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Everything posted by yikai

  1. ok. next time if pictilis come again i'll try. the males are really gorgeous. anyway a cute little juvenile sunburst anthias. very rare to see them in this state of growth.
  2. so discouraging. but i love the back portion of pictilis. it's really very very beautiful.
  3. Pseudanthias parvirostris. the Sunset anthias. got two, one male and one female. i very seldom see males and males are very gorgeous. sunset anthias prefer to hover around caves and are not as active and fast swimming as bartletts. the males are a beautiful deep orange with lilac fins and outlines. there is a little mark on the forehead that resembles the sunburst anthias. the pictures do not do justice to the male. male sunset anthias are very beautiful and the lilac outlines are actually very gorgeous when they glow in actinics. this is the best i can do. parvirostris anthias are definitely not nonsense fish!
  4. ok jon u really need to use punctuation marks. very difficult to read. sure. you can invite me and digi over if you want. i know what flukes look like as one of my fish have them now. but as long as the fish is feeding well and keep your parameters right, flukes will not be a problem. the deadly one is gill flukes which can rupture the thin blood vessels in the gills and cause the fish to suffocate. da jin xiao guai means like, freak out and make a big deal over somethign that isn't serious. sometimes in the hobby it is important to be da jin xiao guai, but sometimes. no.
  5. fishes if healthy and in good water parameters regenerate very quickly. not only wrasses. torn fins can heal overnight if the damage is not severe. more severe torn fins can heal in a few days. don't waste your prazi. flukes are only susceptible to prazi when exposed and bathed in it. feeding prazi soaked food will have almost no effect on body flukes. it is good for ridding internal parasites though.
  6. dosing phyto everyday will encourage growth of them.
  7. no. it it's not flashing. it is flaring. flaring means expanding it's fins fully and swimming. it looks like it's flashing but there is no major change in colour. sometimes when flaring, the colour will intensify and deepen. but as along as there is no white colouration or change in colour, it is not flashing. hooded wrasses will display change in colouration and display of white to light purple colour when flashing.
  8. flicking could be due to flukes also. wrasses are very disease resistant and when get white spots, they recover very quickly and usually repel other disease like flukes and ich.
  9. vanuatu shipment will delay one. when it is CONFIRM 100% then i let you know. till then if you don't hear anything from me or iwarna, then not confirm. not all fairy wrasses will exhibit white or lavender colours when flashing. some fairy wrasses will just deeply intensify their colours with minimal or absence of white pigment. some examples are scott's fairy, laboutei, marjorie and a few others. their colours will intensify alot and look very gorgeous. but no white colours with "emition of light" some, on the other hand, will turn entirely white and looks like they are emitting light. such as rosyscale (pictured above), condei, katherinae, sanguineus and some others.
  10. it's not an albino i think. from the size, it's a very small juvenile and looks very skinny. could be stressed so badly until the colour faded to white. not uncommon with tangs. anyway even if it's an albino, i'm not a fan of unicorn tangs. so maybe someone else can go get it if they like.
  11. 6.30 am if i'm not wrong. go later to be safe.
  12. fairy wrasses will flash when they are excited. a group of females will excite them. that's why males will flash at females to get their attention. other male wrasses will also excite them. but not in a sexual way, but in a competitive way. sometimes two or different kinds of fairies will engage in a flash off and swim around the tank displaying their flashing colours. i remember when i was at greencloud's house, his exquisite, condei, red margin and flame wrasses were all flashing at the same time, chasing each other around his tank. but the tank size plays a big part. in small tanks, they cannot flash properly as they need long swimming space to properly swim and display. in small tank, they can only flash for 1-2 seconds and then stop. long tanks they can actually continue flashing for 1-2 minutes as they cruise around your tank.
  13. rosyscale wrasse also turns almost entirely white and glowy when it flashes. this one when flash is very gorgeous especially under T5. but sadly, the non-flashing state is quite ugly. 2nd picture by LaW from SRC.
  14. the lineatus wrasse shows one of the more dramatic colour change while flashing. compare first picture and 2nd picture. when flashing, dorsal and anal fins turn bright white, tail turns red and pectoral fins turn orange.
  15. watching fairy wrasses change from normal colours to nuptial colours actually very amazing. i think i will start one thread later to show all the different fairies flashing.
  16. Found it. here's an aussy hooded flashing before mating with a female. the dorsal region closer to the tail turns brilliant purple. your hooded looks bigger so when it really flash, it probably will turn out nicer.
  17. belly turn white is normal when semi- excited. when it's fully flashing, you will see the top half of the body turn purple and the belly turn bright orange. i think i posted a picture of australian hooded flashing before somewhere but can't seem to find it. aussy hooded and vanuatu hooded flash differently. have not seen a vanuatu hooded flash before. every fairy wrasse flashes differently and it's very exciting to see how each and everyone of them flash.
  18. it isn't flashing. it's just swimming with it's fins opened up. when hooded flash, the body turns light purple. lavender colour.
  19. if you can catch it i want it.
  20. Don't you think the Pictilis anthias is very beautiful? Famed for it's difficulty, but if they ever pop up again i might want to try. In this video you can see a gorgeous pictilis anthias swimming and eating with other fishes in the Georgia aquarium. also a large male Lamarck's angelfish.
  21. a trio and a pair of Pseudanthias pictilis. Gorgeous but very big and difficult to keep.
  22. Pseudanthias flavicauda in captivity. not nice, can get nicer with gorgeous potential!
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