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Everything posted by yikai

  1. i have a green octo bigger than my head liao! i dun wan to change. but yah the orange is very unique lah. just like the aussy orange hammer if you want next time come again i let u know.
  2. hahaha the orange octo. magical and mystical piece! i actually only like it coz it's very unique and there was only one piece. but it loses to green in terms of outstanding-ness.
  3. 1 t5 abit hard. clams are beautiful and i love squamosa and maximas the most. dislike crocea coz the shape too funny and odd..
  4. the top wrasse with the blue body and orange back is Aurantidorsalis fairy, common name is orange back fairy wrasse. it's from Sulawesi indonesia and a very peaceful fairy wrasse. perfect for community tanks. tonozukai is aggressive but usually only if it's added first and once established, will become fierce. if added last or later, usually won't.
  5. digi and i see if can order it or not. so if can, we will be informed and we can go down when it comes. means no need to rush with other ppl. hopefully can coz these 2 are very common fishes. just that they dont come singapore. it's found in indonesia and malaysia! the bottom one is called tonozukai fairy wrasse and yes, its very closely related to the whipfin fairy wrasse. it's super aggressive so make sure you add it in the last.
  6. both wrasses are very rare in singapore but common in other country. hope to see it and if come in, must rush!
  7. orange octo is super rare haha. never seen one before in real life. first time!
  8. hopefully this also :0 shhh hehe.
  9. nice stock list. you can add this to your stocklist if digiman and i manage to secure it via our "secret source" hehe super super rare in singapore but dirt cheap and common fish in other countries.
  10. yes this was taken top down so the fish was swimming nearly on it's side. i know it sounds ridiculous but this marginalis butterfly is the most manja fish in my tank. it's a super attention seeker and always swim up to whoever's hand that's in the water. don't even need to be mine. sometimes it will nibble on my thumb or fingers. begging for food. it will allow me to lift it out of the water with my palm and will swim around my hand. needless to say, a betta box in my tank is like a playground. the minute it hits the water, every fish swarm in to wait for food. the box haven even fully submerge, already got fish swim inside liao. my fishes are hopeless. if i release them into the wild, they sure die one.
  11. haha. i say before and i'll say again. not enuf corals! and the SPS still so small!
  12. FTS (Full top shot) ahaha. look so blue pardon. the 12k bulbs from top down very blarring. so is the reflection. i like a frontal FTS more. the top down looks ugly.
  13. so many problems with your SPS? the crabs are not to blame. no polyps on your millie means no polyp extension. this is bad coz millie almost always 100% of the time have polyps extended. maybe check your water parameters and your light.
  14. my roseafascia fairy. big and fat! grow faster buddy!
  15. my fish are all very tame and fearless. they allow you to hand catch them if you cradle them slowly. here they are being hand fed like spoilt pigs.
  16. One of my all time fav fish. skimming just beneath the water's surface
  17. 1 of 5 green nepthea i have. this one is the longest resident.
  18. 2 of 4 carribean rock anemones. the other 2 are orange and red with black/white stripes. (not shown)
  19. xenia. one of the 3 i have. they are growing very well and pulse pretty well too. first time success. never had success in my old tank. they just die after awhile. probably need strong lights and fast currents.
  20. my one of 2 hammer corals. grow so big already it's scary. btw, this is only 1/3 of the whole hammer! pardon the reflection from the MH. so hard taking top down shots.
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