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Everything posted by yikai

  1. Some books are v v inaccurate. Best to get books by credible scientists like debelius, Randall, tanaka, Pyle, kuiter etc. Ive seen some books that say tinkeri butterfly is from the red sea... If u want v v specialized book on wrasse, u can borrow from me or buy from rudie kuiter himself by sending him post to australia. Book is extremely comprehensive but may be too scientific to understand.
  2. at first glance it looks like bryopsis. but it's just very very long hair algae. reduce NO3 reduce PO4 reduce feeding Run rowaphos run carbon and do water changes.
  3. peaceful yes. but not when u buy 5 blood shrimps and 3 cleaners. that's too many. most people keep one or two per tank and that;s it. not 8
  4. you can PM M3MORPH who is a sponsor in our forum they can supply conspic angels also and it's regular on their supply list.
  5. Irene's conspic are obtained from Hong Kong LFS, while LCK's one comes straight from the collector's source in Australia. so both LFS also u can enquire.
  6. you want a conspic angel? talk to steven at LCK and see if he's willing to bring in.
  7. the butterfly i bought did not make it after 2-3 weeks. i believe the stress of shipping was too much for it to handle. but the undescribed species of anthias i brought back is doing awesome and is spawning everynight. the anthias is undescribed but similar in appearance to Pseudanthias marcia. the books by S. michael label it as "Pseudanthias sp. 4" this is what it looks like. its pink with yellow dusting at the tail region. when it's displaying to the female, the tail becomes red and the body has a red bar. pics borrowed from RC
  8. its v small. only like 50 cent coin size. and it's hiding under a rock now. have to wait for it to come out :}
  9. Tomorrow at Iwarna Tonga corals SPS, lobo, monti, pipe organs etc etc, snow flake clowns picasso clowns neon dottybacks orchid dottybacks berghia nudibranch
  10. i did not know and don't think there's geographical variation and head shape for clown tangs o.o
  11. C. larvatus is an obligate SPS eater that eats nothing but SPS. extremely difficult to keep though there's been some success. no one except the most experienced of reefers should try.
  12. i'm now going to go through all the 200+++ pages of this thread and save every photo to catalouge them on my desktop. u never know when src will suddenly crash and lose all these precious photos!
  13. Paracheilinus attenuatus from my friend in hong kong!! this is by far one of the most beautiful but also very rare flasher wrasse. and it's only sold for 100 HKD!!! the pic doesnt show the fish well coz its in a red background like the fish
  14. red sea shipment not interesting one. i only want to know irene's shipment details because of the influx of butterflies. butterflies other than golden butterfly from red sea are very uncommon and i'm wondering if the one i'm looking for is here. nvm i call irene.
  15. faster faster someone reply me plsss!! does irene have Chaetodon paucifasciatus from red sea?!?!? i cannot contain my excitement.
  16. get it and put in my tank! i'm not a fan of holacanthus angels and i don't like any of them. but a clarion x passer is special and it has the orange of the clarion minus the ugly green face.
  17. really!? is there Chaetodon paucifasciatus and Chaetodon mesoleucos? the red sea variant for auriga (threadfin) butterfly is also very nice!! black back. C. larvatus is impossible to keep. obligate coralivore. red sea can also get the red sea raccoon butterfly, Chaetodon fasciatus.
  18. sohal, purple tang... red sea fish. irene have red sea fishes but don't have carribean contacts as far as i know. but then again, irene has tonga, hong kong contacts. she just don't bring them in... so maybe she has new shipment. but the sohal and purple tang is from red sea shipment. as for blue mask butterfly, i have no idea what it is.. common names so misleading. but since it's with the purple tang and sohal and from the red sea, my guess will be golden butterfly. (Chaetodon semilarvatus). they have a blue eye patch on the eye.
  19. no one would spend 1k+++ on a privitera anthias. if there's anyone maybe only digiman. digi will u spend 1k+ on a privitera? it's beautifuland v rare but not unobtainable.. can get from quality marine and EZ marine shipments. dont think singapore is ready for fishes like this yet edit* according to digiman, privitera anthias is not as difficult as smithvanizi and flavoguttatus. although they are all closely related and belong in the same complex. surprisingly easy for a deepwater fish that's related to a complex that's v difficult. but not many specimens came in before so the results are all hear say.
  20. Pseudanthias ventralis. Ventralis anthias from Marshall islands.. v expensive at 200+ each.
  21. those "plate corals" are Diaseris fragilis. a different kind of plate corals from the usual that are always seen (Fungia sp)
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