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Everything posted by yikai

  1. beautiful scaping. i love this kind of minimalist lagoon type scape. very seldom see these kind of scape in SRC.
  2. our "tapeinosoma" so far all blue vs the black one. so either geographical variation, or a new but closely related species. many fishes look almost similar but then turn out to be new species. like the "bicolor pseudochromis complex" all different even though the stripe is only like slightly bent or something. ok yes agreed. until the freak fishes have all been standardised, they will always remain freak fishes and the price will always fluctuate.
  3. yeah. as i've said before, cf always have these red mandarins. they're the only one who carry. but price abit ex for a mandarin. aro\und 1.6 red notes. very difficult. it's even harder than the blue one.
  4. i dunno. if he decide to price it at 60 then it will be 60 for the next time it comes again lor. i just saying whatever the price of the item, it will always remain rather consistant. if anything, it will drop and not go up in price. like naokoae.
  5. maybe supplier price is v high? alot of their fish have very weird pricing. like their hawaii fish are ex. flame angel 50+, rhomboid close to 300. but the price are very stable and until now have dropped very very little only.
  6. no jon already say before. their price is standardised and it will be the same now, and 10 years later. it will not change much. anyway the price dropped since the first time it appeared. first time was about 20. now 10. don't mention. most likely the photos will be used for internal publication and the book will not be sold in public. but the pictures may appear in his future articles or what, we don't know. but the picturs will be credited to all of you for your help!
  7. why would the price sky rocket? the place we got it from is very consistant in pricing. they will not raise the price even if it's a new species. so far only one source for it. and it has only appeared twice to my knowledge and each time only one piece. if anyone has this fish pls post here.
  8. un-ID dottyback. Digiman also has one, and now i have one. It resembles very closely to Pseudochromis tapeinosoma but we strongly feel it's an unidentified species. I show the picture to other people overseas and they also feel it's something new. pictures have already been sent for confirmation to see if it is indeed a new species or just a colour variation of tapeinosoma. the body is yellow with a navy blue stripe that runs from the snout to the end of the body along the dorsal. the tail is encircled in the blue stripe forming a horshoe shape.
  9. he is the world authority on wrasses at the moment if i'm not wrong. his book i think is for his own personal use and to send to close friends in the senior reefing circle. i don't think it will be published and for sale. but still, it's good right. i found an unusual dottyback today that i believe is a new species. digiman also has one. i've sent a picture to Dr. anthony gill via a friend. Dr. gill is the world authority on dottybacks at the moment to confirm if it is indeed a new species. I can't wait for aquarama this year. many of my overseas fish friends are coming over and then i can talk fish related stuff to them.
  10. haha no la not saying u bluff. that's good news then! i dont want singapore angel. i want the grey tail poliorus angel. Chaetodontoplus poliorus. new species haha.
  11. wah very nice. now many ppl keeping these kind of long and shallow tank! v nice.
  12. WHAT!? that's impossible!!! ok then i take back what i say! singapore angel is found in singapore. although i don't know if st john's island is considered singapore singapore, or part of some other sea that overlaps with it's natural range. haha.
  13. I think u bought a Spanish hog. Ah beng have and it's yellow with purple top. Not the other way round
  14. irene's pineapple tarts are very delicious. anyway. CF have many red mandarins, a yellow harlequin ghost pipe fish, and some other normal stuff..
  15. wow fantastic lagoon scaping.
  16. i've posted this before but i'm posting it again. i can't believe this has not gathered as much attention as i hope it would. a snow white flame wrasse. super rare as no fairy wrasse has ever been documented as an aberrant before. but it reverted back to normal colours in a few months.
  17. thanks for the link! i love reading scientific journals and articles like this. so intellectually stimulating. especially with regards to biology!
  18. it was a TREMENDOUS HELP. i've sent the photos to dr. hiroyuki tanaka in japan with photo credits to both of you. the pics will be used in his book and CD. so it's tremendous help!
  19. haha it's ok. feel free to dilute away! after you and wilson's big help today, you're entitled to do whatever you want here.
  20. ok actually after looking at the pic. it's not as serious as i expected. it looks like the surrounding scales are just discoloured and there's a small indentation in the middle. jeremy just try melafixing it if you can and i wish your bellus the best of luck!
  21. superficial?? how? it looks deep to me and need operation! lol
  22. the rule of thumb is to not put anything in to the main tank..... best if you catch the bellus out and melafix it separately.
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