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Everything posted by yikai

  1. that's neither a bell's flasher nor an angulatus flasher. it's the solomon island variation of the filamented flasher wrasse. LCK has some now. the dorsal fin is full yellow and the tail is flanked by two very long and red filaments and borders. middle of tail is clear. that's the key characteristic for the solomon is. variation. the pure yellow dorsal fin. and all of it is yellow. bell's flasher is very easy to differentiate. the body has no lines like filamentosus, but more of a scrawled marking with a combination of short lines and spots. the tail filament is extremely long and the middle area of the tail is yellow. the yellow tail and body pattern is key characteristic for bell's flasher. for angulatus, the tail is very lunated and dorsal and ###### fins are long and sharp, and point out of the body like a cursor. the fins have no filaments.
  2. omg. i got another offer to write for another reefing blog! this time with sanjay, peter schmiedel etc.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. yikai


      so at the end of the day, i'm stuck between two groups.

      and worst of all they want me exclusively so it's either A or B. no compromise

    3. M3Morph


      its always tough when u reach a "crossroad". Whatever decision u make, I'm sure many of us here will support u!

    4. Digiman


      I am a pragmatic person. So if i were u i'll quit GBD and join RB. However not to fall out with GBD i'll explain to Eric my reasons and wish to join RB and hope to have his understanding and best wishes.

  3. a wet and cold day today :(

    1. peacemaker


      makes a lemonade. :oP

    2. yikai


      i'm having a cold due to the cold weather (pun intended).


  4. i remember this tank. there's also a six bar dunno wat fish. i forgot the scientific name. it's not there anymore
  5. Liopropoma rubre (swissguard basslet) is from carribean and is retailining around 80-100 Liopropoma swalesi (swale's basslet - aka fake candy basslet) is from indo pacific and sellign for about 45 liopropoma carmabi (candy bassket - the real one) is from the atlantic and its selling for 1.3k SGD! so yah agreed, please confirm with us thanks :-)
  6. dichrous butterfly? is it a new one collected? or is that an old one?
  7. xiaolongbao is super delicious! one xiaolongbao is less than singapore 20 cents!! i wish i can tapao for everyone back here but that's impossible haha

  8. dying for an update on? i'm in china now so cannot update on anything in my house tank. and the fishes i ordered, also cannot update ._>
  9. i've seen these kinds of giant alpha male rhomboids before. i even bought them a few times. but rhomboids at this size are very difficult to keep. the survival rate is very low because the big ones are the most prone to decompression problems and shipping stress.
  10. do you do any extra medication during quarantine for ventralis anthias? their survival rate is very low, i'm sure you've experienced that in the past too. do you medicate with praziquantel? it seems that internal parasites are quite a problem. they get skinnier despite feeding.
  11. Got anything rare or interesting worthy to share? Send me a PM and i'll write a glassbox-design article to publish.

  12. anyway for those who are interested to know more about the super rare pair of paucifasciatus butterflies i obtained, along with digiman's even rarer gramma linkii, you guys can read it here. i've written a short article and published it on glassbox-design. http://glassbox-design.com/2011/chaetodon-paucifasciatus-red-sea/ this is my 4th out of 6 articles i've written that's been posted. if anyone of you have any news worthy or rare fish/corals to share, just send me a PM and i'll write about it.
  13. i'm too much of a technophobe to know how or care how to do that! LOL
  14. the birdnests and your evil montipora have amazing growth.
  15. Everyday thinking of my paucifasciatus butterflies in Singapore. Probably the only one alive in the whole of asia right now.

  16. v nice pair of balteatus, M3. here's chingchai's dejongi and balteatus pair undergoing acclimation. his balteatus is also v big. but unfortunately, balteatus colour is not the easiest to hold. but with a female, it should be ok.
  17. chingchai finally got his dream fish. a dejongi basslet (Gramma dejongi) from dejong marine. also in the same shipment was a pair of Cirrhilabrus balteatus.
  18. The recent Japan explosion reminds me of Chernobyl and three mile island incident and other environmental crisis.

    1. desideria


      I am wondering what's going to happen to all the marine life around the affected reactors... :( will we see weird distortions happening?

  19. OH MY GOD! look at the way it gracefully emerges from the darkness. the tail so flamboyant. it's so legendary.
  20. blackburn is not available at M3 now. it's only coming in around april. it's a very rare butterfly from Africa. seldom show up in the trade. dolosus is the safest of the three. it's behaviour is similar to citrinellus, guentheri, miliaris etc. i.e, partial plankton feeder as well as benthic. very easy to feed since their diet is very wide ranging in the wild.
  21. lemontree. litophyton i kept before. remember i had one pic of my hooded wrasse, and the background is this soft coral light brown in colour? that's litophyton. it;s very very soft almost like jelly.
  22. haiz ya. super rare centropyge hard to get. rusty flame is rather common but still impossible to get yet.
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