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Everything posted by yikai

  1. 3-4 minutes is not useful. a bath of at least 6-8 mins work. sometimes i even go up to 10mins if the fish is handling it pretty well. this method is extremely useful against external parasites such as flukes, but provides only temporary relief to ich and velvet. for ich and velvet, treatment must still be carried out and FW dips are NOT a cure. but for external body flukes, FW dip is good and the flukes drop off after a few minutes in the water. be sure to observe the fish the entire duration in the FW dip. if it lie on it's side, prop it up gently and make sure it's swimming. if it's showing signs of severe distress and discomfort, remove it immediately. i've done FW dips countless of times using plain tap water without dechlorinating and matching of PH. although it's advised, i think it's rather unecessary. FW dips are extremely stressful to the fish and a little change in ph is not going to affect it much. however i still strongly reccomend using RO/DI water and dechlorinate it with matching ph if you can do it. if in emergency, using tap water should be fine. this topic on tap water and not matching ph etc is a very grey area and has been discussed many times in Reef central. so i will not discuss here. just take advice with a pinch of salt.
  2. err. depending on the fish you qt, temperature is super important. some fish cannot tolerate anything above 27C. so be sure of that. many angels, butterflies and some anthias need cool water. otherwise the temp will kill them faster than anything else.
  3. could be internal parasites. although rare in tangs, it may still be present. if it gets worse, feeding praziquantel soaked food will help.
  4. Lately have been coming home to brown sandbed and brown rocks. I HATE YOU DINOFLAGELLATES! there seems to be no solid cure. only myths. i'll just wait it out. NO3, PO4 is 0. it's not a nutrient algae! IT'S ALGAE FROM HELL

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ranchuboy


      Any reason why no water change ?

    3. desideria


      the lazy person in me goes for black sand thinking I won't see the brown-ness but in the end.. still SEE....

    4. yikai


      water change somehow fuels dinoflagellate growth.. for some reason.

      it's a very tricky algae.

  5. the males come in two morphs. Indian ocean and pacific ocean morphs. the maldivian ones from the Indian Ocean and the rest are from the pacific. pacific morphs are more common and includes those that are found in fiji. but we do not get the fijian ones because we dont have fiji fish shipments. we do get them from other pacific islands like indo and philippines. males can look super beautiful but that's if a nice one is harvested from the wild. captive morphed males hardly look half as nice.
  6. What rare fish? The latezonatus clown? No money haha. But there's a buyer already. CF Hawaii shipment came a v v beautiful male Anampses chrysocephalus. Usually only the red tailed females show up. Unfortunately it's a super difficult fish and the male died shortly after arrival
  7. the purple polyp monti encrust very well!
  8. the branching sun easy to keep? like super difficult leh. i've NEVER seen one with opened polyps. not even a bit open.
  9. this scape nicer. the purple seafan is omg damn nice. dun kill it!
  10. but it's very big! and probably very difficult to keep since it lives so deep. as in it is probably prone to decompression issues. and it's locaton... palau! omg. so even if it does end up in the trade, it's gonna cost a few K! maybe even 5 digit
  11. this link u provided shows MANY rare fish in the box! http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/7564126.stm the earlei wrasse, new species of damsel etc. so amazing.
  12. yes ketchup. i saw. it's a famous documentary called "pacific abyss" and richard pyle, briane greene and some other fish experts were in it. they caught many rare and some new species. the big blue chromis was Chromis abyssus. the abyss chromis. named after the show. they also caught a new species of dwarf angel, the Centropyge abei. Abei's angelfish. also some new damsel species and a hawkfish but they did not tell the name. there were also shots of colini dwarf angel (Centropyge colini) in the wild. a v difficult fish but v beautiful. they also caught a pair of bellus angels, a V V V V V rare Bodianus neopercularis hogfish, an extremely rare Belonoperca pylei, an earlei wrasse, rhomboid wrasse and many other super rare and interesting fish.
  13. Humans should be obligate pineapple tart-ivores. anything other than pineapple tarts should eventually result in their demise. pineapple tarts i love you.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. yikai


      i absolutely love them1!!!

    3. ming69


      u guys shd try the ones from LE cafe from Middle Rd. Golf ball size!

    4. yikai
  14. irene does open on weekdays but usually only when her shipment arrives.
  15. she occasionally have rare stuff. there was once she brought in the incredibly rare leucozonas anthias from Bali. i'll be waiting for another one from her!
  16. xanthotis is beautiful. the black is very strong and not like the faded one from it's close cousin, the A. xanthurus. cream angel. it can be found in red sea shipment but as usual, with our crappy red sea shipment of ONLY purple tang, sohal tang, asfur, maculosus and golden butterfly, this fish is unobtainable to us. baldwini is a v v nice pipefish that has been posted here i think only once before. but also cannot get. and it's quite deep water.
  17. it's very shy and cryptic. even at LFS it can be difficult to spot. they will keep to a corner and remain inconspicuous. you can find the black one. it's very rare. and the even rarer one with the barbs on the face like catfish. but they are mostly nocturnal from my limited experience with these fishes. put into my tank and never ever see again only at night, they will be under a rock. but that's it. eventually it just hide until cant see.
  18. brotulid commonly found at ah beng, cf and irene. irene's tarts are awesome. today went back to buy almond cookies (she gave me a sample and i swear a tear rolled down my cheeks as i bit into it) but no more! apparently need to pre-order. her cookies are insane! they're very popular.
  19. haha unfortunately no. brotulids are very common. it can show up at CF, ah beng, irene with some regularity.
  20. thanks guys. i did not get on GBD. i am a writer for GBD. so if you have anything interesting and worthy for a post, just PM me and i'll write up an article for you.
  21. why u wake up so early!?
  22. i did not know the scientific name only yesterday when i was searching it for you. but i do know it's a brotulid. this is one of the very very few fishes whose species name is super difficult to pronounce. and i can't seem to pronounce it.
  23. many trichrous butterfly at LCK today. Also known as tahiti butterfly. an unusual and seldom seen fish. it's beauty is subtle and not really easy to appreciate. but a very hardy butterfly. not reef safe though. FOWLR keepers you might be interested in this.
  24. Yellow brotulid. Dinematichthys iluocoeteoides the scientific name is very rarely used so searching "yellow brotulid" will yield higher results. this fish give birth to it's young alive. like guppies.
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