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Everything posted by yikai

  1. yes the standard cultured colony size. some are very big but those are $50. the colour of the fibre optic poccis are quite intense green and not as fibre-opticy as usual, but with good parameters and lighting, the colours should return back to normal.
  2. many fibre optic pocci at GO. SPS corals selling at 3 for $100. some are really nice. also many neon green cabbage leather corals (Sinularia brassica) at only 1.5 red notes. awesome and gorgeous rare coral for the soft coral hunters.
  3. So happy with my purchase today :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. vt_snowman87


      ahhh.. too bad i missed it today.. hopefully tml still in time.. hee.. congrats on ur gems lemon!

    3. yikai
    4. cedricang


      Wow...must be very nice ! Can't wait to see the pic ")

  4. pinnicle has 2 Cheilinus bimaculatus. Kept in the tank with sand where the golden angels are. very beautiful but rarely seen in the aquarium trade. max length 15cm. very suitable for FOWLR tanks. Reef tank also can but tiny shrimps may be eaten. the colouration at pinnicle is very subdued and faded due to poor lighting conditions and because they are rather small sized. but will colour up nicely in the home tank. size at pinnicle about 2.5 inch. (tail is very big and diamond shaped).
  5. coral farm nothing much. 1x Belonoperca chabanaudi. super cool predatory fish. very uncommon and if looks could kill, this guy would kill. super cool fish. difficult fish that only eat live food. difficult to train on frozen. still have many sunburst anthias. below is a pic of the B. chabanaudi.
  6. thanks trying out iphone4 video. cannot seem to zoom in. maybe i dunno how. only those near to the glass one can. will use the regular camera and take the polyp movements next time. thanks!!
  7. They obviously cannot move big rocks, but move small light stones or rubble around in search of food or to gnaw their ever growing teeth.
  8. Ahbeng got very very. Very red carpet anemone. Tons if yasha at Iwarna. Really alot. Irene also alot of yasha gobies. Ah beng also many yasha pair with randalli pistol
  9. thanks for sharing! yes. flavipectoralis is available there from their sri lanka shipment. back last row. i think 3-4 if i remember correct. they have xanthothis angel? or is it xanthurus? xanthrus is from phil/indo but xanthothis is from red sea.
  10. Home alone for the next 1 week. whole family go overseas. sian. so bored alone.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. yikai


      yeah. they left before my last paper ended.

      but my exams are over now :0 have 3 weeks of holiday

    3. cedricang


      So you will be camping at iwarna i guess heehee

    4. yikai


      on some days i guess. very free now mah haha.

  11. Halichoeres richmondi is a beautiful halichoeres wrasse that i've not seen before but want to keep.
  12. gouse of fins receive 2 of the 12 Anampses lennardi from wholesale. gorgous fish. really. very nice. 1 lennardi and 1 femininus will make a stunning display together.
  13. I hate studying neurons and the brain. CARDIO CARDIO GIVE ME CARDIO!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. AloysiusMun


      I believe that that is involuntary response. They cannot choose to not retract their polyps. Its a reflex action. Voluntary respond comes with Concept of Being, consciousness.

    3. AloysiusMun


      It's fun to discuss topics like that as I stopped doing science. =/

    4. yikai


      The very idea if having conciousness comes from so many aspects. In terms of having the appropriate organs and what not. Neurology and the study of it's related branches was never my interest. I'm more of a life science person and in terms of Hunan physiology, I love and excel most in cardio

  14. jewel coral = very difficult. reduce nitrates is bad for them. they love nutrient rich water and thrive in heavy feeding, turbid zones. that being said, they can live in clean water provided they are fed. but jewels are just terribly difficult.
  15. both are the same fish. many LFS will bring in occasionally on and off. AM, reborn, CF. in fact i think CF still have some left from their maldive shipment. beautiful fish with unique shape. it's body is quite long and the anal fin is very sharp and distinct. blue can be seen at different angles and the yellow pectoral fin makes it unmistakable.
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