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Everything posted by yikai

  1. the real real lemondrop? no. it was too good to be true. it's not as yellow as the real lemondrop. BUT it can have the potential to be a second grade lemon-drop. slightly oranger but still yellow. but not the same yellow as the real one. but it's reasonably priced and we'll see how it goes. this is the REAL lemon-drop BTA. ridiculous and very rare
  2. why everyone know i buy the anemone! the "lemon-drop" is not pure yellow. in fact, it gravitates a little towards orange, but it's not entirely orange, and has some yellow. it's quite a strange colour that i cannot describe. anyway it's very small. i'll wait for it to settle down and open up before i take a photo.
  3. male i wait for irene. cf male naoko abit too expensive for me. yes i bought a semeion. u know i like semeion mah. but the ones i see are always way too big (5-6 inches) or way too small (1 inch). this one is about 2.5 inches and it's perfect size. the yellow is very strong and it's v healthy. nippin on my liverocks and algae. it should start feeding soon.
  4. yah but do take note, that colouration is very very very difficult to keep. the solid yellow body and brilliant pink head is only for the most alpha of all the dispars in the whole harem in the wild. to maintain that colour in captivity is extremely difficult. that's why i did not buy. 50 cents also i dont want to try wish you good luck!
  5. and one of my favourite butterflies. uncommonly seen. Chaetodon semeion. the Semeion butterflyfish. when they are fully grown adults, the forehead is a mesmerizing outrageous metallic sapphire blue! but for now the warm yellow adds a nice touch. also look at the sand DINOFLAGELLATES ARE GONE!! well not exactly, but they are almost gone! i'm very happy
  6. henry has the most ridiculous and sick alpha male dispar anthias i have ever seen!! check out the terminal phased males!! the body is SOLID yellow and the head is pink! INSANE!
  7. i cannot believe my luck. this is only one of the few handful of female naoko's fairy wrasse in the world. the females are, for some reason, always never caught and are exceptionally rare in the trade. in fact, naoko fairy wrasse was described by tanaka and allen with only the male specimens. the females were only caught after the description. naoko fairy belongs to the "rubriventralis complex" of fairy wrasses. all of the species within the complex have large pelvic fins and long dorsal fin filaments. the females all look almost 100% identical, being all red with a few horizontal blue stripes. but the females of naoko are abit easier to differentiate. 1) naoko is found only in the pacific ocean, while the rest of the rubriventralis species occur mainly in the indian ocean 2) female naoko only have 2 horizontal blue stripe vs 2-3 in females of other species in this complex 3) the slight tinge of black on the pelvic fins indicate either naoko or joanallenae. these 2 are the only species to have black ventral fins. but joanallenae is even rarer and found in the indian ocean. therefore, this is a female naoko's fairy. i'm so happy and excited. as a homage to Dr. tanaka, i'll send the photos to him via e-mail. he co-described this species and named it after his wife. the females are so rare he's not even seen them before
  8. Un freaking believable!! I found a female naoko's fairy wrasse today! Thank goodness I know how to identify the females.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. yikai


      Female naoko is so rare, the number of them in the world probably less than the number of fingers I have

    3. yikai


      And cannot breed la :( no one successfully breed fairy wrasses before.

      If anything my spawning pair of hooded fairy will be up for breeding first her

    4. Digiman


      It's a rubri female!

  9. Iwarna still have many terminal male rhomboid and flame wrasse. Terminal male means "alpha male" I've never seen so many large rhomboid in one place before. All are 4-5 inches
  10. beautiful rhomboid wrasses at LADD. rhomboids are lovely species.
  11. ahh how interesting. finally nigriocella appeared. as reefbuilders already mentioned, it's very common in the wild but super cryptic and the epitome of a reclusive fish. u'll never get to see it!
  12. OMG! HENRY HAS THE LEMONDROP BUBBLE TIP ANEMONE!? holy crap holy crap! must visit him tomorrow liao
  13. ventralis anthias has been coming in for the past few hawaii shipments at iwarna. these are caught from Marshall islands instead of cook island and tonga. the marshal island people are pulling up many interesting fishes now besides rhomboids and mulicolor angels. now there's ventralis. the U.S ppl are getting even more marshall island fishes like hybrid tinkeri butterflies and princess anthias! but the ventralis that come in all females. no males here yet.
  14. Mesostigma is rare but can be found ultra rarely even from Philippines shipment P. erythrops is even nicer but rarer from maldives
  15. All correct! Bathyphilus is spelt like this but still v good effort!
  16. Still ok. Polyp still blue. Now fighting dinoflagellates. Dam no mood nowadays and so depressing. Some of my SPS not reacting well to the stress of everything
  17. iwarna came a few times liao.
  18. haha yes 4 very beautiful but difficult to obtain fish. that's why i say hope they will come in. this will be another one that might be coming in too
  19. dont thank me yet.. just hope they come in. at least one will do. anyway not to dilute the thread.
  20. coming soon to a LFS near you. no lah i've been trying to get goodies for everyone here. so if my effort pay off, those are just some of the many new things you'll get to see.
  21. Here's a new ID game. so boring to ID male fairy wrasses huh? all look so colourful and obvious. try these. these are some of the females of popular fairy wrasses. can u identify them? i'll give a very obvious hint for wrasse number 1. because there are at least 6 or more species that have identical looking females. the one featured in this game is endemic to fiji. that will give a definite identity for #1. as for the rest, happy guessing! the photo goes in this order #1 #4 #2 #5 #3 #6
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