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Everything posted by yikai

  1. one of the 2 clams that i have. only maximas manage to live in my tank. croceas just get eaten by my butterflies.
  2. This one faded alot! when i first got it, it was purplish blue. but now it faded to a light lavender colour with abit of brown. blue is still slightly kept in the tips. more blue when seen from side. no worries, i love this piece as it breaks the shape of my scape.
  3. This piece manage to retain 80% of it's colour. and growing many new tips!
  4. took some top down shots today Lime green millie. polyp extension is crazy.
  5. My fishes are all so greedy and unafraid that 80% of them can be caught in the palm of my hands. WHAT THE HELL? i just realised that i can cradle them out of the water without them swimming away!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. yikai


      i keep them for so long i did not even know they allowed me to do that.

      until just now i try. wah really. my fish trusts my hand haha.

      next time ppl come buy things from my house i demo for them :P

    3. lcf425


      Later they bite you LOL... But it's good to know your fishes are fearless unlike mine all hide in my tunnel 0.0

    4. yikai


      coz i interact with them alot.

      i always hand feed my fish pellets instead of letting it float all over my tank. makes the tank cleaner.

      so this human-fish interaction over many months really build their confidence.

      my hooded will swim inbetween my fingers and palm and can literally, life them out of the water!

  6. acro crabs come in many colours and sizes and patterns. pink, red, brown, purple, white. as long as it's hairy, remove it.
  7. Oh? Mitratus? U like mitratus meh? In glad u like it cox it's the most different of all the roaps and one of the most beautiful. Yes who can resist roaps??! Hardy, and beautiful and so easy
  8. dr. tanaka reported seeing more than one of these! meaning that maybe there's a small population in japan that are this variant. but still i agree with you that it's probably very small and impossible to obtain. and yah. look like mitratus.
  9. this pure burgess with yellow eye band was found in Japan. the headband is black and in japan, tinkeri and flavo is not found. so this is a pure burgess with a pure yellow eye bar!
  10. many of these "hybrid burgessi" have been found in tarawa and gilbert islands. but tinkeri and flavocoronatus are NOT found here. so these are possibly just variants with yellower crowns. unlike the real hybrids in marshalls.
  11. this is the creamy burgess that we always get. there are two variants. creamy and stark white.
  12. 3rd and 4th pic looks VERY much like flavocoronatus! i'll post pics of the yellow eye pure burgess soon.
  13. i like burgess hybrids because of the yellow eye band. the yellow-black crown on the head is not so much fantastic, but those yellower ones really look akin to flavocoronatus. actually there are yellow-eye band burgess in some parts of the world where burgess does not meet tinkeri or flavocoronatus. it's a very rare variant. this also however means that the black band on the head is super black since it's not a hybrid, just a variant. i like.
  14. is that tinker x burgessi or flavocoronatus x burgessi? i can never quite tell the difference since all so similar looking. i thought both hybrids look the same as flavo and tinkeri just imparts the yellow colour on burgess's double crowns. one on eye and one on the nape.
  15. SPS addiction growing..or should i say....ENCRUSTING on me like a tumor. some of you might find this familiar. "SPS are like tumors. A pain to get at first, but they slowly grow on you.." oops. i mean encrust ;P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Eniram


      There are no antidotes for tumors, it has to be removed!....

    3. Soul


      theres no known cure i'm sorry to say *sad look*

    4. AloysiusMun


      No pain NO gain. Hahah.

  16. copper is good and very effective but best to use chelated copper rather than ionic. use a test kit to ensure proper dosage and don't overdose! underdose is better than overdose. but copper has a very thin margin of error. too much no good, too little useless. so must find the balance and dose accordingly. nothing should be in the coppered tank except fish. inverts, coral, algae, bacteria and most other things will die. liverocks will become dead rocks. not to mention liverock and sand will bind to copper and it will be very difficult, almost impossible to remove.
  17. don't dose copper in main tank..... unless it's a bare tank.... copper sticks to everything including liverock and sand which will render your tank sterile and make your rocks dead rocks.
  18. hope your rocks grow coraline soon. that's why i never ever cook my rocks. dendronepthea looks healthy..
  19. Yasha and High fin shrimp goby sharing the same hole with a candy pistol shrimp. first time i've seen inter-species mix of stonogobiops mix in the home aquarium!

    1. peacemaker


      I thought it is pretty common in the wild...?

    2. yikai


      in the wild yes. infact, very common. but in the aquarium, i've not seen before. at least i've not successfully kept these shrimp goby pairs before. so this is very exciting to me hehe

    3. peacemaker


      Glad you are having fun. I just paired mine too! Watching them pop in & out of their hiding places is such a joy.

  20. couldn't have said it better. me too. that's why i'm contented with semi-beautiful SPS
  21. daily water change is actually not beneficial you know? cause fluctuation and trace element wastage. corals need time to absorb trace elements such as iodine and strontium etc. and one day is definitely not enough. it's a waste of salt. at least once a week is very diligent already. or if you really really want, once every 5 days.
  22. if you want to keep clams you need strong lights. upgrade lor then you can keep a wider array of things. SPS even! if you ever get poisoned. heh. never say never. coz i hated SPS last time but look at me now... sigh.
  23. ok. you keep before maxima and crocea then should be ok. they won't die. the colours will fade only. under super strong lights the colour will be better. anyway that's a very nice piece. have not seen squamosas in a long time already. water change shud cover back the loss calcium and kH but provided you do very regular water changes. since you keeping LPS and softies, the calcium and kH levels will remain rather constant so to speak. they don't suck up alot. so shud be fine with your clam.
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