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Everything posted by yikai

  1. the black gumdrop is a species with the same genus, caracanthus. always found inside wild colonies of SPS. and most reefers throw them away!
  2. that's not a tuxedo urchin (Mespilia globulus). google tuxedo urchin, u will see something different. this is Tripneustes gratilla. i dunno wat is the common name.
  3. retrofasciata!! :D

  4. One must remember that a tank full of the same kind of fish is not natural and looks odd. Many a times i buy 1 or 2 chromises, some gobies etc not because i'm crazy over them, but because it adds biodiversity. These fishes enhance the naturality and beauty of the tank.

    1. Eniram


      What happen now

    2. yikai


      nothing happen wat. why must everything i type always have something "happening". it's not funny. i don't appreciate that joke.

      i just typed this coz i love how my new chromis adds so much diversity to my wrasse dominated tank.

  5. oh don't remind me my 7ft long arapaima passed away 2 years ago. now my grandmother's pond is fishless.
  6. my purchases were placed in a floral scented bag! smells like jasmine. so amazing.
  7. always read up before purchasing anything or doing anything. that is the number 1 rule when it comes to livestock. anyway if your tank is not too big they should re-appear and with some luck, pair up together it's a very timid fish. if your fishes are too fierce, then it will be very shy. best to obtain stable feeding ones. i bought mine from henry, he has summore left that are stable and feeding already. if you buy wild caught ones that do not feed and are taking a chance, it's almost 100% failure. super difficult fish.
  8. once u put in your tank, there is no such thing as "nature taking it's course". a tank is a confined space set aside by you. there's nothing natural about it. the best you can do for them is dig a mini tunnel, introduce both shrimp and goby there and hope they stay and continue the tunnel. some people use a little pvc pipe. i have always lost both of them in the tank when they separated. but sometimes the shrimp hides and dig it's own burrows unseen by you. the goby can MIA and re-appear for up to 2 weeks (as did my yasha). and with luck, it will chance upon the shrimp's burrow and start the pairing. you can ask peacemaker how he did it. he seems to have more success than me.

  10. it will cause ALOT of problems in your tank... needs a mega big tank with other mega big and aggressive fish... better consider again before taking the commitment.
  11. bicolor birdnest from cedric. i bought it today and just finish epoxying it. that's why polyps have not opened yet. but it's a beautiful piece when the polyps are open. thanks much!
  12. this was one of the pieces from bro thairun. purple valida. some of the branches were brown when i got it but the purple is coming back slowly! can see tints of purple on the brown parts. the purple parts remain purple and i like this one alot.
  13. must thank bro thairun, cedric and other bros who have sold me beautiful SPS frags. all are doing so well and are beautifully coloured. will take a picture to update later.
  14. finally succeeded in pairing a yasha and a shrimp together. wasted tons of money in the past trying but they always JUST MIA!
  15. some random coral shots... green cabbage leather and hammer.
  16. Pseudojuloides severnsi. The Royal pencil wrasse. Super difficult fish, but this one is feeding very well and is stable already. I tried before one time last year. Survived very well for many months until it got beaten to death. timid and shy. Do not attempt this fish unless you have a sand bed and willing to suffer some initial hardship. but given time and with a healthy specimen, it makes a great and gorgeous addition to any tank.
  17. nice seeing you desi! long time no see we shall meet again! nope i did not get the cabbage from iwarna. hehehe i bought from NTUC!! lol just kidding. the chromis will not grow big. stay small and cute. i have vanderbilt's chromis also which is another beautiful fish.
  18. edited your above post. cortez angel not cortex. only male garibaldi damsels have a bulging head. the thalassoma wrasse is Thalassoma lucasanum from the Atlantic. All are juveniles.
  19. really super generous reefer with a very good heart. not many left in the world. ups for you and have a super merry christmas. and very wonderful frags in great healthy condition!
  20. the subtle blue eyes are nice. i just bought 1 small one. one is enough. i like to have a diverse stock list and not repeat everything.
  21. Garibaldi damsel is a protected fish in california and it's the state fish. so collection has to be from elsewhere. it's a super super aggressive damsel and really....i don't know how to explain it's aggressiveness. Not a very common fish but mainly because it's very unpopular. It's definitely not rare and unobtainable. but it's very unpopular. it also needs cool water and are often found living in kelp forests. VERY large fish, max size in the wild is 12 inches and those at LCK are about 7 inches. Males have a lump on the head like a luohan. the colour is very very beautiful and super rare in the marine world. Even clarion angels are not so orange. I encourage everyone to go and take a look at this magnificent beast. Not everyday would you get to see a garibaldi damsel and the orange is truly spectacular. And it's mind boggling how big the fish is FOR A DAMSEL!! but it's highly territorial and is sure to kill anything in sight.
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