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Everything posted by yikai

  1. very competitive game! many are guessing the same fish, but the only way to beat the rest is to ID the most correctly first!
  2. 1:36am Veliferium lemon: 1) Lysmata amboinensis 2)Nemateleotris helfrichi (bottom left) 3) Labroides dimidiatus 4) Pseudanthias pulcherrimus 5) Apolemichthys arcuatus 6) Pseudanthias ventralis 7) Pseudanthias Flavoguttatus 8) Pseudanthias bartlettorum 9) chaetodon tinkeri 10) Genicanthus personatus 11) Hypoplectrus gummigutta
  3. 1 week is the time given but at this rate i think need only 1-2 days! the difficult ones have yet to be solved digiman's one will be harder.
  4. 1:22am Iskay Bandit Angel - Apolemichthys arcuatus Cleaner Wrasse - Labroides dimidiatus Royal Gramma - Gramma Loreto Ventralis Anthias - Pseudanthias ventralis Yellow Spotted Anthias - Pseudanthias flavoguttatus Helfrichi Firefish - Nemateleotris helfrichi Masked Angelfish (F) - Genicanthus personatus Skunk Cleaner Shrimp - Lysmata Amboinensis Not 100% sure: Squarback Anthias (F) - Pseudoanthias pleurotaenia Lipropoma Swalesi / Rubre / Carmabi 1:30am Onizuka 1) Lysmata amboinensis 2)Nemateleotris helfrichi (bottom left) 3) Labroides dimidiatus 4) Pseudanthias pulcherrimus 5) Apolemichthys arcuatus 6) Pseudanthias ventralis 7) Pseudanthias Flavoguttatus 8) Pseudanthias bartlettorum 9) chaetodon tinkeri 10) Genicanthus personatus 11)Liopropoma Rubre
  5. this game is open to everyone no worries! even if many people guess all the same fishes, it's ok because first person who posted will get it. but the person who guesses the most number correctly will win! come come more people can join in. once digiman posts his ID game, it will be double whammy!
  6. yes of course! difficult one makes the game more fun! keep guessing!
  7. edited. added it in already. only 2 simple rules. thanks for reminding! and added in a bonus! digiman will post his game shortly and then there will be 2 separate games and 2 sets of prizes to be won. i know it might not be much but hopefully it encourage more ppl to play in the spirit of the game!
  8. Game by LemonLemon. Whoever IDs the most number of fishes correctly in this photo wins. The person who IDs the most number correctly by the end of the week wins! The winner will receive an unopened canned of freeze dried CYCLOP-EEZE. so put on your guessing hats and start ID-ing! to prevent confusions between my game and digiman's game, please state which picture you are guessing before putting the names of the fishies in the photo! HAPPY GUESSING! Rules - Whoever guesses the most number correctly wins. In the event of a tie, the first person who post will win. - Latin name only. Common name can lead to many confusion. BONUS there are 10 very obvious fishes in this picture (there are more, but 10 obvious ones). One of them is a very special "mix". whoever ID 10 correct fishes wins a bonus prize! only the most skillful and best google-fu skills will claim this bonus)
  9. Ok it'z prize time! there will be 2 separate games, but both are similar. one by me and one by digiman. Both games are similar but different prizes from me and digiman.
  10. congratulations! you got it right! chrysiptera annulata!
  11. wrong again! try harder people! the next 2 games by digiman and i will have a prize each!
  12. good try but it's not a 5 stripe damsel! guess harder! this one is abit tricky.
  13. come on people faster ID that damsel! after that there will be an ID game open to EVERYONE. there will be prizes to be won There will be 2 ID games held by Digiman and I. winner will take home a prize. just a small token, so please participate BUT FIRST SOLVE THAT DAMSEL!!!! ahaha
  14. yup. now ID this i only recently learnt about this fish. had never seen it before.
  15. brand new video of the only peppermint angel in the world. super beautiful! http://glassbox-design.com/2010/peppermint-angelfish-video/
  16. good job poomoon. now can anyone ID this?
  17. It's a sling jaw wrasse but I dunno the scientific name
  18. Yep. U can pm cedricang. He has many exotic and importantly, stable frags for sale. All ranges in prices from cheap and affordable birdnest to exotic and pricier rare SPS!
  19. Excellent work. Since no one can guess the wrasse u posted, I'll solve it. Cirrhilabrus adornatus. Now we start on a clean slate!
  20. if by tomorrow evening no one can ID the two fishes, the identity will be revealed and new fishes will be up for ID. good night and happy guessing!
  21. just a summary of the fishes left to ID! both need to be ID-ed! come come. 2nd one should be easy. the first one is tough 8)
  22. ahh so cute. i'll let other members try to guess don't want to spoil the fun hehehe.
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