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Everything posted by yikai

  1. i have but i gave away. dun wna to keep them coz scared my fish eat. they are too nice to risk.
  2. I have a large rock of sympodium. Fuel also
  3. digi! we should take a picture of the piglet fish and get on glassbox design!
  4. the yellow was very strong in that specimen. even the face and eye was yellow. if the pink fades away, the yellow will still be there. oh well. too late. next week go and find again. irene so full of surprises.
  5. this is common.. the one digiman and i saw at irene was phenomenal. today i went back and it was gone! shocking!
  6. the "goosed" one probably this? it's pink with a very thick yellow on the dorsal fin and even passing through both eyes!!! wah now that i think of it. I SHOULD HAVE JUST BOUGHT IT LAH. so cheap summore. grr.
  7. this was featured in reef builders. very nice and interesting idea!
  8. This is Roaops guyotensis (The extremely rare 6th member of the tinkeri-complex butterflies) It's found in excess of 900ft, up to 984ft. Till now i think only one live photo has been taken. the others are holotype. This book lists it as Roaops guyotensis, but fishbase and other books lists it as Prognathodes guyotensis. So is it Prognathodes or Roaops? Roaops was once considered to be under Prognathodes, but has been given a new genus, Roaops. Perhaps R. guyotensis is so rare and has not been examined enough, and thus, still under Prognathodes.
  9. WHAT!? AUNTY'S PET IS SOLD!? WHY WHY WHY WHY!!!! poor aunty now she will be so bored and sad. must find her another pet next time. TOBY!? sigh....
  10. 3 at pinnicle, 1 at GO. this is getting common liao. in due time it will be like aussie scolymia
  11. thank you. it's terribly difficult to show the depth of the scape using photograph. only video can show. actually there's 5 "islands". 3 infront, 2 at the back. the rocks are very far apart from each other and thus circulation is very brisk between the rocks and there is minimal dead spots. there are only 2 dead spots and both are at the back left corner of the tank. but the problem is solves using 1 small tunze 6045 from my old tank which is specifically aimed at that spot. yes the fishes are all very happy and healthy. my current two favourites are the "vanderbilt chromises". i took many shots of them in the video.
  12. thanks bro the FT"S" hehe. Thanks bro. you're welcome to visit whenever i'm free and you're in the vicinity. exotic fishes? no lah not say VERY exotic. thanks desi! can't wait for you to stock up also then can go LFS together. hmm, telling you is no fun! Next time you go CF, get the big folder with all the fish names and serial numbers and look up number 2001.
  13. chingchai's ventralis and joculator. one of his ventralis has a nice red spot on the tail.
  14. Tons of L. waitei swarm the reefs of fiji/philippines etc. None make it into the market. why?
  15. Stonogobiops xanthorhinica. nice little shrimp goby that differs from S. nematodes by having a short dorsal fin. Unavailable in the market despite having a wide range.
  16. this was my roseafascia when i first got it. there was two, both the same size. but one did not make it. this was the lone one, and now it's grown into a big male. Big and nice, but not fully grown yet. it still has another 4-5 inches more to grow!! that's huge. the tail has not developed into a nice sword yet. the male roseafascia in the video is the same fish as this little female here.
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