely delicious but i officially HATE prawns now.

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