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Everything posted by yikai

  1. i see.. so st pauls rocks angels are not from st pauls rocks?
  2. to each their own. i've never used salt mix since first day of my reefing until now. i know many people who use NSW only and no problem. in fact, have some of the nicest SPS tanks. they just never post here. but you're right... each batch of water is different and need to adjust.
  3. i want this. Chaetodon mitratus. When will we see maldive shipments again?
  4. just see how lor. nothing i can do now. the parameters are ok as far as i'm concerned. just up calcium abit more..
  5. this is the st. paul's rock king angel. many queens from there are extremely aberrant too.
  6. i've kept a pair of breeding banggais before. never got them to eat pellets. ever.
  7. actually the skimmer was skimming as per normal. i did a water change and the skimmer went crazy. starting overflowing, but it was overflowing water. i wanted to turn off some other plug but accidently turned off the skimmer. today only just noticed so i re-turned it on, but it was over-flowing again. i think there must be something from the WC that caused the skimmer to over-skim like crazy. so i tuned it and now get the skimming back to normal. but whatever it's trying to skim out should be out in 1-2 days. perhaps that's what's causing the STN/RTN? that "something" that was from my WC that was causing my skimmer to skim out lots of water and overflow.
  8. the SG has been kept rather constant. flow, light, stinging all very unlikely. i've never changed lighting periods nor wavemaker adjustment. my tunze set on pulse so the flow is random and turbid. sting cannot be coz none of my SPS touching each other. i'm stumped... i hope none of my SPS start having burnt tips and STN/RTN.
  9. Problem with few of my SPS. can someone help?

    1. cedricang


      What happen Lemon ?

    2. yikai


      i posted in my tank thread :/

    3. cedricang


      oh yes bro, saw it.

  10. can someone explain something to me? My water parameters. Mg - 1350 Ca - 380 KH - 8.3 PO4 - 0 NO3 - 0 water parameters look ok to me but i've had some problem with my SPS. one of my longest living SPS (my first SPS), a blue stag frag, suddenly RTN. so i throw away today. one tort frag which i just got 2 days ago, STN today. Ok lah this one die nvm coz it's fresh from shipment and maybe stress or wat i dunno. My pink millie some of the tips "burnt" off and is white. i understand this can be due to high KH but KH seems fine to me? This millie continues to have very healthy polyp extension. other than that no problem. all other SPS doing ok with healthy polyp extension. the only reason i can think off is for the past 2 days, my skimmer has been turned off. accidently turned off because i mistook it for another switch. however it has been 2 days only and for the past 2 days i did not even feed my tank anyway coz i was too busy. so can anyone tell me what's going on?
  11. Digiman, LCK brought in one male whitleyi before. did you see it? quite long ago.
  12. why waste time collecting clarion! where's my smithi butterfly! where's my mitratus butterfly! WHERE THE HELL IS PAUCIFASCIATUS AND MESOLEUCOS!? imagine. one, JUST ONE, clarion can buy you TONS of pauci and TONS of meso!
  13. clarions... hideous fish. juveniles are nice only. when they are collected, they are collected by the thousands.
  14. yes difficult. from scott michael's book. perhaps like rainfordi. and yah rare and nice but doesn't look very species. just rare i guess!
  15. there's one you can never get. Priolepis ascensionensis. not even on fishbase. i update a picture here before.
  16. wats so special about tricinctus? it's a very difficult butterfly to keep! coral eater.
  17. you will eventually get them all. i started with about 15 isopods every night. after 3 weeks, no more till this day. having some fishes will help. fishes do eat them as they swim around in the evening and night. however, they do parasitise on fishes too. so it's a double edged sword.
  18. larvatus butterfly @ LADD. sold for USD $129.99! feeding on brine and mysis sparingly summore. whoever bought it hopefully knows what he's doing!
  19. these two websites are fake. kingi are not allowed for export as south africa bans them for export. so you can't buy them. and 1000 pieces is ridiculous. at most only 1-2 piece only!! the mask angel is even more absurd. till now only less than 10 pieces have ever been caught and sold and each piece sold for more than $10k USD!!. they are super rare deep water fishes from hawaii and one diver lost his life trying to catch them.
  20. almost impossible to kill them using freshwater because they hide deep in the rocks and sand. it will be alot of trouble doing so. manually catching and siphoning is the best way especially at night. tedious but faster and do-able.
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