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Everything posted by yikai

  1. a badly taken pic of the mesoleucos butterflies. everyday i walk to the shop to take a look at it! yesterday had around 10. today left 8. in the tub are chaetodon larvatus also. another red sea butterfly not available in singapore anymore. but it's an obligate SPS eater and cannot be kept alive.
  2. all these are very commonly available from LFS and are not difficult to keep also. you will have better luck buying from LFS.
  3. Dispar anthias, i did not find the hardware shop with the rare fish near the smelly tofu shop. maybe it's gone? but i did find a mitratus butterfly today. but it's dying and v unhealthy so cannot buy. mesoleucos butterfly left 8.
  4. thanks thomas! i have those boxes with me
  5. yes. the one and only one in Singapore left and it died. now singapore no more liao. so sad.. ok ok this thread getting too diluted liao. paiseh
  6. my marginalis died u know? die for no reason. i more sad. hoping to find one in HK but no luck.
  7. today i just casually walk through. so did not notice much of the rare stuff. today i saw C. mesoleucos, C. larvatus from red sea. this 2 red sea fishes are unobtainable in Singapore at the moment. i want the mesoleucos ALOT but i'm really v worried they won't last till sat. i wont bargain coz the price is v reasonable. around $38 SGD. also saw koran and maculosus hybrid, conspic angel, and bodianus speciosus. all these are v v vv vv rare in sg. esp the koran hybrid. i want to see a mitratus butterfly and buy back. many reefers encounter mitratus in HK before and it's a common fish there. gf? you mean good food? plenty in HK.
  8. they are quite reef safe. but to be safe, i would rate them only 50%. because not many people dare to put them in reefs and since everyone is always on a precautionary site, i always tend to rate them lower. but treat them as any dwarf angel. sometimes eat, sometimes don't. for me i just put. butterflies from the genus chelmon, focipiger, roaps, prognathodes and hemitaurichthys all considered v safe to me
  9. Aberrant flame angel. flame angels like this have been posted in this thread before. but it is unknown if the colours can be retained.
  10. anampses lennardi again on LADD. This one is a morphing female to male. v nice.
  11. that's not good then. there was only about 10 + mesoleucos butterflies and only one LFS had it. i have to wait thursday, friday, then sat afternoon then can buy. if all gone by then, then no fate lor. too bad. that LFS doesn't accept reservations even after i said i'll pay in full first. so i'll just test my luck.
  12. this group of butterflies, the roaps, which include declivis, tinkeri, burgess, mitratus and flavocoronatus are quite safe. i have a declivis in my tank with all kinds of corals and it doesnt eat them. keep them well fed. but this group is not 100% reef safe. i would rate them about 50%. so buy them at your own risk. the prognathodes marcellae from africa is more safe. about 80-90% reef safe.
  13. ok i know where. i was at the smelly beancurd stall. it's at the end. how long do fishes take to be sold out at HK!? there are tons of ppl here and i scared all the mesoleucos will be gone by this sat afternoon.
  14. good becoz these are the most common of the roaps butterflies. burgess u can go coral farm now. they have 4 over the weekend and all v stable and healthy. should be still there. declivis lck and iwarna hawaii shipments occasionally will have.
  15. oh i see. i'm unaware that they can be gotten from hong kong. but i know japan sells them on rare occasions. thanks and happy new year to u too!
  16. hardware shop?? where is it? goldfish street? do you have address?
  17. wat sort of deepwater butterflies u looking for? Chaetodon tinkeri(tinker's butterfly) - Deepwater hawaiian butterfly. average price $400-500, found very rarely in hawaii shipments. You can request from LCK. Chaetodon mitratus (mitratus butterfly) - Deepwater maldivian butterfly. average price $200+-, found very rarely in maldive shipments. You can wait for it from CF or Reborn. Chaetodon burgessi (burgess's butterfly) - Deepwater Philippine butterfly. Average price $35-60, found uncommonly in Philippine shipments. You can go to CF now and buy. they have a few. Chaetodon declivis (declivis buttefy) - Deepwater hawaiian butterfly. Average price $150-200+-, found occasionally in Hawaiian shipments. You can wait or request from LCK or iwarna. Prognathodes marcellae (marcelle's butterfly) - Deepwater african butterfly. Average price $70-100+. found super super rarely in african shipments. You can request from LCK. the first 4 are closely related and are cousins of each other. so all similar looking. all the above 5 butterflies are super hardy and bullet proof once established. feed v easily too.
  18. isit? i went to one shop today and saw many nice SPS. their green staghorn, blue staghorn and desalwii (those we get from bali) are very big wild colonies. much bigger than ours. and selling quite reasonable. about SGD $35-40 for those big colonies. but granted only one of the many shops was selling SPS. the rest all cannot make it and price wise, abit ex. maybe it's just this particular shop so cannot take it as a bench mark
  19. i can. but some of the fishes are way too big to transport. i'm only allowed maximum 3L of water. so i'll only bring back some smaller fishes. i'm bringing back the white faced butterflyfish. i'll bring back some so i share here and introduce some to our market. this fish is very rare here and any butterflyfish lover would definitely want to buy it.
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