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Everything posted by yikai

  1. what plant is that? the roots of the cassava (tapioca) plant produces a milkly toxin that possess cyanide too. just that in low dosages.
  2. there are many ways to catch fish. the three most popular techniques are 1) cyanide 2) hand nets 3) mist or barrier nets. for cyanide fishing, potassium or sodium cyanide is sprayed into caves, corals, water and any fish in direct contact will die. fish that are mildly contacted will be stunned and can then be easily collected. cyanide caught fishes rarely survive and almost all will die from organ failure etc. for hand nets, a simple hand ned is used to catch fish swimming in mid water. often, a stick or jet of water is used to chase fish out of hiding and then the net will be used to scoop them up. this method requires alot of skills to execute and can usually only be done on small fishes like wrasse, damsels etc. the mist or barrier net is my favourite technique. a large fence of netting is placed around some coral outcrop or on the seabed, and the fishes are chased into the giant net barrier where they will not be able to escape. then the divers will slowly catch them out from the net and place into their containers. this method can catch all kinds of fish and especially fast moving schooling fishes like tangs, haremic fishes like wrasses, and solitary/paired fishes like large angels and butterflies.
  3. personatus angel is found only in the main islands of hawaii and midway atoll. in the mainland hawaii, they are found extremely deep and divers have to risk their lives catching it. they are also very rare. that's why they are so so so rare to find in our trade, and when caught, they cost a bomb! the second place they are found is in midway atoll, where hawaii meets japan. Midway atoll is where you can find some hawaii fish as well as japanese fish mixing together as this is the "intermediate" point. interruptus and potter's angels can be found here. personatus can also be found in midway atoll, at a much shallower depth and also more commonly found. however cannot catch there because if i'm not wrong, it's a military base, or protected or something like that.
  4. i don't mean the whole world have less than 10, i mean there are to date, only less than 10 that made it into the aquarium trade. because they are very rare and very deep. i think there are 4 in japan, excluding the tiny baby one, total have 5 already. and recently they caught 2 more in Hawaii. i don't know how many exactly there are in the market now. i think digiman would know how many exactly. if there's a chance to see them in the wild, can go diving in midway atoll. they are in shallow water there. and i think youtube got many videos of them in shallow water. really pitiful cannot catch from there since it's not legal. otherwise there would be more for sale, and much cheaper.
  5. u think leh? whole world only less than 10 of these fishes. each costing more than $10k how can it be true? lol.
  6. buy a harem you need to buy new tank also! lol. personatus are huge. and very difficult.
  7. not those kinds lah. the colder water kind. some people dedicate one whole tank for cold water corynactis. those beautiful pink or white colonial kinds. i dunno wat kind of biotope is that. they also have the plumose anemones and other cold water corals.
  8. 25C only if you keeping cold water NPS tank with corynactis and other anemone.
  9. CF often have gorgeous round clumps of halimeda for sale. not all the time.
  10. do you believe this is a "new" species of damsel? posted quite long ago just never post here in SRC. differentiated from the normal yellow tail demoiselle by the yellow pelvic, anal and soft dorsal fins. Chrysiptera arnazae
  11. give them awhile. some fish can take months before they start feeding.
  12. without a doubt. but too ex. cannot afford. big ones just less interesting.
  13. no. it is a gorgeous fish. just that coz so many news on interruptus lately that it become less special to me already. having seen it in real life 2 times, summore so many pictures flooding the internet now. and if interruptus is cfm coming again in the next few weeks, i think it's enough for me liao.
  14. actually yeah. so much hype over interruptus lately that i've grew over it.
  15. the price is ridiculous. arabian butterfly 700 black tang 2k burgess 700 declivis 700 ventralis 150 princess 250!
  16. omg the declivis. yet another terryz moment! classic. LOL
  17. declivis cost more than the personatus. if personatus really cost that much, i'll tie my mom up and mortgage her house then sell her for spare parts. AND PERSONATUS WILL BE MINE. MUAH HAHAHA
  18. the only ones that are obtainable is the africanus and the joculator. interruptus baby will cost a bomb, hotumatua is unavailable, i've never seen such small bandits before and baby conspics are very rare.
  19. shaking can mean flukes or ich. if it's ich, it will be very dangerous for a tang this size. the consolation is that zebrasoma tangs usually more resistant to ich. but a tang this size, keep your fingers crossed..
  20. no interest in the aussy one. boring.
  21. u know those isopods that get stuck in the heads of peppermint shrimps that give their head a swollen lump? I just found a 1 inch one in the prawn's head i'm eating now for dinner. YUCK GROSS OMG EEW ARGH URGH

  22. oh this from markietan? i used to have a frag and it grew into a colony very very quickly.
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