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Everything posted by yikai

  1. yellow belly regal angel. goes after mysis like a pig but that's the only thing he eats for now. shows interest in pellets but not willing to take it's first bite yet.
  2. Rubricaudalis flasher wrasse from Vanuatu. Fijian and Vanuatuan specimens can be identified by a blue band on the tail. My specimen lacks the blue band and thus comes from Vanuatu. i like the anal fin for the orange stripes against a red background. it's not the most beautiful flasher wrasse IMO, but certainly a very exquisite species that certainly beats it's indonesian counterparts hands down.
  3. Vanuatuan exquisite wrasse. Exquisite wrasses from Vanuatu may exhibit bright yellow dorsal fins. sometimes, pink two pink saddles will be present on the back. i've been looking for this variant for quite some time. sometimes they will come with less pink, sometimes with less yellow, this is the right combination of pink and yellow that i like. it's skinny and might have internal parasites, thus is being fed with praziquantel soaked food. in about a week it should recover and fatten up.
  4. The blotchii anthias is coming to town also a mega rare fish is coming. will update soon
  5. iwarna has a very very healthy venustus angel (Paracentropyge venustus). It's feeding very aggressively on mysis shrimp. this angel is a very difficult fish to keep and one that is feeding so well has a higher chance of survival. also a few bartlett anthias left going at 3 red notes each.
  6. Cirrhilabrus condei, the Conde's fairy wrasse, is a truly remarkable and unique species. Unlike other fairy wrasses, conde's fairy wrasse can adopt 2 different styles of flashing or displaying nuptial colouration. the first method of displaying includes flaring of all fins, spread out, and colour changes from red to white, yellow and pink. some authors claim that this form of flashing belongs to a different variation of conde's living in the Fijian region. The second method of displaying includes clamping of all fins, but only flaring of front 2/3 of the dorsal fin. this gives the fish a very unique look. the body turns from red to entirely white. some authors claim that this is the true form of flashing belonging to the true condei's fairy. i beg to differ and i've seen conde's fairy displaying both form of nuptial colouration in one fish. whatever it is, iwarna's condei are truly remarkable and are perpetually displaying to each other in the blue tubs today. the body is almost constantly yellow instead of red due to the incessant flashing. no photos of the actual one again. just photos from my book on how the nuptial colouration is displayed. condei is a common wrasse but sometimes can be very pretty.
  7. Cirrhilabrus condei, the Conde's fairy wrasse, is a truly remarkable and unique species. Unlike other fairy wrasses, conde's fairy wrasse can adopt 2 different styles of flashing or displaying nuptial colouration. the first method of displaying includes flaring of all fins, spread out, and colour changes from red to white, yellow and pink. some authors claim that this form of flashing belongs to a different variation of conde's living in the Fijian region. The second method of displaying includes clamping of all fins, but only flaring of front 2/3 of the dorsal fin. this gives the fish a very unique look. the body turns from red to entirely white. some authors claim that this is the true form of flashing belonging to the true condei's fairy. i beg to differ and i've seen conde's fairy displaying both form of nuptial colouration in one fish. whatever it is, iwarna's condei are truly remarkable and are perpetually displaying to each other in the blue tubs today. the body is almost constantly yellow instead of red due to the incessant flashing.
  8. also, after searching for so long, i've finally got my paws on the exquisite wrasse from vanuatu. not just any exquisite from vanuatu, it's a particular colour morph that i've always wanted to have since first day. exquisites from vanuatu show varying degrees of pink and yellow, but sometimes, they explode with colours much like this. my specimen does not wish to co-operate so i shan't post pictures of it now. but this is an internet photo of what my exquisite looks like. minus away some pink. mine does not have so much pink. but i'm loving the yellow dorsal.
  9. Paracheilinus rubricaudalis. Red tail flasher/ Vanuatu flasher wrasse. Not the nicest flasher in the world, but certainly a gorgeous species. not much is known about it. fijian specimens have an extra band on the tail, which the Vanuatuan specimen lacks. This species has a single dorsal filament like P. attenuatus and P. mccoskeri. In fact, before discovery of the rubricaudalis flasher, it was once thought to be a geographical variant of mccoskeri. however it proved to be incorrect. notice how the single dorsal fin is actually a combination of dorsal filaments from nearby dorsal fin rays, merging into one giant sturdy filament, unlike mccoskeri and better still, attenuatus, which only has one filament from one fin ray. the filament for the vanuatuan flasher wrasse is lance-like and very sturdy. body turns bright yellow when flsahing, tail turns bright red. sorry. lousy photos.
  10. no la it's deinitely not L. waitei. Waitei is slender like baitfish and is orange. the stocklist put wrong. anyway this 1 reefdepot bring in before during aussy shipment.
  11. haha no i think the guy who bought the yellow belly regal got it from ahbeng from medan shipment. now yellow bellies in singapore getting very uncommon and can only get from medan shipment. red sea stop supplying yellow belly liao. vanuatu is in the pacific ocean so the regal angels are the pacific ocean morph, with grey belly. no iwarna don't have joculator. it has a conspic angel which belongs to digiman and it's reserved. $1800.
  12. haha yah. when my clam was unhealthy due to lighting, my hermit crab started eating it. but i only realised it was just finishing off it's remains
  13. the condei is just absolute bliss. i've never seen such healthy and amazing lookign alpha male condeis. the colour is not red. it's yellow-gold. its perpetually displaying! rubricaudalis is just omg also. manage to get a v big 1. tmr den post foto.
  14. and a vanuatu exquisite wrasse. shipment arrive last night around 1am.
  15. the clam probably already died and the worms are just scavenging. the worms i'm guessing are tiny bristle worms and they are beneficial in helping to eat up dead or uneaten food. your clam died from other reasons. bristle worms are poorly understood and are sadly, always accused for the wrong reasons because they are just cleaning up at the scene of the crime. maybe you want to check other reasons why your clams are dying?
  16. i must be chained from vanuatu shipments in future! like a kid in a candy store
  17. agreed. i'm not a tang person at all and when it comes to tangs, there are very few that i like. but the powder black (white cheek) is one of the few ones i actually take interest in and from the looks of yours, it will develop into a fine gorgeous black stud!
  18. yes yes this is true for most parts. photosynthesis works best under blue and red light spectrums. works least in green as green spectrum is reflected back. thus chlorophyll and chloroplast appears green.
  19. jon i've seen you tank today. here's what i think of it. your corals are extremely healthy! so don't have to worry about that. all your fishes seem fine for now, except your yellow tang which is a little bit of a concern. whitish powdery flecks, black spots and paleness indicate a few things. the whitish powdery stuff could be minor case of velvet. the black spots is black spot disease, always found on yellow tangs but very rare disease. and the paleness might indicate flukes. but your other fishes are seemingly fine for now, hope they continue to do fine! your tank is actually very nice. dun need to give up now. jiayou
  20. yup! i had a Moorish idol before for about a year. fed on everything from pellets, flake, nori, mysis, brine, cyclopeeze, henry food, banana, grapes, rice, carrot, lettuce etc. suddenly died after one year. i only fed the human food once only to test test but it just ate everything up! haha
  21. pylei very aggressive... you going to regret later. but yes the pylei is very very nice. seldom see pyleis so nice. order of aggressiveness. roseafascia > pylei > scotts.
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