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Everything posted by yikai

  1. omg. such a big clam. you have to take note of your kH and calcium levels because this things suck them up super super quickly. also your lighting, is it sufficient for them? squamosa should not need as much light as maximas and croceas but being a tridacnid clam, make sure the light is strong. otherwise over time, the mantle will lose it's brilliant colours.
  2. Yes juz slight change. Not as intense, but not brown. Thanks
  3. stag still blue, but yes, not as blue as it used to be. this one attributed to my rather high fish load i guess :0 or maybe light placement. but for me, SPS's colour is not priority. i can never achieve colour because of my fishes and my negligence. so healthy, + growing + NOT BROWN = happy lemon
  4. very generous reefer selling big stable frags!
  5. litophyton sp. if i'm not wrong. ID-ed by terryz.
  6. very very stunning but impossible to obtain. unless you willing to pay 5k for a tiny 1-2cm transparent juvenile. but then again the numbers that came in were less than the number of fingers on my one hand!
  7. heh. to bro soul, these are regular copepods that happen to live in your reactor because it provide a safe area where they are not eaten or destroyed. they do not eat the biopellets, neither are they bacteria. bacteria are super tiny about 1µm depending on species. some smaller some bigger. they cannot be seen with naked eye. only way to see them is to stain them using special dyes and viewed under a microscope.
  8. more obscenely beautiful photos of Tosanoides filamentosus and T. flavofasciatus. the last photo with an alpha male Pseudanthias flavoguttatus.
  9. after i change my bulbs to 12k, it's impossible to take photos. all come out so blue. i like the front better oso. v hard to scape 3 sided square tank. softies nice but the SPS need to grow faster to keep up!
  10. Notice i've not taken many side shots. here's one when seen from the right side.
  11. Full tank shot. Pardon the dullness and lack of vibrancy! Using new IPhone 4 camera and somehow it turned out like this? Can anyone using IPhone 4 help? lol. why do my pictures look so dull. the large pink fish on the top left corner is my Roseafascia fairy wrasse. It's grown so big as you can see. But not even halfway to it's maximum size yet!!!! oh goodness. I've kept him since he was a her! have kept it for many months now and watching it grow, developing it's trademark sword-like tail and awesome colours is something every fish lover can only hope to dream! the only roseafascia in Singapore now and believe me, it's living it's life as a KING! It's toned down alot in terms of aggressiveness. Colour wise has improved tremendously and the pink, yellow and purple bands and hues really shine especially under actinics. The blaring brightness of the MH subdues it's colours in the day. The "copperband" infront is, of course, a marginalis butterflyfish. The only one in Singapore. One which i've kept for many months and i really love this fish so much. Had to literally beg reborn to bring it in and finally they did. And i've never been happier with my purchase. The SPS outcrop at the top are constantly abuzz with smaller fishes like my chromises and wrasses. Akin to bees visiting flowers. The giant softy outcrop at the bottom right has gentle flow, and the bright green nepthea breaks out of the brown like a star. (It's deflated in this picture.) The left side of the tank looks abit lop sided due to the emptiness in contrast to the bulkiness on the right, but there are many red monti and chili pepper monti frags there that will add shape when grown out. All in all i'm very happy with the growth level and stability of the tank so far! and i hope it keeps that way.
  12. Recently have been adding many SPS. and to my happiness, all are doing very well with healthy polyp extension. growth is good! can see many of my SPS encrusting. but i have not forgotten my soft coral roots. so to break up the rigid sticks, i've added these two giant colonies of soft coral just to provide movement and to give a more natural look to the tank. I've always liked those big soft coral outcrops in the Red Sea. so this is hopefully, similar. With so many softies and SPS mixing, i am running alot of carbon and doing vigorous skimming.
  13. Blotchy anthias (Odantanthias borbonius) and Tosanoides flavofasciatus in the wild! and a very rare pipefish also.
  14. Tosanoides flavofasciatus in video. Not sure if this is in the wild or in a tank.
  15. i just realised i typed dish instead of fish lol. dun wry. it will come out. if does not come out after a few days then most likely gone. wrasses i always betta box at least 2 days first. if throw in straight away, they hide and so stress, sometimes never come out and just MIA.
  16. Very nice and healthy tank! Too many repeats of the same dish but all v healthy and nice. Happy to see that u have lower your bioload quite alot! And very healthy lps
  17. ULTRA RARE HYBRID. male Genicanthus semifasciatus X Genicanthus takeuchii We've seen the juvenile, and females of this hybrid. but this is now the male. not nice. just rare.
  18. this one is equally white. go submit to reefbuilders lah haha.
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