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Everything posted by yikai

  1. hi. was told that the bandit was pellet feeding at CF. perhaps aunty heard me ask the wrong fish and thus, the mis-communication. sorry for the inconvenience caused
  2. reefbuilders is having a competition for US reefers. who can correctly identify the most rare fish in bluehabour's rare fish tank gets to win 2 amazing books. omg this is the easiest contest ever and i bet if they hold it for southeast asia, we could easily win the books!
  3. C. meyeri x C. reticulatus hybrid appear in japan. cannot keep so those with any ideas brewing, better steer clear.
  4. That it! no more nonsense fish like bartletts and other rubbish. put in liao, fight, regret, then cannot take out. grr

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. cedricang


      That will be another valuable info which you have learnt and share with future reefres.

    3. orsony


      I can help you to catch if u dun mind to rescape

    4. tiger6222


      no need to catch.. bcoz end of the day only the winner will survive in the tank. (at least my experience)...hehehe

  5. i dunno. this kind of thing too little in captivity and whatever is caught is probably some guy from the ocean collecting himself. so no one knows. but i think can. man of war is actually not a jellyfish. but clowns have been found hosting inside them also.
  6. A rare and gorgeous fish that lives symbiotically with the portugese man of war. Nomeus gronovii http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_On_guX9WI&feature=related
  7. iwarna and ahbeng occasionally have. 1-2 inch. big ones very rare and only henry used to bring in.
  8. i think even if come i also dunno how to identify from the normal chromis. lol
  9. i think even if the flavicauda had scales made of sapphire, he also will find some excuse. lol.
  10. so cute. the little dorsal fin in that video looks like a pilgrim's hat
  11. two very cute and beautiful wrasses from western australia yet again. Parodax caninus. male, and a displaying male.
  12. yah don't forget the equally useless red sea suppliers. dont know how reefers can go nuts over purple tang.....asfur........sohal.......semilarvatus..... COME ON! after 10000 years of these aren't you sick of them? the next purple tang i see i'm going to throw up. where's red sea flasher!? where's paucifcasciatus!? where's the kluzinger wrasse!? and dont forget our africa supplier oso cannot get attenuatus.
  13. zanzibar looks like plebius without blue, looks like andamanensis with a black spot and looks like a speculum without the black! looks so interesting and it's very rare.
  14. dunno wat it was but ahbeng had it. ahbeng also came in that stone fish that looks grey. but the pectoral fins are orange and yellow. look like a butterfly!
  15. not the real temminckii. both are just temminckii complex. first one is rarer. 2nd one common.
  16. omg blackburnii, tonozukai, armitagei, moestus etc etc. someone kill me please coz i must be dreaming. and the somali butterfly! somali and selene are 2 butterflies i want to see in real life.
  17. did not make it though. died from internal parasitic problems. ate but never grow fat. that's why it is mandatory to put all anampses wrasses, leopard wrasse, deep water fairy wrasse through prazi treatment.
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