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Everything posted by yikai

  1. haha yes. shy though. D.A u interested in C. paucifasciatus? G. dejongi or G. linkii?
  2. Digi tat tang with the blue tail is a Naso sp I think. I have the ID at home later let u know
  3. Butterfly lovers check out the roa jayakari post on glassbox design! Thanks to my friend in Thailand for sharing the photos

  4. aww!! it's not a flabelligobius! thanks for the ID! strange. the japanese website lists the exact same fish as flabelligobius. i need to do more re-search on gobies. my goby ID-ing skills is terrible!
  5. Flame angel spawning every night, tonight i watched the whole event from courting to spawning. so amazing how they've only been together for less than 2 months?

  6. i told u it's not the black one mah. i think the black one and even this one reborn brought in before. but very obsure lah. i PM marinebetta to see if he knows the ID of it. i only know it's flabelligobius. dunno what species it is.. looks like a mudskipper ._.
  7. why thanks! i won't say it's nice but more along the lines of "unique" two specimens showed up in HK today too! according to my friend who lives there.
  8. here's 2 photos of the same goby i obtained, but this is in the wild. the website labelled it as Flabelligobius sp. actually now i'm unsure if it's flabelligobius sp, or F. latruncularia... it does look abit like latruncularia but abit different. i hope some goby expert can chime in. gobies are not my area of specialty,
  9. i did not obtain the above mentioned flabelligobius. that would just be insane. instead, i obtained another undescribed species from the same genus! it is however, less showy than the black one above. it's also undescribed. it's now paired with a randall's pistol shrimp and will go into my brother's nano tank soon.
  10. the genus "flabelligobius" is very mysterious and not much is known about them. almost all species in this genus are undescribed. this is the most commonly known flabelligobius sp. it's undescribed and very rare in the trade.
  11. this should be captain america paly. just need some time to condition and colour up nicely.
  12. yikai


    put them on a rocks and they will stick within one or two days. DO NOT epoxy them..
  13. yikai


    actually no.. clams are always found on the rocks in the wild. so placing them there would be the best place. only reefers place them on the sandbed. in the wild they are anchored on rocks either on the sand, or on reef mounts. if you place them on the sand it's also ok. but the clam will not be able to anchor itself. unless it's anchored on a rock, on the sand.
  14. beautiful wrasses offered at LADD. a terminal male rhomboid's fairy wrasse a gorgeous and rare cupid's moon wrasse (Thalassoma cupido) and a pair of australian hooded fairy wrasse. LADD lists them as one female and one changing female to male. but both look females to me and i will say both are females based on phenotypic traits... but it does not matter as one will morph soon
  15. success rate is very low. difficult is an understatement. larvatus butterfly is one of the many "obligate coral eating" butterflies. this means that they do not eat anything but coral in the wild. and the coral they eat in the wild, is SPS. and not all kinds of SPS. many of them are very picky on the species of SPS they eat. Larvatus butterfly belongs to the "triangular butterfly" complex that includes borronessa and triangulum. these 3 butterflies are one group of many that eat nothing but SPS. other groups are the "ornate butterfly complex", the "plebeius complex" and the "chevron complex" amongst others. yes there have been some success with people managing to wean these butterflies on prepared food and keeping them long term, but the odds are low and the chances of survival are rather slim. and even then, getting them to eat is one thing. getting them to survive on prepared fish food is another. hope this helps you my friend. i always categorise butterflies into 3 groups. impossible possible but not reef safe possible but reef safe unfortunately, the beautiful larvatus butterfly falls into category 1.
  16. rocks. only these wrasses from the following genus sleep in sand. Anampses (tamarin wrasse) Macropharyngodon (Leopard wrasses) Halichores Coris Pseudojuloides (Pencil wrasses) Pseudocoris there are many more wrasses that sleep in the sand, but the above mentioned ones are those commonly offered to the trade. if your wrasse does not belong to the above genus, it sleeps in the rocks.
  17. yikai


    why was the sand stirred? using too much epoxy is not good also. very stressful as it clouds the water. stirring sand is also very very stressful. could be a cumulative effect + depletion of oxygen
  18. any mac users here? why can't i locate my external hard disk on my imac?

    1. AloysiusMun


      Your external harddrive format will affect as to whether it can be read on a Mac. Make sure its not NTFS.

  19. haha. like most other rare and expensive angels, juveniles of conspic are verrry expensive and rare. this applies to bandit angels as well. juvenile of griffiths angels are not only rare, they are almost non existant in the trade. almost always do they appear 4 inch and above. so give you the rough idea that obtaining juveniles of certain angels can be quite difficult. i wish you luck in your future conspic.
  20. omg check out this super cool but ultra rare cardinal from western australia! Vincentia macrocauda
  21. you dont have to worry about getting small conspic because juvnile conspic angels are super rare and super expensive. almost all conspic that appear in the trade are 5 inch and above. the smaller ones and juveniles never make it to singapore because the demand for it is much higher in japan and U.S yes you definitely need a chiller for this fish. conspic is from the genus chaetodontoplus which can be quite troublesome and difficult to feed. and if u put it into your tank full of big angels immediately, it probably will not survive and will not feed. u should put it in a separate tank first to condition it and make sure it's feeding before you put it in with your aggressive 7 inch queen angels. u can PM digiman for more info since he has 1st hand experience in keeping it.
  22. Molecular biology and Metabolic biochemistry paper was fun! Time to kill anatomy & physiology on Monday.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. yikai


      no it's ICA module still. but i love met bio. my favourite module.

    3. veliferium


      omg,i still recall those 2 hr plus lectures on monday afternoons.But she's a very witty teacher:)

    4. yikai


      extremely! never use singlish and speak in her english is impeccable.

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