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Everything posted by Joeteng

  1. I am using Bio pellet in a reactor. But it does not seem to work, no3 still high after a week. why?
  2. I make the same mistake! So don't be like me too! Let the tanks cycle for 6 weeks at least! If u u will have problem in the later part
  3. I only slow down the vortech. The rest of my 3 hydor on 24 hrs.
  4. Ok I got the bio pellet and a reactor to place the biopellets. I did not get the azno3 cos they say will make the fishes drowsy. I am waiting for the result to see if the nitrate level will drop. I do see improvement as the red algae is dying and detached from my sand bed. I also dose bio fuel!
  5. thanks bro! I dont think i can understand it cos it is too complex!
  6. thanks bro! yes i know i overstock in the first place so no choice and have to live with it now. hope everything will be normal soon.
  7. Chaetos does not remove no3 rite? It remove only phosphate
  8. My tank is not really small 4ft. Should I get a nitrate Reactor to fully control the nitrate long term or should I get bio pellets? Which is better?
  9. Thanks for your helps Gouldian! I will try the algae scrubber method but where can I get the stuffs? Do you thing I can place it at the overflow before it enters the sump? Should I also get airpump to increase the oxygen levels? Or nitrate reactor?
  10. My reading is always within 25-50. So quite bah cos red algae will bloom suddenly and cover some of my corals and zoos. Also if I feed too little I can see my livestocks are hungry. I have about 20 livestock inside.
  11. I am surprise vodka can do that! Did anyone try b4?
  12. can it be solve long term? I prefer long term solution.
  13. Thanks bro but how long do I need to do the hugh water change?
  14. I have the tank for almost 3months but the no3 still high in my tank. Wondering what went wrong? How can I control my no3 effectively? - water change every week 10% - dose bacteria into the sump weekly - feed twice a day -buy no3 and ammonia removal filter
  15. This is a sad case, if this species is difficult to keep, they shouldnt have bring in at the first place.
  16. now hardly can find rics? anywhere you can get rics? Awarna say at the moment they dont have. Anywhere you have seen selling it?
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