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Everything posted by yikai

  1. my favourite fairy wrasse. Cirrhilabrus marjorie
  2. think he got it from CF. recently there have been no colini shipments except for one at CF i saw recently. aunty said someone reserved so i'm guessing its him. anyway colini angel will do very well in your tank juuniz. it's so peaceful and have overhangs and some caves, which colini angel will certainly adore. it looks very healthy too!
  3. no that's not girdled wrasse.. this is girdled wrasse. Cirrhilabrus balteatus. looks similar but different.
  4. those are the planulae larvae. my sun corals spawn often in my old tank and the larvae will attach to your liverock and grow into baby sun corals.
  5. I purchased this scientific journal from aquapress. Article 7 issue 3. inside contains detailed information on the description of C. marjorie and P. rubricaudalis.
  6. even if was very rich, i would still spend my money wisely. IMO i think earlei is really just not worth the money. i will not spend so much for a fairy wrasse since they're so delicate and worst of all, small. if you keep fairy wrasse long enough, you will know they have alot of problems. some are very timid, will hide and never come out. some are very fierce. will kill evreything. some come with internal parasites that can be very difficult to treat. some come with decompression problems that is impossible to treat. some come with internal infections with result from decompression problem which is also impossible to treat. of course one could argue and say if they had the money to spend and love the fish alot, then why not? just that IMO it's not wise to spend 1k on something like that. that's just bodering ridiculous. but spending 1k on an angel, butterfly or other things, YES! i will definitely oblige. so it all boils down to what people want to do with their money and what rare fish excites them. for a fairy wrasse collector, earlei is a must! but the price for a tiny fish is just way too painful and even Dr. Tanaka does not have it because he himself said it's too expensive. Coming from a world renowned fairy wrasse expert!
  7. rosy scale tat time mine was male. but not big alpha male bah. just male. but still can flash.
  8. no. i had a rosy scale and a pylei together. the pylei killed the rosy scale. i keep all of them before bah. rubriventralis is very shy. anything can kill it.
  9. dun be ridiculous. i'll never spend 1k+ on a deep water wrasse that can just die from decompression anytime. moreover even if i had to spend 1k+ on a fish, it will definitely not be earlei. so small and not worth the money. i rather interruptus or WI, or even a sanguineus hog. and earlei keep 1 not nice. a pair or trio would be nicer and better but forget it. way too expensive. rhomboids already so difficult to get healthy ones. anyway earlei not so easy to get. doesn't mean you want means can get. if you interested i need to email atsumi and ask when is their next stock on palau shipments and then bring it in for you and whoever else that wants it.
  10. earlei.......... wow. one is like 1k+++. very gorgeous and beautiful.
  11. Hates it when your spoon drops into your soup

  12. those are just examples. there are plenty others of very fierce fairy. sometimes even the peaceful ones can get very fierce. here's a list of all the fierce one you can avoid in future. they may be peaceful in bigger tanks but in a 3ft tank, they are very aggressive. some of the below i tried before. roseafascia rosy scale laboutei lineatus temminkii punctatus pylei scotts whip fin i heard red margin and girdled also quite fierce.
  13. no... there are some fairy wrasses that are very fierce. like scotts, roseafascia, lineatus, pylei, rosy scale etc. ggenerally hooded, flame wrasse, rhomboids these are ok. but amongst each other, flame wrasse is more timid than hooded and rhomboid is more timid than flame wrasse. so sometimes can have a little arguement within the three also. that means in the three types you have, the order of aggressiveness is hooded >flame > rhomboid. since flame and hooded same colour and you have two flames, there's sure bound to be some kind of arguement. 3-4 flame back... that will leave you 3-4 left. still too many IMO but if you really like then i won't stop you. just letting you know that flame backs are very aggressive.
