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Everything posted by yikai

  1. yes good point. the world of reefing is constantly marred in grey. seldom black and white. there will always be people who say oh this is bad, that is bad. i have a relative who is very against marine. everytime she come to my house she will say "omg poor clownfish, poor this poor that" well, i just tell her honestly. there's nothing "poor thing" about this or that. ignorance aside, my clowns are captive bred and my fishes are healthy as can be and in a good home. there's nothing "poor thing about it" same as with reefing in general. if we can provide good care, good hospice, then what's poor thing? "poor thin" is the fish suffering in the hands of ignorance or amateur mistakes. that's why we have a forum, a place for learning. and the internet. a place for information. as well as books. abit archaic, but i still hit the books at times. the internet is filled with information nowadays. an average home hobbyist can have excess to information so easily nowadays. even the world famous fish scientists like randall, allen, tanaka, pyle all can be reached via facebook and email. so there's no excuse for "not being able to find information". it's just people don't search hard enough, don't ask enough, don't put in enough effort. so the blue-tang, IQ3, thompson plaza pushcart thing is well, in my opinion, a gimmick. a novelty created to lure impatient and impulsive buyers. it's not illegal, just unethical. they are obviously tech-savvy enough to create a website, search google for pictures etc. but fail to search for the fundamentals of reefing. so this is not ignorance at play. rather, selective searching. and thanks for the compliment. i'm always happy to help out anyone with questions regarding fishes. it's just sometimes i get too overwhelmed with the same questions over and over again. i feel suffocated
  2. if you disagree then fine with me. no qualms about it. i've spoken my mind, given my advice, it's up to you/anyone if you decide to use it or lose it. and yes, many people in this forum practice bad reefing too. everyone is guilty of it. it all boils down to wether or not the said reefer is willing to change or ignore. i've not been here for long but i've met both sides. i've met all kinds of people here but unfortunately singaporeans are quite non-proactive and quiet. they don't like searching for information and prefer to ask. i know because i'm constantly answering questions about fishes. questions that i've already answered in pinned up topics and threads everywhere but people don't search to read. same with nano/pico tanks. the fishes caught from the sea are at our mercy. so it's our responsibility to do research to give the highest level of care we can provide to these animals. anyway i don't want to talk too much. people might accuse me of being rude and out-spoken again.
  3. a nano/pico set up is do- able. but you have to be realistic.. a tang in a nano tank is a crime worldwide. people in the U.S are already against keeping tangs in 2ft and 3ft tanks. if u post there u will get flamed heavily. but this is not the U.S. asian countries are more tolerant and still say, u know, its ok to keep tangs in a 2ft and 3ft tanks. and i agree. it's ok. but in a nano/pico tank, is out of the question. the fish may look fine, but it isn't. tangs are like the horses of the sea. they are grazers, and need large spaces to roam. sure u can say u will remove it when it grows larger. but by removing it when it grows larger, means it's not suitable in the first place. am i right? it's just a temporary solution, which means, not suitable. i know you're new and still learning. that's good. but some things are just taboo. if you think what the thompson plaza LFS is getting is harsh, then i'm sorry to say, this is nothing. if i were to post this in an american forum, the people will tear the LFS up to shreds and probably even call animal rights activist to close the shop down. i'm that serious! the people in the states are very outspoken and brutal. although i don't join in the flaming, but give my honest opinion one or two times in this thread, i feel that this "flaming" is not serious at all. so, well, just my opinion. u can agree or disagree. up to you. i speak my mind, and i'm not afraid to do it. cheers
  4. He turned off his computer already. but he ask me to tell u this. he want to keep soft corals but he asking me what corals he can keep. i told him simple zoas, star polyps, clove, mushrooms, leather etc. the cheaper soft corals that do not require pristine water quality and bright lights. also they can tolerate warmer temperatures like 28C. he needs a fan or an ice probe to keep the temperature down. he likes LPS also like torch and hammer too big... unless a single head one.
