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Everything posted by yikai

  1. the difference in colour is probably individual variation. every fish is different. good job and please do show us pics of their love making in future!
  2. CF is the only place in SG that carries the red variant of the mandarin fish. you have better luck there. cheers!
  3. what a beautiful fish. unforunately i'm not interested in getting this as it's a very very destructive butterfly in a reef tank and i only play with safer ones or those that do less damage. was just interested to see the response for this fish. given the size and uncommoness, it's no surprise it's gone pretty quickly. its a juvenile and a very nice one at that. given time it will grow into a beauty like this. thanks for the update.
  4. very rare to pair AT successfully. Highly territorial and demanding fish and very very difficult to sex. to have a pair (i'm assuming M and F), is truly amazing and very difficult to accomplish. not to mention they are not sexually dichromatic and dimorphic meaning u cannot tell the sex from colour or form. and that makes sexing them extremely difficult and can only trial an error. good job! make sure you give them pristine water quality and PLENTY of wave. AT like high oxygenated water in strong surge zones. they inhabit these areas in the wild. rule of thumb. AT = SPS. need flow need good water quality need high O2 lvl very sensitive very beautiful need alot of space AT do very well in SPS tank because the requirements are very similar. good job!
  5. i'm jealous and speechless. this is amaaazing.
  6. get the LFS to pack the fish for you as per normal. just let them know u want it to last at least 10-12 hours. then put it in a small plastic toyogo or lock and lock box and line it with plastic and soft thigns like clothes or watever. then just put it in ur check in luggage and check it in. note - it MUST be in check in luggage each person can bring back 30 fish but in no more than 3L of water. so watever u bring in make sure the water does not exceed 3L. fishes allowed. no SPS no LPS softies allowed but liverocks are not allowed
  7. sure. it's feeding on mysis and pellets already.
  8. tinker's butterfly u can get from LCK. iwarna supplier have tinker but very very rare and never come in many many years already. so your best bet will be from LCK. u can make a request for him to bring it in. he brought one in recently but the price has gone up in recent years and it's very ex. 50 red notes now compared to last time, which is cheaper. if u want u have to wait. coz tinker's butterfly is the rarest of all the 4 out of 5 obtainable roaps butterflies. the 5th one is unobtainable in order or rarity, burgess (philippines/bali (common))-> declivis (hawaii (comon))-> mitratus (maldives (rare)) -> tinkeri (hawaii (v rare))-> flavocoronatus (guam (unobtainable))
  9. technically the term is turning "sexual" since it releases spores to grow. but yeah anyway.. red bamboo is good. red grapes is even better but they tend to fray and break apart more easily.
  10. Bali shipments from Irene. but they are rare and seldom appear and Irene does not update her shipments anywhere. so you must ask her yourself and request for her to let u know when blotchy comes in. irene is located in pasir ris.
  11. are the beautiful xanthocephalus butterflies at AM still there?
  12. haha not asexual budding. just a coincidence that it is crawling on the other snail
  13. they do and can reproduce in the aquarium lol. my turbo snails have baby turbo snails.
  14. looks like another snail to me. i see 2 feelers and the suction foot.
  15. settling in nicely.. my declivis doesn't like her. keeps raising it's intimidating yellow spines.
  16. nor the white face butterfly i posted above lor. reef safe? i dunno. i don't care lol! i treat most butterflies like dwarf angels. some people keep big angels in reefs with more success. so i just follow suit. anyway the butterfly is seldom kept worldwide because it's aggressive and rare. so not much info online about captive care. excep that it is aggressive and quite hardy.
  17. pics later. hard to take. all the 3 fishes have settled in nicely. the anthias is feeding already, but the 2 butterflies have yet to start eating. no worries, this is an easy butterfly. just needs a little more time to settle in. i'm selling one of the butterfly to terryz because he requested for me to bring in. if he doesn't want it i'll sell it off. no use keeping 2.
  18. ya chilli corals v v nice. difficult or not? need feed alot right?
  19. no la. 1 for $60. where got 1 pair 60! it wont be there if it's 1 pair 60. ok help me look out for my marginalis. i do have some friends in HK also but i never met them before. let me know next time before i go again. in future i'll just go 1-2 days only. go and come back. take budget airlines.
  20. not that i know of. maybe it did come in but i did not notice. coz when they are in holding tanks, they adopt a dull faded colour that look v similar to many anthias. like kashiwa, rubrozonatus, truncatus etc. so v hard to distinguish unless look v carefully. but ur right. it could have come in before and it may.
  21. Pseudanthias elongatus. sorry i don't know the common name. but i guess u can call it elongated anthias? not much info online. v rare, seldom appear in the trade. but dont worry they will never look half as good as the ones in the pic. those in the pic are from the wild and all alpha males. i dropped it on the floor!! ugh if it suffers from some brain damage and dies i'll cry!
  22. i purposely did not bring back. xenias do very badly during shipping and most of the time will melt. waste my money and 3L water quota. the zoas all growing on big pieces of liverock. liverock under CITES cannot bring back. moreover so big i dun wan. but the zoas are fantastic! oh god. the biggest regret was not buying the swissguard pair at only $60 SGD each. which is v good price. and the Heniochus intermidus (Red sea banner fish) which was only $35. v rare fish and v nice. but too bad cannot go back liao. my first time bringing fish back so i dun wan to be too adventurous also. next time i will buy more.
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