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Everything posted by yikai

  1. thursday indonesia shipment do you have timing for it? and isit fish or coral?
  2. non quarantined fishes can have disease and spread to kill other fishes. but nothing kills so fast as in one day. not even velvet. how big is the tank how many angels in it properly cycled?
  3. no school tomorrow! yay

    1. cedricang


      LOL...looks like you are yearning for a break from school !

    2. yikai


      tell me about it.

      after CNY straight away exams. then 6 weeks holiday which i will spend in china doing internship. the minute i come back, school start again.


    3. desideria


      when you're away, what about your tank! :P

  4. it's pointless if you QT corals for white spots or velvet that potentially hitch a ride on it, if you don't qt your fish in the first place. the chances of corals carrying fish disease is very slim. the chances of unquarantined fishes carrying fish disease is very high. so it's useless in QT-ing corals if no one here QT their fishes. unless you are QT-ing your fish as well, then QT-ing corals for disease is a good idea. however, QT-ing your corals for coral disease and pest like red bugs, nudibranch, snails is a good idea and usually a few preventative dips in coral RX will do the trick. unless dealing with nudibranch eggs. then it's a whole other can of worms.
  5. torch and octos are (euphyllia) corals. euphyllias are very safe from being eaten for some reason. i've never sen anything eating them before. but i'll still say there's a risk.
  6. they may host other anemones in our tanks. they make do with whatever there is but some anemones do not host clown. so it's important you let us know what anemone u bought.
  7. wth. why suddenly for no reason my dinoglagellate problem is coming back again!?

  8. omg!? i posted this many times before and it's one of my fav. but the price of a conspic!? the japanese are crazy. gorgeous randalli! gorgeous x1000 this dottyback............ ugh UGLY!? UNIQUE!
  9. most dottybacks are aggressive to a certain extent. it's very difficult to find an entirely peaceful dottyback. tapeinosoma dottyback is considered quite ok by dottyback standards. anyway i've received email from Dr. anthony gill. it is indeed a tapeinosoma dottyback but an unusual colour variation. and it's not a new species. i've written a short article on it as my debut glassbox-design post. i've submitted it for vetting already.
  10. v difficiult to keep. and i dont like it ._.
  11. probably someone's tank. i dont think you're the only one interested in robustus. and small size ones v uncommon. u shud have gotten it when u had the chance!
  12. very beautiful cyphastrea! i had a good time chatting with him about polymerase chain reaction and microbiology! so interesting to know that he has a masters in it! difficult to find people whom i can talk to about genetics and microbiology outside of school.
  13. Off topic but.. the indian worker at GO has a masters in microbiology and has written some papers in molecular genetics. He is very familiar with polymerase chain reaction, enterobacteriaceae, pathology and immunology. For those in the biology field like me, next time you can talk to him about bio instead of corals. very interesting and i never knew until yesterday!!
  14. i used to have this also. it's also an undescribed dottyback with no scientific name. for now it's known as Manoinchthys cf. alleni. because it resembles M. alleni. the cf is added there for now as a reference. a nice beautiful species, but very aggressive when settled down.
  15. mine is only 2 days old in my tank so i cannot comment on it's behaviour. but it's extremely shy and cryptic and i seldom see it. it only weaves in and out of the rocks. but given time it should be bold and quite aggressive. digiman care to chime in? you are the only one i know who also has the dottyback. aggressive right? mine is a very big tank with fishes bigger than itself so i can't say for it's behaviour yet. it might be very peaceful due to the large swimming area.
  16. Who needs chromis when you have guppies.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. cool guy
    3. vt_snowman87


      albino full-reds can replace flame wrasse.. lol

    4. dominik


      my molly survives ard 2 week in marine before up lorry

  17. dinoflagellates again. ughh

  18. here are three african butterflies that look very similar. Chaetodon hoefleri Chaetodon marleyi Chaetodon robustus out of the three, robustus is the most commonly offered african butterfly. hoefleri and marleyi are very rare and super expensive.
  19. Chaetodon dolosus is common in africa. but because of it's dull lack luster colouration, it is seldom imported.
  20. this one is freakign gorgeous! it's a male! and a super beautiful one at that. GBD material.
  21. yes. this goes to show that rare fish does not always equate to expensive. philippine and indonesian shipments hold tons of surprises. some of them are.. leucozonas anthias tapeinosoma dottyback lunatus fairy wrasse flasher wrasse hybrids thiellei clownfish very rare liopropoma basslets roseafascia fairy wrasse rusty flame angel hybrids and many many many more that even digiman and i don't know about! the indo-pacific region is a hot spot for new species and the diversity there is extremely rich. so there are always little surprises for us to explore!
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