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Everything posted by yikai

  1. hair algae goes away faster in small tank. i'm also experiencing it in my new tank now. but currently its bearing its teeth at full force. just gotta wait and wait.
  2. E. fijiensis, opsifrontalis, axelrodi and tigris are v similar. i won't be able to tell the diff if any one of those appeared. all are very beautiful.
  3. i love your rockscape. simple and effective. the fishes look very at home. your nano tank is my favorite. all my favorite fish! i had a hard time identifying fish no.6 until i saw it. gorgeous!
  4. can be found in japan but they do not catch it there. BH gets their venustus from philippines
  5. Mitratum is a small species maxing at only 2 inch+ . Aurora is 6inch and very robust. Coloration is totally different as well
  6. No where else as far as I know. Unlike colini and multibar, venustus is not collet out outside of indo pacific. It is also not found outside that range.
  7. a pair of Prognathodes aya, a P. guyanensis, Tosanoides, Lipogramma klayi and a female Cirrhilabrus lanceolatus
  8. Liopropoma aurora, Lipogramma robinsi, Odanthias fuscipinnis, Pseudanthias rubrolineatus, Roa excelsa, Plectranthias sagamiensis and Bodianus sepiacaudus. what an amazing collection of deepwater fish! the aurora is so healthy with no decompression illness!
  9. "Pinnochio" tang is just a playful way of saying long-nose tang, also known as black tang..
  10. As a rule, big angels should not be trusted with LPS. If you want to try then you must be willing to take risk. If you love your corals more than the fish then don't. Because if you regret then catching it out will be tough.
  11. Are you the one that has been looking for small flame angel? There we plenty last week at iwarna but they're all gone already. Keep a lookout here, they are not hard to find. Same with that guy that's been looking for a lemonpeel. They r common and everywhere during hawaii shipmet. not hard to get. CF has many now. Good luck in your search.
  12. Algae growth is normal at this stage and unavoidable regardless. You can test for po4 but u might not get a reading as most are in the algae that has been absorbing. Just encourage coralline growth an wait it out.
  13. Algae growth is normal at this stage and unavoidable regardless. You can test for po4 but u might not get a reading as most are in the algae that has been absorbing. Just encourage coralline growth an wait it out.
  14. Cupramine is chelated and very much safer. Immunity should not be relied upon 100% especially in big set ups wit numerous big angels an butterflies. But is useful for maintainin health in a system with light infestations.
  15. i like you and your conscientious reef keeping. very well informed. your copper experience proved to be a unfortunate mistake. copper should always be tested with test kit. never by ear. it's too risky even with a test kit, let alone free hand. it's best to use copper as a last resort. smaller angels don't take too well to copper, and prolonged copper usage will cause loss of color in fish. after copper treatment, fish may forget how to eat and have to be trained all over again. there will be a brighter tomorrow, don't be disheartened! more reefers should learn from you.
  16. Some of my more chromatically challenged fish. Black and white ensembles.
  17. Some of my more chromatically challenged fish. Black and white ensembles.
  18. Just some experience with this product. i had a very finicky blenny that NEVER ate anything else except fish eggs. it starved for many weeks and was not looking good. one day i threw pellets for the other fishes and that blenny took a huge liking toward this product and has never looked back since. it is now fat and healthy. have seen wild caught finicky angels such as bandit, bicolour and many other butterflies feed on this food as well. a must try.
  19. thanks! i will try not to disappoint. haha. i'm flattered lah thanks. you think leh! i wouldn't be me if i did not get the assarius. at that price and size, a steal! thank you. the tank is still very new, look carefully and you can see hair algae. just a normal phase all tanks go through. i hope to update in future with a cleaner looking picture! marginalis is forever my love and you know it terry! all my tanks must have a marginalis. i remember years ago i was at reborn talking to ah boy and flipping though the book, asking him to bring in marginalis for me. fast forward years now and marginalis is a staple. :-)
  20. posted before but post again. these are the only live pics of C. blatteus outside of books you can find. Pictures from Dr. Eran. Amazing purple bone fairy wrasse.
  21. amazing wrasse tank from RC. how many rare wrasses can you ID?
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