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Everything posted by yikai

  1. why must be african fish? any fish from africa shipments in particular?
  2. super amazing fairy wrasse collection from huskerreef of reef central! Adornatus (Cirrhilabrus adornatus) Balteautus (Cirrhilabrus balteatus) Lineatus (Cirrhilabrus lineatus) Sailfin (Cirrhilabrus cf tonozukai) - Undescribed species Kwazulu (Cirrhilabrus sp) - Undescribed African species. "Rubriventralis-complex" Rhomboid (Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis) Earlei (Cirrhilabrus earlei) Johnsoni (Cirrhilabrus johnsoni) Jordani (Cirrhilabrus jordani) Naokae (Cirrhilabrus naokoae) Lunatus (Cirrhilabrus lunatus) Pintail (Cirrhilabrus cf. lanceolatus) - Pintail fairy wrasse Labouti (Cirrhilabrus laboutei) Marjorie (Cirrhilabrus marjorie) Kathrinae (Cirrhilabrus katherinae) here's a list of his collection. at the end of the video he posts some v nice photos!!
  3. wah sungei tengah road. my grand mother lives right at the end of this road. number 102 lol.. rainbow has been there for many years liao. every weekend i go back to the farm and i see it. but i think now they open a new marine shop inside?
  4. no really. it's very very deep. these abyssal creatures live in kilometers deep. the pressure there is immense, the food there is very specialised and the lights there are almost zero. in order to keep them you have to keep them in very high pressure tanks with pitch darkness and very very cold temperature. not to mention almost all of them die when brought to the surface. our deepwater reef fish are collected at around 200ft deep. this is already considered super deep as far as reef fishes go. these abyssal fishes are collected at 1-2 kilometers deep. but imagine if it were possible. how cool it will be!
  5. Heard LCK came in one Tinker's butterfly. Beautiful and rare, Chaetodon tinkeri is a deep water semi-reef safe butterfly. A gorgeous beauty but comes with a hefty price tag. Iwarna's Africa shipment timing confirmed. Will arrive tomorrow on Saturday, but night time. so stock will be up for sale in the morning of Sunday. Shipment at irene and iwarna. Yasha gobies at both places now.
  6. not possible. the pressure, temperature, chemistry at such abyssal depths cannot be recreated in our home tanks.
  7. and in order of appearance, Midnight angel (Centropyge nox) Queen angel (Holcanthus ciliaris) Girdled wrasse (Cirrhilabrus balteatus) Hoeven's wrase (Halichoeres melanurus) Dissapearing wrasse (Pseudocheilinus evanidus) Flame hawk (Neocirrhites armatus)
  8. These are all Vanuatuan male hooded wrasses. Cirrhilabrus bathyphilus. Both the Efate and Tana island variants are in this batch! Amazing. Such diverse collection from Vanuatu. beautiful and never have i seen such big ones. males and females are present.
  9. He ate my heart and then he ate my brains!

    1. orsony


      Then I think it suit my tank. I always have space for it. Hehehe... Aiyah, you have the excuse to chiong lah.

    2. peacemaker
  10. Sick of kiasu singaporeans always going for the Biggest and Best without even know what they're looking at.

    1. Soul


      Its inbred from our country's unique culture i guess

    2. yikai


      it's everywhere. even in our local reefing community.

      always choose the biggest. best. must be first.

      then i ask, humbly. may i ask what you choosing/lookign for?

      "OH! dunno! big lor! rare lor! colourful lor!"

      so irritating. deprive others of a chance and then when asked a question, dunno how to answer.

      so many other more passionate people losing out because of this.

    3. yikai


      corals, fish, food, MRT seats, bus seats, everything.

      why cannot learn to be courteous?

  11. i'm using a basic light microscope with maximum 400x. the 40x lens is an oil immersion lens that works best under paraffin oil. different microscopes have different lens. the oil immersion lens works best in oil. the oil connects the lens to the glass slide so that inbetween the lens and the slide there is no air. and the refractive index of the oil and the lens is the same, so the image quality is better
  12. very unique tail. most members of this genus have this characteristic.
  13. LADD made a typo. it should be arquatus and not arguatus. Suezichthys arquatus is a very rare wrasse from Australia and New Zealand. It is cool water species and is very difficult to keep. The males are very very beautiful and the pictures online do no justice. Kuier's book have very nice photos but i'll post some other day. here's a male and female pic from google. The genus Suezichthys boast of many VERY RARE and gaudily coloured males but almost all of them are very very very difficult to obtain. and i believe LADD's S. arquatus was the first. and they don't grow big too!
  14. Love the sight of encrusting SPS! valida and slimer encrusting very well.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. cedricang


      Well done Lemon, your tank already quite tok kong already, cant imagine if your sps growth out to form mature shape !!!

    3. yikai


      woah thank you thank you.

      i think now with the sudden influx of SPS, the KH consumption is increasing! tested and it dropped to 7.7.

      so i need to increase the KH to around 8+ again :)

    4. cedricang


      Yup that is it...need to adjust to the increase demand ")

  15. whoever bought this is very lucky.... this flame angel is the only survivor of 5 that came in from Cebu (Philippines). Cebuan flame angels are super rare and i don't think it will ever come in again..
  16. Hybrids of Cirrhilabrus are very very rare. The only hybrid i've ever known from this genus is the Pintail X lunatus fairy. Because they are very organised spawners and spawn systematically unlike flashers, hybrids are rarely produces. flasher wrasses on the other hand, produce many hybrids. Here are another few photos of the lunatus x pintail hybrids that the guy from RC has. (different fish, these are from the wild).
  17. so strange. that time i pmed them for rusty flame, semifasciatus and octotaenia/attenuatus they say they don't carry. nevermind maybe coz i made too many enquiries and too many orders. u want to consolidate new shipping? maybe this time stick to a few fishes.
  18. yes. if anyone interested in any rare fish that bluehabour can provide, please contact me. i will arrange shipping via koji or atsumi. btw digi, how much is BH selling lunatus and pintail?
  19. i got my paraffin oil today more shots later.
  20. rare wrasse? never heard or see before. Suezichthys arguatus
  21. there's many steps in sample preparation for sem and tem. need to fix, dehydrate, preserve, micro/ultratome all this. really not easy.
  22. SEM and TEM are very difficult to use. requires electron bombardment on the organism and very laychey and difficult!! i'm not trained in using SEM and TEM. most importantly, do you know how big a TEM/SEM is? it's as big as a room. from the floor to ceiling. and some are even bigger.
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