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Everything posted by yikai

  1. i pinned up a thread about angels and butterflies in sps tank in the reef fish forum awhile ago. u can go to read there. and i've cited many many of examples about reef safe butterflies and angels in reef tanks. all can be found with a little bit of searching. i wont repeat again.. its too taxing to talk about the same topic again and again and again.. so you can search the forum for some ideas. cheers.
  2. NO! dont FW dip the clowns. Brooklynella cannot be eradicated with FW dip! only formalin can remove brook. just stop buying wild caught clownfish for the next few weeks. buy captive bred clowns. they are brook-free
  3. imo nigriocella is one of the most beautiful dwarf angels from that video alone! look at the brilliant lemon custard yellow! it's so adorable. set against a white background it's so cute. the pectoral fin base is black and when it flaps the fins, the black shows up very well! one of the most beautiful dwarves ever iMO!
  4. i love the nigriocella video! the fish is gorgeous and million times nicer than personatus! i love the white body with the yellow chin.
  5. cant remember if the CF's multicolor is still there. maybe someone here can update. i cant remember.
  6. wow that's fast! there was i think 3 of them yesterday when i left around 3pm haha. good luck to whoever bought it! a beautiful fish worthy of a try
  7. your clownfish died from brooklynellosis. wild caught clowns are very susceptible to this disease..
  8. yes. i had 2 BTA isolated on one rock surrounded by a mote of sand. 2 days later one of them was at the front of the tank on the front rocks. good thing is it did not sting anything on the way here and it found a nice place. bad thing is it managed to crawl on the sand. but BTA are one of the less potent stingers. i find they are actually ok to most of my corals when touched.
  9. forgot to mention. CF has a few potter's leopard wrasse (Macropharyngodon geoffroy) very very difficult leopard wrasse to keep with outrageously low success rate. but anyone who's interested and want to try can go to CF to buy.
  10. oh it's a picture from greenwich? they say it's flavicauda? ok at least my initial hunch was right. hmm lets hope flavicauda anthias appears soon!
  11. it's a female. female anthias are very difficult to ID properly because many species have very similar looking females. but my guess will be either a female of Pseudanhias pulcherrimus or Pseudanthias flavicauda
  12. my RBTA crawled over sand. did not know it could do that but apparently it did
  13. CF has 2 pairs of marshall island ventralis anthias. Pseudanthias ventralis ventralis. the male is magnificent and super gorgeous. also many white cap gobies (Lotilia graciliosa) and rubromaculatus pistol shrimp pair (Alpheus rubromaculatus). One of the white cap goby is very big. also at least 3 large show size AT at CF.
  14. not yet fully expanded lei :} later in the afternoon
  15. yes amby i bought that. omg day 2 and not a single dinoflagellate in sight! yay!
  16. it's not pure yellow!! it's orangey-yellow. dont be too excied coz you WILL be dissapointed.
  17. u forgot a frag of my blue cespitularia and a frag of my green nephthea. keep water quality up by changing water frequently since ur tank is small. good thing u using my water, sand and liverock so hardly need to cycle. just need to condition your eheim liberty for bacterial seeding which should be done by now. just dump ur dirty water into my sump and scoop clean water from my tank into ur tank. so easy right.
  18. difficult to hold the colour.. it will eventually lose some or all of it's colour and turn into just a normal male. actually technically there's no difference in a normal male and a terminal phased "alpha" male. the differnce only being the colour and it's dominance in the wild over it's harem of females. many threads and experience in RC show that the terminal colour for anthias is quite difficult to hold. esp for dispar. but u can try.. no harm trying. only large public aquarius with hundreds of dispars can manage to keep the colour v well.
  19. that anemone is crazy. really crazy. yellow is a v rare colour for anemone. most of the time they are dyed yellow. here's 2 wild pics of wild yellow magnifica anemone. terryz where are u? ur new aim. and of coz another lemon drop BTA. this one is selling for $350 USD.
  20. regular male is just male lah. not alpha, not female. just a male. three pics here. 1st pic female (all fins transparen. dorsal fin small and orangey) 2nd pic male (dorsal fin is bright red and looks like a sail. body colour pinkish-orange) 3rd pic terminal phased or "alpha" male. (bright red dorsal fin and solid yellow body with pink head)
  21. ahh green anthias? Pseudanthias hutchii (picture 1)? yes henry has some now for those interested. green-coloured anthias are not very common. i like Pseudanthias olivaceus (picture 2), the olive anthias. Hopefully we get to see it soon too hehehe
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