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Everything posted by yikai

  1. woah the percula is just awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! nicest percula I HAVE EVER SEEN! instant love.
  2. super disgusting. but i think the smaller females do look very nice! they can be found in sometimes shallower water. according to fishbase 30-50m. but most of the time very very deep.
  3. exactly my friend! just exactly what i had typed hehe. the intense coloured multicolors due to reef lighting can pose as the ultra rare nahackyi. but most reef tanks do not have intense enough lighting and sometimes, they end up with dirty grey colours and are not nice. in order to represent as much as possible as the real nahackyi, they should be blasted under thousands of Wattage! here are some not so desirable looking ones. to keep multicolor, either have super intense lighting to make them morph all the way, or keep them under medium to low lighting to keep the white. anything inbetween will end up with grey multicolors.
  4. This is Anthias salmopunctatus. a super rare anthias found in the very strange genus called "anthias". the genus named after the fish itself. and inside that genus lies the mother of all anthias, the Anthias anthias! what a name!
  5. the dark multicolor due to the intense lightning should not be confused with this dwarf angel. Centropyge nahackyi, the Nahackyi angel.. It is found no where else in the world except johnston's atoll where fishing is illegal. it's super rare and one of the holy grails. little wonder why the dark multicolor is so desirable. SPS reefers with 400W and above lighting, go get a multicolor now and turn it into an imitation nahackyi!
  6. for those who have been living under a mountain and have no idea what a multicolor angel looks like, it is white. here is a picture of a multicolor angel. they are deep water denizens and thus adapt to intense lighting by changing body colour. under normal or dimmer T5 lighting, they keep their white body colour.
  7. The multicolor angelfish is a truly peculiar dwarf angel. when exposed to very bright lighting, such as 400W MH, the multicolor angel undergo a transformation of sorts. the pearly white body intensifies to grey, and if the lighting is very intense, it will intensify furthur to produce this.
  8. is there any double nicking going on here? if anyone knows anything that is illegal, pls pm me i don't know the whole story but i sense much angst in the posts. i shall not intefere but if there's anything that should warrant a MOD's attention, just pm me or any other moderator. thanks
  9. haha the base is actually purplish brown lah. not pure purple. chingchai from thailand has the same piece as me but his one has a very much more purple base than mine. so yes i think they can be coloured up! i'll wait for your next SPS sale! i have just thought of getting something and this time i must buy from you! :cheers:
  10. put a little container of sand in the tank for it to sleep.. hide the container behind liverock if u find it unsightly. they can live in barebottom tank but it's unatural for them. they cannot live in coral chips because it will hurt and kill them eventually.
  11. ya lor it's my new fav coral. oh i love the plating. my flame hawk likes resting on it. so nice. summore so hardy to take care! why never cross my mind to go buy this lovely coral!
  12. nice! it's not pictichromis paccagnellae. it's a variant of diadema. diadema as you said, is a variable fish and occasionally, specimens like this can be found. i have seen such variants before but this one is unique. the purple extends to the chin.
  13. marco and soul. i deliberately placed my mini colonies near each other. i'm well aware of SPS's stinging abilities. but i like compact look and find smaller colonies like that easier to maintain. as such, any future "touching" will be pruned and my colonies can be maintained at a smaller, more easily managable size. thanks for the concern. as for frags, wait bah. most of them are frags to begin with!
  14. thairun's purple valida. im very happy and am loving this piece! some of the brown parts are turning more and more purple.
  15. i like this SPS for it's shape and form. but the colour.... did not manage to hold. now only the tips are blue. but it's still a nice piece.
  16. holiday very free. so take more photos. i soo love the turbinaria. my fav coral now hehe. purplish/brown base but the yellow polyp so striking and outstanding! absolutely love it. now must wait for walt smith's pure yellow turbinaria. SPS are so close together now. must trim them in a few months. but i like the temporary compact look... to hide all the empty spaces since the SPS's are so small.
  17. new batch of joculator angels at CF according to aunty. call to confirm
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