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Everything posted by yikai

  1. to both of you, yes. you are right. abit blur. i never clicked the picture so i assumed it was the rarer Valenciennea helsdingeni, as V. wardii is common and i disregard it as rare. but yes i saw the picture and it is V. wardii, aka the tiger sand sifting goby as a very ambiguous common name. sorry for the mis understanding
  2. the long tail wrasse like law said is a mis-ID. proven by all 3 of us. it's cebu pylei.
  3. vt snowman, like big bird said. it's not a chelmon mulleri, they only come from australia. that one is a coradion melanopus. the red head wrasse is not an anampses, but a Halichoeres chrysocephalus. and the goby is Valenciennea helsdingeni
  4. i bought it coz it looked like the marquesan flame which is unobtainable.
  5. the extremely rare yet to be properly named pintail fairy. Cirrhilabrus cf. lanceolatus. this is just a temporary scientific name and will be named by dr. senou soon this fish is super rare and may only come once in a lifetime it could also be Cirrhilabrus roseafascia (roseafascia wrasse), or the true japanese lanceolatus wrasse (Cirrhilabrus lanceolatus), or the extremely rare never before captured anywhere in the world purple boned fairy wrasse (Cirrhilabrus blatteus). Blatteus is highly unlikely. there's no record of any live specimen captured before. lanceolatus is also very unikely. it's extremely rare even in japan and only 1-2 specimens caught at any one time. roseafascia is quite likely. common. the pintail, cf. lanceolatus, is also more likely since it's more common than all 4. all 4 above have long tapering sword like tail and are all known as long tail wrasse in one way or another. my guess will be the pin tail or roseafascia.
  6. white spots on your fish is caused by a MICROSCOPIC parasite that cannot be seen. the white spots are caused by the fish's skin reaction to the parasite. the white little bugs on your tank glass are NOT white spots. they are harmless beneficial copepods. stop mixing the two up.
  7. because i like it? it kicks ass compared to your nox, flavicauda, argentatus, coradion and all your ugly angels any day!
  8. omg pls! totally diff. i just saw the flame sleeping. omg it's gorgeous. love it more and more.
  9. WOW GIVE!?!? i wont mind the platinum clowns and will take them. have a nice big anemone for them. but the black tang is too big and i can't appreciate such a fish. so hope you can find a nice home for it and not someone who would just take and re-sell it.
  10. oh i don't take offence to things like this. unlike many people, i prefer flames with lesser bars. the lesser the better. my taste is different and i can't expect everyone to share the same taste as me when judging hybridisation, alot of factors other than colour play apart. anyway, it's a nice fish and i like it alot.
  11. ok here's a few pics of the aberrant flame. last two with female bellus and roseafascia wrasse. i must admit, the middle part is quite yellowish as far as flame goes. but then again, most flames have yellowish middle potions but are blocked by the black bars. anyway as you can see, the shape is so flame angel and so are the colours and fins. only difference is the extreme limited barring.
  12. nah it's not a rare fish geek like me would know in one look if there's shepardi blood. it's just a flame with odd markings. body shape, profile, colouration, finnage is all typical flame. yeah sorry was too engrossed! did not notice you.
  13. i see. ok well i will post a pic either later or tomorrow. but don't want to dissapoint you incase it's not what you imagined it to be.
  14. something cute i stumbled upon!
  15. dun get too excited... it might not be what you're hoping for. it's just a flame with lesser bars is all. i would much rather prefer the real shepardi!
  16. don't count on it. they are super rare. true hawaii flames have lesser bars too. 3-4 usually here's another one for reference. true hawaiian flame being cleaned by a hawaiian cleaner in hawaii.
  17. the power point is a very simple, beginner friendly guide to some of the more commonly kept fishes lah. nothing much. for more detailed questions you can feel free to ask me. cheers.
  18. i will be uploading my power point here for download soon for anyone who is interested in it, and cannot make it for the talk. i hope you keep it to yourself and not distribute it around or claim that it's yours. i know whatever you do outside i cannot control but just hope have some dignity. i spent alot of time on this bear in mind that it's a power point and everything is in point form. alot of details were given out in the actual talk itself so the power point will be just a skeleton.
  19. hi jeremy. for my return i'm using 2x eheim 1264 a deltec SC 2060 a daikin 1HP compressor a deltec pf 601 CR 4x blue ATI T5 to balance the MH 2x 10k BLV bulbs on 2 150W MH. very yellow, hence the T5. that's all.
  20. if it's a real shepardi hybrid i will be shitting bricks. shepardi is a super rare angel from guam and japan and we will never get to see it because no collection. this one is just a regular flame but with very aberrant features. stared for 45 mins wondering if i should get it but it's so unique. there's only 3 bars on each side and the bars are very thin compared to normal. but still cannot compare to the completely red totally barless one from marquesas which is super rare and unobtainable. will post pic either later or tomorrow lah. this guy also very greedy. feeding in the shop, feeding in my betta box.
  21. i have one. 2nd hand one. deltec PF 509. retail price 339, letting go to you at 150. can call me/msn me/sms me/email me if you want. sell you cheap since fren fren. if u dun wan i will sell to other ppl liao
  22. it's entirely orange for those who want to know. only the tail and the border of the fish is blue.
  23. red saddle back, FYI for those who dunno, is not the tiger queen anthias, but the flavoguttatus anthias. Pseudanthias flavoguttatus. anyway the flame hybrid at reborn is NOT a hybrid. i've seen it, and its just a flame angel with a very very abarrent colour pattern. it's very rare to find something like that, but unfortunately, not a hybrid. but i got it anyway. so it's not there anymore. The lemonpeels with the blue spots are not hybrids but juveniles.
  24. yes it is a binotatus. but it's aberrant. i think it's xanthic.
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