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Everything posted by yikai

  1. 3rd foto. that stonefish thingy. ahbeng have few days ago.
  2. only appear one time in LCK. steven brought it in and retailed for 28 red notes. this is a very very difficult fish like most other wrasses in it's genus. but if acquire healthy one and fed with praziquantel, it will make a great addition to any reef. feminine wrasse is on iwarna's vanuatu stocklist but is very difficult to obtain and after being on the list for 7 years, never appear. it is also available in australia but being very rare, only steven from LCK can bring in. here's a picture from my friend who bought the first and last anampses femininus that LCK brought in.
  3. very rare dwarf lionfish from hawaii. they call it the green fuzzy dwarf lion. rightfully so because it is greenish!
  4. i just caught 1. my roseafascia was flashing at one of the 5 and the bartlett jumped out by a narrow 1 inch gap in my egg crate and landed on the eggcrate. i was there to witness and transferred into my sump. good roseafascia! thanks! i got 2 more sps over the weekend. i like the green slimer. very nice.
  5. cannot find the picture haha! what is zanzibar? zanzibar butterfly? chaetodon zanzibarensis?
  6. another one in LA's display tank. check out also the harem of Choat's leopard wrasse (Macropharyngodon choati) and brief glimpses of a giant red tail flasher wrasse (Paracheilinus rubricaudalis)
  7. 8am hawaii @ iwarna tomorrow. Angels - Flavicauda angel - lemonpeel - flame - potteri - goldflake Tangs - AT - YT - kole eye - chevron Wrasses - Flame wrasse (3M 9F) - christmas - blue cleaner - rainbow cleaner Anthias - bartlett - ventralis
  8. aunty say eating pellets and mysis and everything. i never try. ytd put in, went into the sand liao. i also want a male. gorgeous man but cannot get one. today i will be catching out my parvulus, bartletts and randalls. can't stand all these nonsense fish. dunno why i buy. bartletts too fierce, one is already a full male now. the randalls im getting bored of them and the parvulus i'm giving away to someone who has a school of 30!
  9. if your bluering is so fierce then i don't suggest adding the bandit. imagine a cheap fish killing a rare expensive fish..
  10. yup gorgeous! both males, but show no fighting so it's good. the bigger one on the left has a nice pattern on one of it's side. from the colouration, probably from Marshall islands or surrounding nearby islands where flames are more orangey.
  11. i examined every specimen to find a potential replacement but none suited the criteria. there are some quite unique ones but not unique enough to justify a purchase IMO and still i still categorised them as normal flame. there was one with stripes alternating from long and short, in total 4 stripes. but still looked quite normal and not shepardi like IMO. but all the flames are very beautiful though. for me, flame angel is one the very very few fishes i will not consider nonsense and ugly. even a normal, standard, run of the mill flame angel is beautiful in my opinion and i will not dismiss the thought of buying a perfectly normal looking one. although it's in my presonality to go for something more unique and less commonly seen, a flame angel is one such exception. one of the nicest marine fishes out there.
  12. ok lemme try to help you cool guy. bandit angels come from the genus Apolemichthys which is one of the touchier genus as far as angelfishes go. this genus include the flagfin, goldflake, bandit amongsts others. most are quite sensitive and usually won't feed readily but still managable. the bandit angel is extra tough because for it's association with deep waters in the reefs of hawaii. this means that very often they will suffer from decompression problems because of the depths they are in, or from infection due to poor decompression techniques. a bandit angel with typical signs of breaking down will include reddening and swelling on it's belly (signs of infection which indicates poor needling technique for decompression), or darkening of the flank which indicates stress, and of course a general unhealthy appearance. another factor to consider is temperature. although some reefers i know keep them without a chiller, a cooler temperature will help facilitate your bandit angel into captivity better. bandits are shy and require big tank. in your tank there are already plenty of big angels and some of the more aggressive ones like queen, africanus, king etc might give your bandit a hard time and run for it's money. although i speak from textbook information and not from personal knowledge, i can only help you this far and my guess would be it can be difficult adding a bandit into a tank with your current scenario. i'm not saying it's impossible though. i shall stop here and let others who have personally tried bandit or has better experience than me, to chime in or correct me.
  13. some dwarf angels will change sex but not as easily and readily as clowns. to sex flame angels, females have a rounded anal fin with less blue and males have a sharply pointed anal fin with more blue. the flames in the LED tank with the goldflake is gorgeous. the biggest flame angel i've ever seen!
  14. i'm not an expert in angel but that's alot of angels and some can get quite belligerent. maybe you can ask bigbird or bigbigfish for help.
  15. for those wondering what a Belonoperca chabanaudi and a Cirrhitops fasciatus look like, here are some photos from the net. first two photos are B. chabanaudi and the last 2 photos are C. fasciatus.
  16. i've examined the flame angel pairs at CF. i don't think they are pairs. just placed together with no fighting. the sexes are all males.
  17. hope steven can bring in. most probably he can and we can see johnsoni in the near future!
  18. anyway at CF - very healthy pellet eating bandit. 3-4 inch - large goldflake angel. seriously large. - flame angels - lemon peel - potter's angel - fisheri angel - helfrichi firefish - female bellus angels, very big - female watanabe angels - female caudovittatus angel and a half morphed one - a medium sized very rare Belonoperca chabanaudi, also known as the arrow head soapfish. - a very uncommonly imported Cirrhitops fasciatus hawkfish from Hawaii. Reserved but only for a few days. LCK - peppermint shrimps, tons of them - flame angels - true personifer - scribbled angel - cebu pylei wrasse - some hooded left
  19. !! so ugly. don't post here. anyway i did not buy those.
  20. did you even try putting the scientific names i given you into google? THOSE are the wrasses. you need to be less lazy and more clear if you want to find something fast. i think you're just asking for fun.
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