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spacecowboy8 last won the day on December 23 2010

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  1. Anyone wanted to trade stuff with my Algae Free Hammerhead Floating Aquarium Cleaning Magnet. I am open for corals and livestock. Reason is Hammerhead is to large for my tank use. Best regards
  2. Hi, I have one unit of Maxspect G2-160 with lens kit for sale. I have changed 2 white LED with 2 blue LED. I used this with a hanging kit but it might to be too short so you may want to get your own directly. Selling for $350. Pse contact me at 94888843 if you are interested.
  3. Hi, Selling my tiger shark float for $70. Interested party pse call me at 94888843. Best regards
  4. Dear all, Got the following coral lps and spa to let go. The 1st one going for $30 and the rest at $10 each. Interested pse SMS me at 94888843. Collect at redhill and bring ur own bag...
  5. Anyone have one to sell pse SMS me, 94888843. Thanks
  6. 1) Deltec MCE 300 Skimmer - $200. This is less then 6 mths old. 2) Coolwork ICEProbe Aquarium Chiller - $80 3) Jireh Marine QuickStart - $40 Interested bro pse sms me at 94888843
  7. Bump... Got some nice live rock to give away. Interested bro can SMS me.
  8. Bump... Got the following items to clear too 1. Ice probe - $ 80 2. jireh marine quick start - $ 40 3. strawberry crab (from carribean ) - $10 4. Seagrass filefish -$10 And lastly my deltec mce300 is still available. Sincere buyer, my price negotiable.
  9. Selling my less than 6 month old Deltec MCE300 skimmer. This is a hang on back skimmer, and it maxijet pump produced really fine bubble. Interested bro pse sms or call me at 94888843. Selling for $200/-. New one is $300 after discount.
  10. I am migrating to my another tank, and would like to give away one of my seagrass filefish. Bought him to eat up my apitsia. As part of the deal, would need your help to carry my new 2ft tank together with me to put on top of my cabinet. Any kind reefer willing to help me, I am staying in red hill area. If u keen, pse SMS me at 94888843:)
  11. Selling my Maxspect G1 110w. Have swap out original 6 white led with 4 blue and 2 violet to look less white. My Maxspect G1 110w come with lens kit as well. Selling cheap for $200. no more warranty. Interested pse SMS me at 94888843.
  12. Hi, got the above for sale, together with holder. This is par 30 deep blue 60 degree len, fit E26/27 holder. I bought for less than a month and selling as it not required anymore on my tank. Selling both for $100. When I bought it was around $170 inc the holder. Still within 1 yr warranty. Interested pse call/SMS me at 94888843.
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