  5. this is the little red fish from my tank that you wanted right? I'll try to catch it out. but quite difficult. it's v secretive. if you want, ah beng sells and quite cheap. It's called a Plectranthias inermis v small, never grow big and it's v peaceful. perfect nano fish
  6. bear if you want to keep anthias, there's not many around actually. ventralis and sunburst are some of the only few you can keep. but not long term. sunburst are small and very in-active and suitable for small tanks. but they do grow to be quite large so overall, i don't reccomend it still. ventralis are small and very in-active too. especially the females. but they are terribly difficult to keep and require cool water. colini angel also not suitable for nano tanks. i thought your tank would be able to but i just went to see it.. it's actually very small. so don't keep angels lah hor. if u want u can keep it in my display tank or my sump. i would go to ur room and tell u but i'm too lazy.
  7. there's a difference between do-able but controversial, and there's undoable and insane. keeping a nano tank with small nano fish is unique, a little unorthodox, but completely do-able. keeping a blue tang, in a nano tank, is un do-able in the next 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 year, or the next millenium. simple as that. some things can be done, while others just cannot, no matter what. just my thoughts.
  8. hey hey hey. i'm not that controlling ok. lol.....
  9. christmas tree worm so far i only see GO bring. i never see them anywhere else. only sometimes as hitchikers on SPS. some wild SPS and porites may occasionally have, but only one or two.
  10. using pics of members without permission? ugh ok this is disgusting. dont want to read this thread anymore. lest i go crazy.
  11. he likes white cap alot. his fav goby. he also like black cap basslet. i told him all those suitable for his nano tank. but it's a small tank, so cannot keep too many fish. he also likes my tapeinosoma dottyback and full moon goby. i say those 2 can buy occasionally. he likes splendid dottyback but that one grow big and super ridiculously fierce. see. i'm his advisor
  12. !! lol. yah i tried to brainwash him that day. "want to keep ventralis anthias? one or two is ok since they're very non-active fishes like sunburst anthias"
  13. I hope they are reading here. if so, read this. Unethical. and not to mention the hundreds of photos being used on their websites taken from internet with no proper credits given. they need to seek approval from the photo source itself if they want to publish it on a public website domain for business. sigh.
  14. Helping reddevilz sell his tank. Anything pls PM him. 2ft tank with cabinet no sump. $50
  15. reborn used to bring in blue chromis from carribean also but that was ages ago... and that time all 1 inch only,
  16. The spots are present as juveniles and females la. Adults dun have
  17. Yes That's a dusky heraldi angelfish (Centropyge heraldi). It's a sPecial "dusky" melanistic form that will revert back to yellow completely or partially. The one at cf used to be very black but now it's almost all yellow. They brought in a few pieces before. For more photos and info on dusky heraldi, search under "heraldi" in the rare fish/ hybrid thread
  18. NSW may contain free living parasites but unlikely since NSW is kept in a fishless environment. to have a ich-free tank is possible. 1) let u tank run fishless for minimum 2 months. kill off all the ich and let them die without a host. 2) quarantine and treat all ur existing fish in a QT tank so they are ich-free. now u have an ich free tank and ich free fish. put them into ur tank. 3) quarantine all new arrivals in ur qt tank. u will never have ich. or u can do the dump and hope approach. dun qt and throw into display tank. but make sure ur fish is fat and healthy and stock slowly. the key is SLOWLY! let the fish gain immunity over a few weeks. overstocking and stocking quickly will raise ich levels faster than ur fish can fight it off. btw only singapore condone the "dump and hope" approach... if u post this in american, japan or other country forums u will get flamed. so just bear this in mind if you are posting this in other country forums especially in the U.S. they believe in nothing but absolute quarantine.
  19. he's sleeping now. so i reply for him. very laychey leh. and such a small tank, if never do properly very easy to overflow. but it's a simple and easy tank. one week change water 2 times also can. 3 times also can. just siphon out abit, throw into my sump, and replace with my tank water. lol. octopus... haha. escape artists.
  20. ok. he always follow me to cf and ask me buy funny things like octopus, mantis shrimps, cuttlefish..... i say no.
  21. good lah. his tank is just next to my sump so water changes every week will be easy and mess free. simple filtration also can. not keeping much fish anyway. i wanted to give him my refugium space in my sump tank but he did not want. so his 1ft cube is a good nano tank for him.
  22. Lotilia graciliosa please.
  23. I LIKE!!! HAHAHA. and nice corals.
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