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Everything posted by yikai

  1. resplendent angels!? illegal and cannot be caught and sold. any that appear in the trade are illegally caught or obtained via special string pulling haha. cannot find them in Hong Kong. but Japan, yes. recently 2 were sold in Japan. Bluehabour was selling them.
  2. ok that's all for today. will take more pics tomorrow.
  3. a nice display tank with many SPS.
  4. very nice pulsing xenias. This is xenia elongata but it's a very rare form with thick trunk like stems and golden-orange polyps. GO used to bring them in last time and i got them before. but now don't see them anymore. i love love them alot and they are so nice!
  5. HK sell many corals too. i don't have many coral pics but i will take more soon and show you. their SPS are very cheap and come in huge huge colonies. but too bad cannot buy back. anyway here's a tank full of super suns, regular suns and balanophyllia for sale.
  6. it was red sea and africa shipment season at HK because many of the shops carried fishes from these locales. their red sea and africa stocklist is very very impressive compared to ours! half of the fishes in HK we never get to see. HK's buying power for angels and butterflies really very strong. for example. HK's red sea fishes include (those that i saw) - white face butterfly (more than 10) - larvatus butterfly (more than 10) - asfur angels (too many to count. seriously. maybe 50-60?) - maculosus (too many to count too. even more than asfur) - golden butterflies (30-40? many!) - sohal tang - purple tang HK's africa shipment - bodianus speciosus hogfish (pictured above.) - africanus angels (too many to count. from tiny blue juveniles to xxxxxl show size) - rainbow coris wrasse! very nice and veryy rare (coris atlantica) - robustus butterflies - MACULOSUS X KORAN ANGEL --->> SUPER SUPER SUPER RARE - chrysurus angels
  7. I was super excited when i saw this for sale. chaetodon mesoleucos, the white faced butterflyfish. forget about seeing this in singapore. they come from the red sea but our local red sea suppliers never bring this fish in. i'm very happy to see that there were more than 10 there. i will bring back a few on saturday and hopefully there will still be some left for me to buy on saturday. 3 more days to go. i did not take any photos of them at the shop but here are some google pics. i adore this fish!
  8. don't be fooled by these maculosus angels. they are juvenile and from the photo, you can only see about 5? but there are at least 50-60 of them everywhere! their shipment sizes are insane and literally bring in hundreds of the same fishes.
  9. Robustus butterflies and chrysurus angels flood the scene when i step into an LFS. So many of them! robustus butterflies almost never appear in Singapore. the last time they appeared was recently, iwarna's africa shipment. before that sealife brought in a few times. very rarely brought in. angels and butterflies are so popular in HK!
  10. the adults are even more common! africanus angels are staple here and they are everywhere!
  11. juvenile pure blue africanus angels are not rare too.
  12. large show size xantocephalus butterflies for sale. These rare butterflies are from the Maldives and occasionally one or two will appear from CF's maldive shipments. but large show size pieces like this never come in before and they're really super nice.
  13. Bellus angels are so abundant. look!
  14. OK this fish is SERIOUSLY RARE! for those who don't know, it's a hybrid maculosus and koran angel from Red Sea. this hybrid is very rare but a few have been brought in before, most end up in Hong Kong. it's an honour to see this fish in person.
  15. conspic angels are very common too. i saw at least 10 of them today. scattered around a few shops.
  16. many large angels everywhere. cortez, annularis, emperor, meredithi, queen, blue, africanus are common sights.
  17. Burgess butterflyfish (Chaetodon burgessi) often trickle in onesies or twosies during Philippine shipments in singapore. Not rare, but nowhere near common. Look at the number of them in Hong Kong! at least 30 of them in ONE LFS! and many ultra large show size emperor angels and queen angels. the honkies really love their angels!
  18. This is one of my favourite butterflyfishes. Chaetodon auripes. The oriental butterflyfish. You will NEVER see this fish in Singapore. It's very common in the waters of Taiwan and thailand and it's eaten as a food fish. attached a google image incase mine is too blurry
  19. Heres a very very rarely seen hogfish in Singapore. Bodianus speciosus. It hails from African shipments but our shipments do not carry this fish. Gorgeous beauty but will grow to 40cm. not suitable for out aquarium. very abundant in Hong Kong! i've attached an internet picture incase my lousy photos are not clear enough
  20. I'll skip all the boring non fish stuff. this is how the people sell their fish in gold fish street. most of the fishes are hung outside to sell. freshwater ones.
  21. Want to see some rare fish? Day 1 in Hong kong and i paid a visit to gold fish street. Hong kong is famous for big angels and butterflies. but first. look at how identical the MTR system there is similar to our MRT system! singapore copy?
  22. Rare fish bonanza in hong kong. Chaetodon mesoleucos, chaetodon auripes, conspic angel, MACULOSUS X KORAN HYBRID! pinch me i'm in freaking heaven

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. yikai


      no joculators today.

      only have flame wrasse and those common indo fairy wrasse.

      i think now christmas season so not much shipment.

      have TONS of africa and red sea fish.

      lets hope before i get back they have a new shipment ok? haha.

    3. lcf425


      Ok god bless !

  23. not yellow fiji. normal leather coral.
  24. Able to specify what swallowtail angel? I assume it's the normal G. melanospilos?
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