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Everything posted by yikai

  1. This is the 3rd variant of the Hooded Wrasse. This variant is found in Southern Vanuatu, in Tanna Island. It resembles very closely the 2nd variant, with a distinct red hood and a yellowish/orange body. however, there is an extra red band that tapers from the hood all the way to the tail. like a smudge.
  2. This is variant 2 of the Hooded Wrasse. This variant originates from Vanuatu. As you can see, the head is red and the rest of the body is usually yellowish/orangy. the red head in contrast to the rest of the body gives it a "hooded" appearance. Hence the name.
  3. for Hooded wrasse, it is a little bit more complicated. Hooded wrasse (Cirrhilabrus bathyphilus) exist in three variants. Variant 1 - from the Coral sea, Australia. Variant 2 - from Vanuatu. Variant 3 - from Southern Vanuatu. This is variant 1 of the hooded wrasse. The one orginating from the Coral Sea and Australia. Hooded wrasses from these area are red throughout. the fins are rosy pink.
  4. This is the flame wrasse. It is found only in hawaii shipments as it is endemic to Hawaii. this means that it is found no where else in the world. the scientific name is Cirrhilabrus jordani. body is yellow with red fins and red upper body. males have 2 red lines across the eye. flame wrasses have very round fins and no forked or diamond tail.
  5. in future please post in the LFS update thread and not make a new thread for the fish you are looking for. that's the whole idea of the LFS update thread.. red sea orchid dottybacks are unavailable now. only captive bred ones are available. contact fuel.
  6. yours is definitely crispa.... the blue tips... purple is very seldom see. could be dyed.
  7. RCT is breeding angels again!!! hallelujah! colini bandit interruptus debelius multicolor flame lemonpeel fisheri multibar fisdher x resplendent hybrid and they are going to be breeding something new!
  8. OMG!! the VERY VERY VERY EXTREMELY rare cousin of grissingeri goby on youtube!
  9. hi. i not selling until one is feeding. then i will let go the other one. if you really want it i will keep you in mind. i forgot the price as i bought it with other things. tomorrow let me check and let u know.
  10. dainichi iwarna also got sell. as for brine, it's good to get fish started feeding. especially live brine. but nutritonal value is very low, almost nothing.
  11. i bought 2 to experiment and put at iwarna's shop for the time being. both of mine are very very healthy and are showing interest in mysis. considering they just arrived. that's excellent as far as regal angels go. size around 3 inch, biggest 4 inch. ahbeng still have some. some are less healthy and succumbed to shipping stress. there are a few others that look good. i can only keep 1 regal so whichever feeds first in iwarna will be the one i take and the other will be put there for sale at same price i bought.
  12. yes there are so many nice fish that i cannot buy now because i'm not working. wrought iron butterfly sanguineus hog fish fuscipinnis anthias bandit angel conspic angel and so many more. all these are fish i want to own but need many many many months of saving. so now i can only settle for semi-rare fish or extremely rare fish that are affordable. most of the rare fishes i owned are chanced upon by accident and sold cheaply because of the accidentle or unkown import. such as roseafascia fairy, beauperryi wrasse. then i also only can buy rare but affordable fish like my marginalis butterfly, declivis butterfly, multilineatum basslet. and i don't only love rare fish lah haha. that's quite a misconception. although i seem to pay less attention to cheaper and common fish, my love and interest lie in all marine fish. i will never author a book. i cannot sit through writing stuff lah. maybe i will be an adventurer or explorer when i grow up haha.
  13. this is an even rarer red tail basslet. also unidentified and super rare and gorgeous!
  14. like i said, they are very common. just unnamed only. cave basslet is Liopropoma mowbrayi from the atlantic.
  15. check out what the larvae of Liopropoma basses look like! check out the dramatic dorsal spines!!!! the drawing is of a real specimen and the 2nd photo shows a dead one with broken spines.
  16. i found two unidentified liopropoma at ahbeng today. the first one is called the yellow-tail basslet. it's unidentified and has no proper scientific name. as of now, it's called Liopropoma sp. quite common but notoriously difficult and always succumb to decompression maladies. the second one is un-named, and is too, an unidentified basslet with no proper scientific name. as of now, it's also called Liopropoma sp. sp stands for species. this particular one resembles very closely, the One-lined basslet, Liopropoma latifasciatum. no pictures of mine but both look exactly the same as these.
  17. Alpha male Pseudanthias randalli in captivity. the males are gorgeous and are maintained in a male to female harem of ratio 1:3. in this guy's tank, there's 3 males and 9 females.
  18. omg im so jealous of dr tanaka! he has just obtained a Rabaulichthys suzukii from cebu.
  19. no la lol. then again dunno. i ask victor? this walt smith shipment oso no fish. no no marjorie and no rubrimarginatus etc.
  20. CHECK OUT THE AMAZING CORAL REEF SURROUNDING WALT SMITH'S INTERNATIONAL FACILITY. for those who have facebook, can add him as friend and see the amazing photos.
  21. Check out walt smith's corals in their facility. LOOK AT THIS AMAZING MAGNIFICENT ANEMONE!
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