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Everything posted by yikai

  1. Got some new SPS today from pasir ris and also from bro thairun. I hope they do well and flourish. thanks to bro thairun for all the nice frags and also a wealth of experience and knowledge! my humble FTS.
  2. they do dissapear after awhile but they must be properly acclimated as they probably died. best is to drip them. i won't suggest this in a big tank because they are slow workers and you need many. and not many people will borhter dripping them, and moreover, they will get sucked into wavemakers. regarding poisoning, if carbon is runned and tank is big like jack's tank, no problem. in fact these guys won't crash the tank when die.
  3. chelidonura varians is a fantastic flatworm eater. it's a sea slug that eats nothing but flatworms. it cannot eat anything else. if you see it, buy it. drip acclimate it and release in you tank. CF have alot.
  4. would you pay $1200 for this fish? This is the legendary "tigerpyge" which is a hybrid between a lemonpeel and an eibli's angel. lemonpeel is a species which is extremely prone to hybridisation, but rarely do the hybrids turn out like this. beauty of such calibre. this fish was originally offered at $1600 by old town aquarium. it was sold to a young reefer and now he is selling it after keeping it for so long at 1.2k. gorgeous gorgeous but too pricey for me.
  5. my god. wa piang eh really damn tok kong.
  6. some videos of burgess butterfly in the wild. Roaps butterflies are really so beautiful. http://www.fishbase.org/summary/videos.php?speccode=5560
  7. Having fun with my microscope!

    1. cedricang


      can see zooxanthallae or not :)

    2. yikai


      up to 400x magnification.

      standard lab grade microscope.

  8. i like burgess but it's not my favourite roaps. i have declivis already and i want a mitratus. so i'll wait. and if space allows, i want a tinkeri too. burgess is nice, but there are other nicer roaps. you should buy. left 2 and they aren't fighting.
  9. 3x burgess butterflies at iwarna. good size very healthy, all feeding already. the norm for roaps butterflies. super hardy. one has already been sold.
  10. here's a fully grown female and male bellus. this male bellus pictured here is in the wild and i can say that we'll never see one of this calibre in our tanks. this male is just awesome.
  11. only my millie is giving me problems. and is still giving me problem. i've done all i can and the water parameters are perfect. nothing i can do so the problem lies with the coral itself. probably stressed and unhealthy to begin with and i probably did something it did not like and it just went downhill from there. rest of the SPS are very healthy.
  12. this the season to be bellus fa la la la la, la la la la~ bellus season at it's peak now, plenty of male bellus showing up from CF, ahbeng and irene. which genicanthus will it be next?
  13. they are not difficult... just more picky i guess.
  14. Don't understand. water parameters are ok but still my one millliepora colony is showing burnt tips. nothing i can do anymore so i'll just let it be and hope it does not die on me. perhaps it's an unhealthy to begin with and i must have did something it did not like and now it's just breaking down.
  15. you mean the next day it split?! wow.
  16. agreed. i have a fijian rollandi from digiman. digi, i'm trying to source for tricincta and canary from hong kong.
  17. A very rare dottyback. Manonichthys paranox, the midnight dottyback. Entirely black like Centropyge nox, and it is said to mimic C. nox. i don't see how... shape is totally off! http://www.fishbase.us/summary/videos.php?speccode=15007
  18. it's been proven it's brunneus already. he sent the specimens to allen in formalin. so sad.
  19. here's tanaka's "lunatus-brunneus" from indonesia (?) actually it's brunneus i think.
  20. agreed. you've come a long long way and so beautiful and advanced now. good job.
  21. ming how's the red margin from iwarna? doing good?
  22. don't count your chickens yet!! it may not come but i really hope it does.
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