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Everything posted by yikai

  1. summore gem tang you keep before already.
  2. i rather for your small tank, not have any big showpiece fish like a tang. something smaller but rarer and more show stopping like a small prognathodes butterfly or a super rare centropyge should do it.
  3. so damn cold here in shanghai

    1. Digiman


      Wear more layers! Or wear a down jacket. For me one down jacket is good enough. And gloves also important cos when wind blow fingers will freeze first!

    2. yikai


      i wear like a trench coat not enough. and i dont want wear too many layers coz very laychey. i must wear labcoat in the lab lol. will feel quite warm.

      yah i need gloves! my fingers cannot move in this cold country

  4. Blind leading the blind

  5. bell's flasher has a super lunated tail and a yellow edge. the anal fin is also purely red.
  6. bell's flasher has a super lunated tail and a yellow edge. the anal fin is also purely red.
  7. not now anyway. wait till i get back to see my pauci first.
  8. johnson's fairy wrasse is gorgeous. really coloured up tremendously and so elegant. the states people are getting ALOT now from the marshall islands and even the very rare bell's flasher wrasse. i hope it's only a matter of time before they come to singapore again and at cheaper price.
  9. some of chingchai's super rare fishes.. Paracirrhites xanthus aka the super rare and beautiful golden hawkfish. and his ventralis anthias from hawaii and marshall islands respectively (they are different species)
  10. 5 more weeks till i get back! i hope my SPS are all still alive and not dead. i highly doubt that but hey, can't blame me right? when murphy's on the prowl

  11. yes thanks M3 for the gorgeous paucifasciatus butterfly and the chance to see a G. linkii! the two will make news worldwide now. the johnsoni is coloured up Super nicely! good job.
  12. first time in more than a decade. C. paucifasciatus makes it's reappearance. i'm so happy to own it. hope it's ok when i get back in 5 weeks time. thanks M3MORPH for being able to obtain this fish. no other country in the world is getting paucifasciatus now and even if they are getting, they are getting them in very very very minute quantities in less than 5 pieces each time. considering how ubiquitous they are in the wild, that's quite baffling. the paucifasciatus butterfly is a member of the "xanthurus" complex with many similar species found in indonesia and the indian ocean. the xanthurus complex is a model example of charles darwin's theory on allopatric speciation.
  13. yes! oh wow! P. mesostigma! Outrageous! it's my dream pencil wrasse and i've been waiting for it for terribly long and have been stalking ahbeng's philippine shipment for so long! can be found from cebu but very very rare. it is one of the deeper water pencil wrasses compared to other species like P. severnsi and P. cerasinus. Not much is known about mesostigma in captivity because not many people keep it before. it's showing stress colouration which is very common for them. unfortunately survival rate for Pseudojuloides are extremely low. yours will most probably not survive. if it does survive, it will make a good story for either glassbox design or reef builders. do provide better photos when it does stabalise. pseudojuloides is a very unpopular genus. but mesostigma is considered by rare wrasse enthusiast like me to be "holy grail" of the genus. other holy grail pencil wrasse includes P. erythrops, atavai, xanthomos, and cf elongatus!
  14. i had a pellet feeding mandarin pair before. kept for 2 years then one day just vanish.
  15. the sanguineus fairy wrasse and piscilineatus flasher is sold already. you'll see them on glassbox-design soon.
  16. China bans facebook, google and youtube. But i'm on all of these websites now. I win!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Eniram


      Er....and you are gonna post on which thread? disease/parasite/pest control?

    3. M3Morph


      juz dun join the jasmine movement. Stay safe.

    4. yikai


      yup thanks! no jasmine movement for me.

      only jasmine tea :)

  17. that's a tunicate.. and the white stuff on the left is a sponge of sorts or another tunicate. definitely not a soft coral.. mine's the post-larval stage of either nepthea, or capnella.
  18. firstly, rhomboid is a deep water fairy wrasse that is prone to decompression issues and shipping stress. especially the large males. the larger they are, the worst they ship. almost 80% of rhomboids will die from decompression problems when shipped. it's not the LFS fault. it's the handling and collection fault. people in japan, U.S and thailand also have problems with large male rhomboid wrasse. so the solution, either you're lucky, or buy smaller males/females or juveniles. secondly. cyanide is not used anywhere else except indonesia and philippines. so please get this right. 3rdly, angels like flame angel, lemonpeel etc are very prone to flukes. as said before, it's not the LFS fault. these fishes come in with problems like this from the wild. i always do a 10 min freshwater dip to all angels and butterflies i buy to de-fluke them. all the problems above are NOT the LFS fault. of course, LFS in singapore are not good at holding fishes for too long. but i assume you bought the fish on the same day of shipment. so this is still fresh and in good condition. if you bought it like many weeks after shipment, then there could be a problem since most LFS here are not good at holding fish too long. so before fingers are pointed at any LFS, please look deeper into the problem and not superficially.
  19. Those interested in the ultra legendary and ridiculously rare fairy wrasse Cirrhilabrus sanguineus, please pm M3MORPH! even the ultra rare and legendary piscilineatus flasher wrasse (Paracheilinus piscilineatus) is also avaialble. these 2 fishes are some of the world's rarest fairy and flasher. the only person to have ever owned and photographed the sanguineus fairy wrasse is Dr. Hiroyukia tanaka. if you want these 2 god-like fishes, please PM M3MORPH now if it's still available!
  20. BB everyone! see you in 6 weeks!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. yikai


      thanks! same to you :)

    3. wilsontantw


      Have fun and have a good trip. Cya.

    4. onizukaa


      6 weeks very fast de, come back see all your sps boomz :D

  21. if less than 2 red notes, then it's not naoko female. female naoko they sell for $80 before discount. aunty probably mistake it for female rubriventralis because it looks almost identical. but either that or it could be that they reduced the price. but i doubt it. anyway if it is naoko female for 2 red notes, then buy!! thanks solo for updating.
  22. here's mine. key distinct feature to differentiate them from the other females of the rubriventralis complex is the presence of only two blue stripes. there's a shipment of rubriventralis males. maybe the females could be rubriventralis instead of naoko. so check properly. i dunno if you can see clearly. but there's only 2 full blue stripes from head to tail. the females are super rare coz they are not collected. so those want to keep a pair, faster get now. but we should be seeing a steady source from CF from now on.
  23. CF has 5 female naoko wrasse? wrasse lovers faster get it. female naoko wrasse are very rare because they are not collected. but now it should be more common because CF is importing them already. i went yesterday but did not see. could be new shipment. female naokoes are red fully with two horizontal blue stripes on the body. this is important because only female naoko has 2 blue stripes. the other females closely related to naoko have more. there's a shipment of rubriventralis also yesterday. the females could be female rubriventralis. so identification of the stripe is important.
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