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Everything posted by yikai

  1. not as nice as wiebli but still v nice and rare here.
  2. even in thailand, my fren say red sea butterflies are non existant. only H. intermedius. which i had the chance to see in HK. v nice heniochus. too bad there was no paucifasciatus when i was in HK. probably more popular than mesos and sold out much faster. mesoleucos seem to be quite unpopular in HK. each day on average sell 2 which is considered quite slow compared to their other fish. the larvatus, burgess and other fishes sold at a much much faster rate there. but in singapore if any LFS manage to sell 2 butterflies per day it's a record breaking miracle. here butterflies move v slowly.
  3. poliorus also occur in some parts of Indonesia. or is it philippines. i'm not sure. either one. but i don't think there's collection in that range. poliorus is so much nicer than normal singapore angel. even though the difference is so subtle! yah nice. and on a red sea auriga also! more uncommon than the indo ones. in fact...red sea aurigas are so rare in SG! almost non existant.
  4. i also saw 2 auripes in HK. but only 2 and dont look too good. they eat auripes in taiwan. did u try? should try mah haha.
  5. is it velvet or ich? fishes that recover from velvet usually dont get it a 2nd time. butterflies and angels very prone to disease. i learn the hard way. so if keeping them either qt, medicate or stock v v v v slowly. i add one butterfly every 1-2 months with great success. keeps the spots in check.
  6. hehe. how's everything? your fishes ok? got try the medication?
  7. zebrasoma tangs like BT, YT etc are peaceful compared to other tangs like PBT, AT. so there won't be much fighting. at most last awhile only. that being said, purple tangs are very fierce..
  8. i know. irene has weird opening hours. but she told me she ask all her regular customers to buy it. but no one buy. end up she put in her display tank and it die coz she never feed the tank enough. quite wasted. if i was there earlier i will buy it. next time must go to irene shop more often. she has many gems. like cheap naoko wrasse.
  9. i'm still dissapointed that this super beautiful rare leucozonas anthias was stuck at irene for only $25 and no one want to buy. in the end die. and i was too late and did not go there earlier sigh. dunno when will i get to see it again! so nice right? it will make a great addition with the elongatus anthias.
  10. very nice black tang! up for your sale
  11. here's the real instructions. 2ml tank water into vial 4 drops mg 1, swirl 1 spoon mg 2, swirl use the long thin syringe, 1ml mg 3. make sure the bottom of the black piston is at the 1ml mark. ignore the air space. drop by drop add it into the vial, until colour change is observed. invert the syringe and read from the top of the black piston this time (not bottom). compare on chart. simple.
  12. i think should not be difficult to find. according to fishbase, it is found in Japan and taiwan. Japan shipment won't have but taiwan shipment may have. i saw C. auripes there which probably came from taiwan. so the anthias maybe come from the same shipment. got 3 mah. i wanted to buy all but 1 not very good and the other one injured during catching. i shud have just gotten all 3 and hope for the best. since all so cheap and seems very very hardy.
  13. hey i just realised. i have a Pillowdon mesoleucos
  14. nice i like the left one more. it's not so much plasma but a blotch of wet paint. it should look nicer as an adult.
  15. the elongatus anthias is getting nicer and nicer. the bright gold spots is getting very obvious now as it settle in nicely and eats everything. but it swims way tooo fast to take photo. you and nigel are the only 2 reefers who have seen elongatus anthias in singapore for the first time besides me. i don't think it will ever come in to Singapore market. there's no shipments for it. i just hope it mainatin's its colour since no females.
  16. they wont screen and question you. if anything they will ask u anything to declare when you reach singapore. just say some fish and show them the AVA form from their website. print out the page on AVA website that says you are allowed to bring fish. they wont question you. they especially wont open your luggage. you can be sure about that.
  17. I want to meet my other me in the parallel universe. Yes i believe in quantum mechanics and space time continuum and based on laws of probability, a parallel universe does exist. based on theory anyway. the probability is like 1 is to infinity.

    1. Lauya


      Hehe, fringe fan like me?

    2. yikai


      i don't watch fringe but i heard and know that it's an awesome show.

      i will start watching it online soon.

      as for parallel universes, fringe is a show that talks much about it and thus i want to watch it!

    3. yikai


      i love medicine and science so i like watching shows like fringe, house, private practice, my fav greys anatomy etc etc.

      i also like watching documentaries and zoological sciences.

      i seldom watch cartoons.

  18. nice thread. ok here's some help. firefishes will never school in our tanks. they are solitary fishes in the wild and live only in mated pairs. during feedings, they form temporary groups to feed but still, only exists in pairs. so keep only one or a pair of firefish. this applies to most dartfishes. chromis will not school well in our tanks. neither will cardinals. for cardinals, the best will be blue eyed cardinals (Zoramia leptacanthus) or the red spot cardinals (Apongon parvulus). The latter is difficult to sustain. needs many feedings and they get scared easily. blue eye cardinals are the best. for best schooling results, yes like what bro marcovan has said, is "safety in numbers". a group of cardinals being kept in group by a larger more intimidating fish like a tang, angel or butterfly will do the work. think of it like a sheep dog herding a group of sheep. with the dog around, the sheep gather in a tight group. without the dog, the sheeps disperse, and for cardinals, that's when the pecking order kicks in and the dying one by one starts kicking in. for mccosker's flasher wrasse, keeping a group of males is possible. Most flasher wrasses are peaceful and keeping multiple males of the same species will not hurt. they do not actively chase and kill like most tangs. at least that's unlikely. instead, they will flash and chase each other and display. it's nice to see but it's not peaceful schooling and the chasing could result in jumping so you need a hood. you could keep a harem of wrasses instead. multiple females do very well together and one male to herd them. you can watch as the male participate in nuptial display as it flashes and attract the females attention. this works for fairies and flasher wrasses. but finding female flashers and fairies are difficult since they are uncommon. so i hope my lengthy and boring explanation helps u in picking out a scooling fish
  19. This is Chetodontoplus poliorus. a fish not that is discovered not too long ago and it's a new species. it looks almost identical to the very common Singapore angel Chaetodontoplus mesoleucus, but differs by having a grey tail and yellow ventral vins, vs a yellow tail and white ventral fins in the latter. nice fish!
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