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Everything posted by yikai

  1. true blood red hawaii flame is only found in hawaii. there's many articles written about it already.
  2. convinced now? it could be a very red christmas island or marshall island flame, but my money is on a true pure blood red hawaiin one. the barring for hawaii flames are usually fewer than marshall/xmas island ones. xmas and marshall flames usually have many bars.
  3. sometimes, flame angels can also exhibit bars, which are not black, but orange. these are called xanthic flames. the bars will overtime revert back to black. buying xanthic fishes are always a waste of money because they always revert back to original colouration.
  4. this is my old specimen from reborn, which came in from hawaii shipment. as i said before, hawaii shipment only means the fishes are transit from hawaii but not necessarily caught there. this one is 99% from marshalls or christmas islands. u can see this specimen exhibiting partial barless pattern of the marquesas morph. unfortunately it died. as with all flame angels i keep.
  5. however, flame angels with the marquesas like markings can be found elsewhere too, although very rarely. in marquesas - many of them are predominantly barless flame everywhere else - barless form can be found but as a very rare coincidental morph. like this one. this one is from mainland hawaii as seen by the deep blood red colouration. but it is not only rare, it's made rarer because it is the barless morph!
  6. flame angels from the marquesan islands typically come in like this. these are geographical variations and most, not all, flames from marquesas appear like this. most oftenly only one bar, but may have short tiny remaining ones. since marquesas is not mainland hawaii, the flames from this area are orangey-red
  7. these are normal flame angels from everywhere else. they are usually reddish orange with a lighter coloured middle portion. flame angels from hawaii - red through out. flames from everywhere else - red-orange.
  8. these are flame angels coming in from hawaii. flame angels from mainland hawaii is VERY rare. in fact, it is one of the rarest dwarf angels on the island. the most common dwarf angels to be found in mainland hawaii are potters and fisheri. all flame angels from hawaii shipment are caught from marshall islands, christmas islands and other nearby islands. hawaiian ones are rare and seldom caught.
  9. Tuesday have Hawaii shipment at Iwarna. Stocklist yet to be confirmed
  10. is ms berry going to have afternoon tea with mrs gertrude and ms alexandra? wearing lovely frocks, donning sun hats and sipping tea from fine china. "oh i must say ms gertrude, this china is absolutely marvelous!" haha. i love giving names to fishes.
  11. yup thanks for the correction. it's still an "armitagei angel", but an armitagei from the pacific. goldflake x flagfin. i was aware copps had a large adult but did not know he had a juvenile one?
  12. digiman just came back from there and he said it's useless. nothing rare and nothing interesting. market there v v vv small. my nxt place will probably be japan. visit bluehabour, talk to koji wada and hiroyuki tanaka. i would want to go to rhinelander USA also, visit liveaquaria's head quarters. but these are expensive places and very far away. not anytime soon bah i have to get over my 6 week china trip during march first and hope my tank survives. and i have to go back india for follow up, but not sure when.
  13. guyanensis butterfly conspic angel clarion x king hybrid latezonatus clown bandit JUVENILE griffis burgess x Tinkeri/flavocoronatus hybrid ventralis anthias belle's flasher wrasse marginalis butterfly juv "armitagei" angel (Flagfin x xanthurus) this list of fish is earth shattering and ground breaking in terms of rarity and awesomeness. as a fellow fish geek like digiman, this list is like the god's of reefing's shopping list! not to mention his big main tank downstairs which has a pair of spawning colini angels. he also have a trio of flame x rusty hybrids, the ORIGINAL RCT resplendent and fisheri angel breeding pair, the original RCT interruptus angel pair, the resplendent x fisheri hybrid, a pair of semifasciatus swallowtail and he once owned a pair of super super rare debelius angels which were also an RCT original broodstock. copps single handedly win all other reefers in the world with rare fish collection. and his SPS are intensely beautiful with solid solid colours despite the plethora of big angels! no one else has such a collection like him. Don't count Koji wada and his equally amazing collection of fish. koji is a LFS owner so it's diff. copps is a reefer like you and me. it's this kind of achievements that make a big big impact in the reefing world. John coppolino, ching chai, Koji wada, kevin kohen, these are some of the demi-gods of the aquarium industry and truly a big big commendation for them.
  14. Inspired by John Coppolino's TOTM. A TOTM review that is not only on why his tank is so nice, but a wealth of information and untapped knowledge about fish and husbandry which is so inspiring and really top level knowledge. These are the pros in reefing and deserve all the credit. well done

    1. Eniram
    2. FuEl


      Glad to see someone finally share the same craziness for UV units as me. :D

  15. yap. a tank without at least some algae is not a healthy tank. angels especially dwarf angels relish nipping at algae inbetween meals. it's very good for them.
  16. jeremy, people always think that algae = bad. this is not always the case. yes some are bad such as hair algae and bryopsis. they can get very prevalent and usually an eyesore. but some growth of algae is always reccomended around the tank and on rocks. green film, small turfs of algae are all ok so long as they don't grow out of control and smother other things. with correct nutrient levels, these algae can grow hand in hand and not overwhelm everything. algae is good. it's food for the critters in the rocks, pods, fish, and also create a very natural look to the tank. it improves O2 saturation and remove CO2 build up, it provide homes for pods as well. tangs and dwarf angels rely heavily on these algae in the wild and having such algae growth can even do away with the need of feeding them prepared foods in our tanks. all purple and brown and no green will look far too weird and very funny. in fact, solid purple coraline encrusted rocks are unatural. it's because of the high and consistant levels of calcium and other elements in our water for our SPS, that's why the coraline over grow. in the sea, coraline don't cover everything. the rocks are laden with green algae, corals, sponges, foraminiferans, and a whole bunch of other things. it's a living breathing structure with a million things on it. in our tanks, only coraline.
  17. his tank is legendary especially the fish. of coz the sheer size and nice corals are gorgeous too. but some of the fishes he have..... are unobtainable unless you have super deep pockets and have good relations with some of the biggest names in the fish industry. the pelicieri hogfish, sagami etc are just out of this world rare. and of coz the earlei wrasses as well.
  18. nice blue pocci. there's a colony of browned out blue pocci in iwarna's pond. i got a frag and it grows very fast.
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