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Everything posted by yikai

  1. then buy other fishes.............? there are SO MANY fishes available to you why must you only keep these 5? i don't understand. even if you want a wrasse only tank, there are so many other wrasses for you. stop having the idea that the tank has to be full of one kind of fish. have many fish, but all different fish. then it will be nicer and have more variety.
  2. bloody rare seahorse that is also available on Japan stocklist. Hippocampus coronatus.
  3. some japan fish that is available on japan stocklist that we can bring in. Neosynchiropus ijimai. the super red gorgeous scooter blenny from japan.
  4. i won't if i were you. i personally think it's a stupid idea and you will get bored of it very very quickly. also, a 3ft tank is not big enough to support so many harems. when they flash at the females, they need big swimming space and length so they can display non stop. in a small tank like this, the display will be interrupted and last only a few seconds. you will get bored with only 4 fishes inside there TRUST ME. this is just a passing phase. you're now addicted to wrasses so you want to get so many of the same one. like digi and i said before, like doesn't mean need to have so many of them. one of each or a pair of each is more than enough.
  5. small shipment at iwarna today afternoon. green long tentacle plate corals and cheap indo zoas.
  6. excellent! thanks very much. good luck with your sales! and if you ever plan on selling me the xenia in the distant future just lemme know.
  7. very beautiful tank and scaping. and exquisite taste in fish. gorgeous red sea xenia too! can i have the song you used for the video? what is the title?
  8. if they don't kill each other, yes. putting 3-4 male fairy wrasses together in a small tank is very risky and not a wise idea. female flame wrasses are common and cheaper. don't need to add so many males. what for add a male which is so much more expensive, then morph it into a female which is so much cheaper. and there's a chance they might all fight to death. waste of money, not clever idea.
  9. have a mind of your own. this is your tank and your hobby and your money. keep fishes if you think it's nice and worth buying. what may be nonsense to others may not be nonsense to you and if you really like it, keep it. don't buy or sell something just because everyone else is doing it. take terryz for example. alot of the fishes he likes don't appeal to me or digiman at all but he still keeps them. and alot of the fishes i like does not appeal to terryz, yet i still keep them. the leopards are nice IMO but to me, they are nonsense. nice, but i won't put them in my tank. too common and waste of space. but if you really like them, who cares? all these given to you are just opinions on personal preference for fish. it does not apply to everyone and you should not blindly listen. anyway ups for you and hope you can gather all the fishes that you like, to make an even more beautiful tank.
  10. up to you. you can choose to get a harem or you can choose to keep just one. at the end of the day the results will be the same. if you want a harem of flame/rhomboid to witness them flash and show off to the females, then don't count on it. in your 3ft tank, it's way too small for them to showcase their true courting ritual and the females will all swim around losely and make your tank look very messy. if you want a harem of flame/rhomboid just because they are gorgeous and you want more, then also don't count on it lasting because you will get bored of looking at the same fish over and over again everyday. best is just to keep one male per tank and leave it as it is. they will still flash but not at females, but at other wrasses. and this also gives you space for other fish.
  11. gorgeous photos law! was really fun and the moon cakes lol! send me the one of me holding the eel and the butterfly! but don't post here! just a summary of the shipment the wrought irons were extremely healthy and very very nicely priced. 100 red notes for the medium sized ones and 130 red notes for the small one is unheard of! truly spectacular and the next shipment i will be ready for them. Steven is really the person to look for for rare fishes. the small one went to digiman and i'm sure will be under fantastic care. the other 2 dunno who got them but wish them all the best! the tiny baby dragon moray is extremely rare. almost never are they found in such sizes and it's truly fortunate to be able to see one. to the buyer who wishes to remain anonymous, enjoy your little eel and hope it grows into a magnificent beast! the eel was priced also very attractively and even more worth it than the WI butterflies.
  12. Wrought iron butterflies are one of the easiest butterflies. feeding is not a problem, and these are all feeding on pellets already and are so healthy and inquisitive, they will greet you and nibble your fingers. the only problem most people are afraid of is adaptation and shipping stress. they can adapt to warmer temperatures but must be within reef tank temp, and IMO, best not to exceed 26. the temperature issue is quite debated in reef central but there are many people keeping interruptus and wrought irons at reef temperature. if i were to keep them, ideally i would not exceed 26. just my opinion.
  13. 100 red notes. this price is unbeatable anywhere else. really fantastic fish, fantastic quality and fantastic price.
  14. i can't even begin to agree with you on this. this is the most truthful thing i've heard since the day i was born. besides smoking is bad, no cheating during exams etc. listen to him and me, don't need to get so many. a pair is fine but too many is just bordering insane. like when i heard about your 7 flamebacks, that's just insane and impulsive but i decided not to say anything. think about it this way, at least you get to keep more different things heirachy system does not work in reef tanks. harems, pecking order, groups, are all thrown out of the window in this hobby. in our confined space, it's very difficult to replicate nature unless your tank is thousands of gallons.
  15. 3 Wrought irons and one baby dragon moray eel at LCK. 2.5 inch wrought iron butterfly sold, left 2 medium sized ones around 5 inches? baby dragon moray also sold. i'm so happy and fortunate to be able to see a baby dragon moray and a 2.5 inch wrought iron! congrats to digiman on the butterfly! NOW POST A PICTURE!!!
  16. Had the fortune of holding a 2.5 inch Wrought iron buttefly in my right hand, and a baby dragon moray eel in my left. Though i can't afford either of them, to be holding two of the industries rarest is so fortunate

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. yikai


      yes. as you know, i'm a rare fish nut like digiman but with less buying power. so for me to hold and see is good enough for me and luckily law took a photo of me holding the two animals. i can keep it as remembrance!

    3. AloysiusMun


      Saw your post at ReefCentral. Wow! Beautiful Specimens!

    4. yikai


      haha why go until reefcentral to see? here oso got.

  18. ups for your sales but just FYI, the "yellow spotted leopard" is more commonly called the black leopard wrasse. the "false leopard" is more commonly called the ornate leopard wrasse. that's why i dislike common names so much. beautiful fishes anyway but why selling?
  19. a vanuatu flame wrasse by a member in RC. it's a nahacky wrasse! so are vanuatu flames really nahacky?
  20. all i read in this post was AT. gratz! finally bit the bullet.
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