  14. dont anyhow put so many male fairy wrasse together. they will either fight until 1 is dead, or keep showing aggression until 1 revert back to female. either way you still lose out. you buy male fairy at male price (= more ex), then if die (you lose money), or if become female, you also lose money coz female cheaper. buy 1 male and either leave it as 1 male, or buy more females for it. also don't buy too many fairies that look the same. flame, aussy hooded, vanuatu hooded. they tend to fight and also won't be so impactful with so many similarly coloured ones. flame is very very timid and in your tank full of aggressive fish, you might want to remove the more aggressive ones. also the flame back i suggest 1 or 2. they are aggressive, being members of the argi complex. the flame angel also. if can, keep 1 only. this is another territorial dwarf angel. in future when you add your colini and venustus, these 2 will give you hell and colini and venustus are extremely shy. you can forget about keeping these 2. so i suggest keeping one of all your dwarf angels. only pair the one you really really like.
  15. Paracheilinus mccoskeri Not a new comer to the hobby, and a staple flasher wrasse worldwide, the Mccosker flasher wrasse boast of two different regional colour forms. the more commonly encountered one is the first photo. commonly found in Maldives. the other rarer one is the African variant, with an entirely red anal fin and tail. gorgeous. never seen the African one before.
  16. Yet another exciting new comer to our hobby is this unidentified fairy wrasse. Cirrhilabrus sp. It is closely related to Cirrhilabrus bathyphilus, the hooded wrasse. This gorgeous specimen originates from Tonga and is sometimes called the Nahackyi wrasse. Photo credited by Dr. H. Tanaka, as well as reefers in RC.
  17. Cirrhilabrus marjorie. Cirrhilabrus marjorie is endemic only to Fiji. They live in harems like most other fairys, and stay relatively small. Males are gorgeously coloured with red and white. The white belly will display some horizontal stripes. A cute little pink spot is present on the nape. now flooding the market worldwide. the first picture shows the cover page for the original report in which C. marjorie was described. Of course should know by now that C. marjorie was described by Bruce Carlson and Allen, and named after Carlson's wife, Marj. Marjorie is my favourite fairy wrasse since i've come to know about it. I mean come on look at it. 2nd picture shows a male in the wild with a superimposed picture of a female. Look at the male. Dorsal fin erected, tail is closed, ventral fins tucked in, it looks like it's flashing. But why are the colours still same? Unless it's just swimming quickly. Maybe the nuptial colours for Marjorie is same as it's normal colouration. just abit more intensified. Normal cirrhilabrus will exhibit white or blue metallic patches while flashing. anyway 3rd photo is how all C. marjorie will arrive. This is their fright colour and the whole fish will turn orange, even the white belly. This will lead many aquarist to think that Marjorie is a rubbish fish upon shipment, and luckily for those who know what Marjorie looks like, they will snap them up quickly before the colours revert to normal and everyone will make a hoo ha over it's obvious beauty. and finally the last photo is how a healthy, active marjorie will look like after being acclimated from shipping. the 3rd photo and the male in 4th photo are the same specimen. This ends my short description on (IMO), the most beautiful fairy wrasse in the world. A gorgeous Fijian endemic that stays rather small, peaceful, with colours that not many will appreciate. But nonetheless, an exciting new comer to the hobby! Photo credited to Dr. H. Tanaka.
  18. no iwarna one is not katherinae. katherin has 3 bands. green, red, green
  19. Cirrhilabrus rubriventralis 2nd picture from Red Sea. Very very rare with entirely red ventral fins. First picture commonly encountered in the trade with black and red ventral fins.
  20. in the temminckii complex, there are four valid confirmed species. those are Cirrhilabrus balteatus Cirrhilabrus katherinae Cirrhilabrus punctatus Cirrhilabrus temminckii Balteatus is from Marshalls, Katherinae from Japan, Temminckii from Japan as well as Philippines So then all the other intermediate complex originating from Indonesia and Philippine, i have no idea what they are.
  21. then there's a bunch of unidentified fairy wrasses that were labelled as C. katherinae. only the last photo is C. katherinae. the first 3 i dunno..
  22. Cirrhilabrus katherinae similar to the true temminckii, but has a green band on the dorsal region, followed by a red band then a green belly. my favourite of all the temminckii complex. one very good method for differentiating different fairy wrasses from similar complex is the way they flash. every different species of Cirrhilabrus will exhibit different nuptial colours. no 2 species will have the same colours and patterns while flashing. anyway here's a harem of female katherin's fairy. and a male.
  23. still there. i keep 2 in a tank just incase any of us decide to go and get it hahaha. anyway temminckii very fierce lah. i dun wan.
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