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Everything posted by yikai

  1. wow a coral eating genicanthus. anomalies in nature.
  2. Thalassoma lunare has never appaered in hawaii shipment before. unlikely to be that one. could be Thalassoma lutescens, the banana wrasse. but they won't label it as lyretail wrasse. we'll just have to see wat it is. but probably somethign common and not rare. common names can be very misleading. especially "lyretail wrasse". it can mean anything. that's why i try to update everything in scientific name so you guys can search for it on google to give a definite result.
  3. Should have. Never update coz it's staple import. Every shipment will have
  4. Iwarna hawaii Tomorrow. Fisher's angel (Centropyge fisheri) Flame angel (Centropyge loricula) Orange peel (Centropyge flavissima) Multicolour angel (Centropyge multicolor) Potters angel (Centropyge potteri) Achilles tang (Acanthurus achilles) Chevron tang (Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis) Rhomboid wrasse (Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis) Flame wrasse M/F (Cirrhilabrus jordani) Lyretail wrasse(?) no idea wat this is Scarlet wrasse (?) probably dissapearing wrasse (Pseudocheilinus evanidus) Velvet wrasse (Cirrhilabrus luteovittatus) Girdled fairy wrasse (Cirrhilabrus balteatus) Mystery wrasse (Pseudocheilinus ocellatus) Bartlett anthias (Pseudanthias bartlettorum) Red banded hawkfish (Cirrhitops fasciatus)
  5. Good. Whole Singapore so big. There's not enough me to hunt. My friend in Thailand agreed to give me one. Since he can't keep 2. The next time he comes to sg he will give me
  6. ahbeng bring them in from time to time. small ones to medium ones. CF ones are usually large.
  7. yep. pure korans can have circular markings as well. but pure korans don't have transparent tail unlike his. but it's too small to tell. ur right. must wait till grow bigger.
  8. weeeeee mitratus! but ex. no stocklist yet? if reborn is back in action and back to their former glory we can expect many rare fishes in the upcoming shipment. maldives - mitratus, dracula. they have not brought in terelabrus sp before and xanthocephalus butterflies but maybe they will this shipment. carribean - capistratus, striatus, ocellatus butterflies? sailfin blenny, snow basslet, etc? i'm hoping to see these fishes come in especially the striatus butterfly. hawaii - tinkeri butterfly? super hybrid lemonpeel? i hope all the above fishes come in again!
  9. john coppolino's amazing hybrid pomacanthid angel. no one really knows what hybrid this is. my guess will be emperor x koran. there's defnitely emperor blood in there, and the tail is a mix of koran and emperor. unfortunately it did not make it.
  10. my friend's koran x emperor hybrids. have the shape and front part of a juvenile koran but the back part is emperor. it's not a juvenile emperor. the back fins lack the many black circles outlined in blue at the edges of the fin. often times koran angels can also appear like this, with circular instead of semicircle bands. but it's usually only on one side. in this case it's on both sides, so he strongly feels it's a hybrid. cant wait for them to grow into adults. no one has ever seen an adult koran x emperor before.
  11. no problem. very long explanation but it makes sense right? because i was pondering the whole day today. can xmas and marshall island flames come in very red morphs? or are they only restricted to hawaii. so the above post was my speculation but i think it makes sense. now my new goal is to hunt for koran x emperor hybrids. my friend in thailand just found 2 juvenile koran x emperor hybrids. the only way to find them as hybrids are to find juveniles. but it's not easy coz have to know how each juvenile big angel looks like. they all look similar but have some differences. i think i posted somewhere how to differentiate them before. time to start hunting!
  12. no matter what flame angel you find, none can beat the sheer beauty and rarity of this. this is flame angel from the island of Marquesas. in Marquesas, the propensity of finding flames like this is very high. there is no collection there however, and the ultra rare flame alogn with the super ultra rare and gorgeous endemic regal anthias are not offered to the trade.
  13. jeremy you want to find true hawaii flames, here's a tip. true hawaiian flames are found only in hawaii. christmas island and marshall island flames are normal orangey coloured. our hawaii shipments carry fishes from all three localities. mainland hawaii itself - collectors must go here to catch the endemic potter's and fisher's angelfish and flame wrasse. christmas island - collectors must go here to catch black tangs and declivis butterflies marshall island - collectors must go here to catch rhomboid wrasses, luteovittatus and bartlett anthias. alot of people think that hawaii shipment means everything is caught in hawaii. not true. the list above i posted is an example. some fishes in hawaii shipment are not found in hawaii at all. like rhomboid wrasse. fishes from all three locations will then go to a collection facility and be distributed around the world. although flame angels from hawaii itself is very rare, there is a chance they are caught there as well because potter's and fisher's angels are found there. so collectors just catch the flames from there anyway, but at a much lower number due to rarity. so these pure hawaiian flames get mixed with the xmas island ones in the collection facility and sometimes the pure red ones are shipped along with the normal ones. if you want to find the pure red hawaiin flames, u must go to either LCK or iwarna. because these are the two LFS in singapore with the biggest number of flame angel import from hawaii shipment. each time at least 100-150 flames come in. the chances of one hawaii flame entering the batch of normal ones is thus, increased alot. so forget about finding them in shops with small numbers of flame angels. our local LFS do not know the specifics of fish unlike us. to them, all flame angels are same and all sold same price. so you can buy the red flame at the same price as the normal flame. in the U.S however, the people there are very knowledgable and they separate the flames upon shipment, and mark up individually. so you want red flame? go chiong every hawaii shipment at iwarna and LCK. i've seen 1 or 2 before in a shipment of hundreds. you need to sort through all and have a discerning eye for detail. good luck.
  14. i will gladly give you a frag when it's bigger. i remember seeing this piece in your tank thread. i don't know if it's the exact piece but i remember you were lookign for something like this.
  15. there are LFS in tokyo but not that i know off. i could ask Dr. tanaka if you want. you can go to Osaka to see the fmaous bluehabour, where all the rarest fish in the world reside. sagami basslet guyanensis butterfly resplendent angel the world's only multicolor x coral beauty hybrid sanguineus hog etc etc etc and a whole myriad of rare fish.
  16. ok thanks ok i'll get working on the frags. maybe ready by next week or the week after.
  17. yah but doing that means you cannot edit the video right? if i would take a tank video, i would take it in multiple parts and then combine it into a proper video. xchange programme ah. ok lemme see how. i have 3 request for the nephea now. u, jeremy and terryz. i'll try to frag and let the frags stabalise then i'll offer up for trade.
  18. ugh i hate making videos. the past 2 videos i made were a PITA. my computer very old and laggy and cooling unit is spoilt. so i have to prop it up and let a fan blow underneath otherwise it will overheat and whole thing shut down. past 2 videos i made the com shut down like 40+ times. i will only make when it's absolutely necessary haha..
  19. thanks! i keep my KH about 8-9 sometimes drop to 7 but rarely. usually around 8
  20. yellow leather. it looks less yellow in this photo but i assure you, it's as yellow as a lemon.
  21. blue polyped monti. from tonga shipment. i got a big piece but too big for me. so i frag and share with some bros here. this is my frag.
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