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Everything posted by yikai

  1. unlikely new tank syndrome. 6 months is enough for a tank to mature properly provided he has taken the proper steps and precaution. yellow wrasse is very easy and if have a proper sandbed, won't die to easily. same for radiant. the leopard is abit harder.
  2. vanuatu hooded wrasse in an unexcited state. 2nd photo shows it in it's excited state (excited, not flashing). tail becomes red with a blue margin, dorsal fin becomes red. i wonder what it looks like when it's flashing.
  3. digiman, blue spot lemonpeels from Vanuatu and an ugly aberrant bicolor. the 3rd picture is stunning!
  4. wait for next time lor! i also want to get it but only have one. and i'm in no rush for it. CF will bring in again hopefully!
  5. Cirrhilabrus bathyphilus. The hooded wrasse. this variant comes from Northern-middle part of Vanuatu around Efate island. The hood is red and is a clear and distinct cut from the orange body. One of my absolute favourite fishes and i've been waiting so so long for them. Not a very old species, this is a relatively new wrasse described by Randall and Nagareda in 2002. Less than 10 years only. Must thank bro lcf425 for letting me have it even though he went earlier. A special thanks and i'm very grateful. When the Australian variant of the hooded wrasse came in such huge quantities, i controlled and waited for the Vanuatu one. Only 2 specimens came and i was a little late, but thank you again bro lcf425 for letting me have it.
  6. Cirrhilabrus naokoae Naoko's fairy wrasse. Described by Randall and Tanaka. Dr. Hiroyukia Tanaka named this fish after his wife, Naoko. females are ridiculously rare in the trade and are almost never shipped in.
  7. The Rose Island Dottyback (Pseudoplesiops rosae) is being brought in by CF. saw one at CF today and a few last week but all gone by now. It's a rarely imported species and is very uncommon and rare in the trade. those looking for it can keep a look out as it's a new species being brought in by CF!
  8. LCK have a few girdled wrasse - Cirrhilabrus balteatus some small laboutei's fairy - Cirrhilabrus laboutei and many very nice terminal phased fine spotted fairy (vila) wrasse. terminal phase males quite rare, they have a bright yellow line across the body. - Cirrhilabrus punctatus
  9. yes he already have some. but my guess is common ones. debelius cfm dun have. if have will make big news liao, anyway if have still must wait few years.
  10. tanaka's roseafascia. his is very peaceful and graceful according to him. im jealous over his one's temperament, not beauty and his rhomboid.
  11. wat grade sand are you using? anything above grade 2 will kill them. in fact, i only suggest grade 0 and 1. grade 2 is abit of a stretch and they can suffer serious injuries long term.
  12. roseafascia in the sump :) naoko and beauperryi enjoying tranquility

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. kueytoc


      Sigh !...their freight bill all covered liao.

    3. yikai


      peace - that's a pity! naokos are indestructable and very hardy. if die, means handling fault.

      aloysious - you need to know what to look out for. having a good knowledge on fish will enable you to find these gems hidden amongst other common ones.

      terryz - yes.

      kueytoc - :(

    4. AloysiusMun


      Ah... So it just means a sharp eye and good knowledge! =)

  13. wait for you to obtain these two picasso regal and barless regal haha. i think one in the world only..
  14. if lck come small yellow belly regals, i will buy. those two at iwarna either i donate to them or put there and sell lor. anyway the more i have = higher chances at least 1 will feed. then the rest can sell away.
  15. Here's some of the angels that RCT was breeding. multicolour resplendent multibar bandit flame fisheri interruptus debelius colini resplendent x fisheri
  16. it will take many years before we will be able to get angels from RCT. as they do not have most if not all of their broodstock, they will have to start re-aquiring them. RCT was famous for breeding the ultra rare debelius angel, resplendens and the resplenden x fisheri hybrid. the original pair of debelius was given to john coppolino but unfortunately, the pair died during shipping. to re-aquire not just one, not two, but a pair of debelius will be very very difficult and will definitely need to take some time. not to mention acquiring all their broodstock again if they do not already have them. they also need to condition all their broodstock and make them feed their special blend of food which will induce spawning. all these will need to take alot of time. as you know, pairs of angels wont start spawning immediately. they need to be very stable, very well fed etc. singapore is right at the bottom of the waiting list. so have to entertain big players like japan and the US first. and each batch of angels will take so long to breed from egg to sellable size, not to mention on top of the pre-waiting i've mentioned before. by then maybe it will take few years and yes, RCT can ship to us via local LFS
  17. haha. it's not difficult to get lobang with them. they are readily accessible for contact. fish experts like briane greene, richard pyle, hiroyuki tanaka etc are all contactable even on facebook. take for example, john coppolino from the USA. he's a reefer like us but in a much higher leage of his own. he has excellent contacts with richard pyle, briane greene, gerard allen, diver rob (now dead) etc. because of his excellent contacts and influence in the reefing scene, he has secured and had the great oppotunity to see so many rare and exotic fishes. he has obtained a Rusty x flame angel hybrid from MACNA conference he has obtained the original brookstock pair of Centropyge debelius from RCT, which unfortunately, did not make it in transport. he has obtained a very rare king angel x clarion angel hybrid he has a pair of Genicanthus semifasciatus he has obtained almost all the combinations of tinkeri x burgess x flavocoronatus butterfly hybrids which are EXTREMELY rare! he has obtained the one and only pair of xanthic flame wrasses, which are entirely white due to environmental conditions. the flame wrasses have since returned to normal colour. he had the opportunity to photograph a live personatus angelfish on the actual dive expedition. these are just some of his reefing accomplishments amongst a plethora of others. because he is influential, knowledgable and have very good contacts and friends. local reefers like us very difficult because we are just a small country and we are not based in US etc. also you need to have some background in fish history, geography, taxonomy etc. what i know is not even the tip tip tippy tip of the iceberg and definitely definitely cannot compare or go anywhere close to copps and the other ichthyologists who have PhDs. i'm just contented with making casual friends with some of the more influential people like Dr. hiroyuki tanaka, japanese wrasse expert and medical doctor. he described the naoko fairy wrasse and named it after his wife, Naoko. his profile is available on facebook so anyone can add him, chat, discuss information on fish, share pictures and knowledge etc. this is juz my love for marine fishes. although there are many many rare fishes i want to see and obtain, i know it's not possible now and perhaps in the future when i have more money and resources, i could try to see them.
  18. @digi, LCK redsea shipment this sat! can we be expecting these!? paucifasciatus, octotaenia, mesoleucos
  19. OMG!RED SEA!! got stocklist!?!? and time? can we be anticipating these rare fishes? Chaetodon paucifasciatus Paracheilinus octotaenia Chaetodon mesoleucos
  20. bad news - RCT not breeding angels in 2010. good news - very exciting species in stalled. i wonder what they are! wrasses!?
  21. flame wrasse rare? hawaii shipments are so common, appearing on average, once every month. flame wrasse is somewhat seasonal. when there's season, flame wrasse will appear for a few shipments consecutively. just be patient and reserve it the next time it come. i can help u reserve.
  22. the most important way of differentiating them is from the shipments they come from. If you want flame wrasse, they only come in from Hawaii shipments. (fairly common) If you want the Australian hooded wrasse, only australian shipments will carry them (very rare). if you want the 2nd and 3rd vanuatu variants, only vanuatu shipments will carry them. (rare). all are priced over $100. but less than $200.
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