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Everything posted by yikai

  1. yes it is found in hawaii, very deep water. colour combination is similar to bimaculatus hog but cannot compare. sanguineus is just way way too gorgeous!
  2. yes it's gorgeous. i remember digiman's one was very nice and i want it alot! but the price. ouch.
  3. it's a passing phase. my tank initially also like this. and have alot of problems. remember i had a pair of multibar and venustus? both pairs just MIA also. but now the tank is stable liao and so much better. coraline even started growing everywhere.
  4. stumped also. do water change and pray lor.
  5. wat u mean growth and tumours? did you dose anything in your tank? like furan or any medication? growth and tumours may be cancer. yes. fish can get cancer too. serious
  6. ok. thinking of selling it. my MH is too bright it doesn't really like swimming in the front. it's in my sump now in the fish compartment with liverocks and it's soo much happier there. very dim.
  7. u want to buy my aggressively feeding venustus?
  8. no chalices. i absolutely dislike them. i like big soft corals or LPS that sway and give the tank a more harmonious look. softies i like - xenia - yellow fijian sarcophyton - nephthea - capnella - cespitularia - tubipora musica - i like GSP also but i'm not adding them since my hammer and octo are already so green. as you can see from the video my tank is in dire need of anything else BUT green. LPS - euphyllia because they're so flowy and nice. - lobophyllia. funny, i dislike meaty corals like prata and brains, but lobos are just so nice. - cataphyllia jardinei, otherwise known as the elegance coral. also have a soft spot for this. because of my choice of fish (butterflis/angels), i cannot keep too many LPS. i'm only restricted to elegance and euphyllias because they are very resistant to nipping. fleshy LPS like brains, prata, lobos are just buffet waiting to happen. then for SPS - they all look the same, so whatever also i take. so long as colour easy to maintain and hardy. for montipora i dislike the encrusting kind.
  9. thank you!! (-: post a video of your tank oso. i like to see big butterflies and angels swimming.
  10. a quarantine tank running on normal seawater will not cure the disease. but it will give you chance to feed the fish, get them accustomed, and notice for any disease outbreak. once the fish in your qt have disease, you can then go for treatment. either run copper or hyposalinity. (for white spots) run copper (for velvet) use formalin (for brooklynella)
  11. will update with another video when the tank matures. need to stock up on corals first. quality SPS might be coming this weekend, says a little birdy. tweet tweet tweet...
  12. its a pig and a gangster. this is not even half the size it can grow up to lor. roseafascia attain max size at 9 inches including the long tail. mine is only just starting to develop it's tail and will take another few months before it elongates.
  13. the main flow created is from the 2 returns by the 1264 and also the 2 x 6105. i have a 6045 and 6025 for dead spots. these are 2 small wavemakers from my old tank. don't want to sell so i use for dead spots. i also have a 6055 but it's with RD for repair. i still think flow is not enough so i'm still thinking of adding another bigger wavemaker.
  14. thanks. too bad not all the fishes cooperated and showed up in the video. and too little corals. does it look like a FOWLR?
  15. i made a video of my tank. there's still not much corals so pardon the empty look. hope you like it. sorry for the low quality. you can watch in 480p if you don't mind the slight lag.
  16. the finger can get but i've not seen one with this colour before.
  17. a simple glass or plastic tank will be sufficient. a skimmer is optional. run filtration media such as hang on back filters or air stone sponge filters. if your quarantine tank is for observation and conditioning, run it at normal strength sea water and some PVC pipes. if adding dwarf angels and/or butterflies, a few pieces of liverock is reccomended. if your quarantine tank is for disease treatment, then a bare tank is best. no liverocks and no livesand. if you intend to use copper, measure copper levels and it's safer to use chelated copper rather than ionic. if treating dwarf angels or butterflies, i don't reccomend copper but if you using, go for chelated ones. if you are running hyposalinity, seawater should be around sg 1.011 to 1.014. keep it at this level for around 4 weeks and after that, slowly acclimate your fish back to normal seawater for about 1 week. no mater what quarantine tank you are running, regular water changes is the most important to keep ammonia low. use aged seawater either from saltmix or from NSW. if running hypo, adjust the salinity. best to do water changes once every 2 days or so and always check for ammonia.
  18. the light green leather i got before. it's Sarcophyton ehrenberghi and you were suppose to collect it from me before i decom my tank. but you too busy cannot find time so i threw it away because i had to clear my stock ASAP. got it from CF.
  19. even more unlikely. H. cyanocephalus is from the atlantic and carribean regions. CF don't carry any carribean fishes and it's been a very long time since they had carribean fish.
  20. copperbands are not hardy at all. they are very touchy and are difficult to feed. healthy specimens will begin feeding sooner or later but overall this fish rates abysmal. just friendly advice even though the post is so long ago.
  21. CF does not carry red sea fishes from red sea shipment. their red sea fishes are parallel imported from somewhere. so unlikely it's flavivertex (sunrise) dottyback, but it's not impossible. if it looks like this means it is the sunrise dottyback.
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