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Everything posted by albinosage

  1. I wonder if we can ask Larry to add it as an official icon HAHAHAHA
  2. Hahahaha basket all of you... I don't want to be responsible for anyone getting suspended again hor
  3. "Oh shit look, got brittle stars, many brittle stars... You think they are still alive? Can I save them?" Poor brittle stars, you-know-who will know what I'm talking about hahaha. Actually I think a quick dip with freshwater and coral rx will not do any harm too, I used to dip zoas with freshwater+flatworm exit+iodine, didn't cause any death to the zoas.
  4. Is your inquiry about the 110W maxspect meant for your 12G tank? It will be overpowered haha. I think the tank is only 12 inch deep or shallower, even the Maxspect 60W will be more than enough.
  5. I thought that I had a sundial snail infestation last month, and removed several small snails from my zoas... Did a water change yesterday and found a 5mm snail in my filter sock, looked at the shell pattern and it was pinkish/red and white, turns out that my turbo snails have been breeding! Put the little bugger back in to the sump to see if it is still alive after washing the filter sock in fresh water and leaving it to dry... it is!
  6. All the reefers above have already answered comprehensively lol. I can only add my opinion that Red Sea salt is not the most ideal salt mix, it is almost impossible to get it dissolved completely. You can go for slightly pricier ones like Tropic Marine or Marine Environment which dissolve easily without residue. (Ignore this, just finding an excuse to use the cute new emoticon hahaha)
  7. Can be found at hardware shop, stationery shop like Art Friend. Can be used to cut thick acrylic too. I successfully cut a 4 x 2 ft sign board out of 8m acrylic last month lol.
  8. Spot check! Orh hor hor... I see you searching for fish ######...

  9. I think the paperbag ended up with ahsiang, who threw it away, thus ending the curse hahaha.
  10. I typed a reply but it is too mean, I shall PM you for a laugh instead LOL
  11. So it's you! Hahaha, I was thinking of getting it too. A decent LED fixture with CREE LEDs, I think corals should respond positively to it.
  12. Sounds like flatworms. Bro, do they look like this? If the infestation is as serious as the pic above, you will have to dose flatworm exit into the whole tank to nuke them (and run carbon after that cos they release toxins upon death). Alternatively you can introduce fishes that eat them, but that won't guarantee that it will be gone completely.
  13. HAHAHA yah la yah lah... I didn't check properly for anything that drop out cos it was in such a guniang paper bag!
  14. Miscellaneous frags from friends: Left to right: Unknown 1 inch wide PPE, unknown pink zoa with green centre, Purple hornet frag that is recovering from something... hope it doesn't melt. FTS as of last night:
  15. Bought a rock of indo zoas and a small crocea clam from Iwarna the last time I went down with AhSiang. Adopted pipe organ, half gone, but the rest is growing well.
  16. An update and round up of the drama my tank last night: Black clown introduced into main tank, can't bear to keep him stranded in the sump haha. Flame hawk is damn happy with something new to perch on.
  17. Yup the same one. Becoming more adventurous now, hardly hides in the cave all day now.
  18. Very neat looking tank bro. Never kept more than 2 tangs at anytime so I don't know how peaceful your tank inhabitants will be. Your bioload will be quite high, hope you have that part figured out haha.
  19. HAHAHA fish so slippery and slimey.... you go and cuddle your Ketchup better la I'll keep it for you and let it heal first la. In case you change your mind, you'd still have a complete piece to put in the tank. Your fiji pipe organ no hope liao, only 20% of the polyps remaining. I left it at the back of the tank cos it is quite ugly now ahahaha. Haha, it is partially melted, I wanna let it heal and to let lemon have the chance to take it back when his tank is up before I decide to frag for myself. Nice meeting you too bro! Didn't know you are so chatty in real life lol. Thanks for the dinner by the way, will buy you a meal the next time
  20. Thanks for the compliments guys. Yah comy, I was killing 2 birds with 1 stone, use the wavemaker to mix saltwater and use the magnet for the frag station haha. Cheap and good. Leslie, I bought the black clown from RB! LOL! I want a greater variety of fishes but with my limited tank size, I chose not to get 2 of the same fish, maybe I will pair it up with a common clown or one of those misbarred or naked ones.
  21. If you are looking at power consumption, Aquabee trumps Eheim. Another strong, silent and low power consumption brand to consider is Rio.
  22. Built this to function both as a frag station and to prevent fishes from jumping out of the back, one of the perils of owning an open top tank Made from black eggcrate from Jacky and magnet from a cheap Sunsun wavemaker bro Vtec sold me. The idea was that with everything in black you can't see it when stuck on the back of the tank. Only when you bend down to view pependicularly will you see the position of the frag station, when viewing slightly from the top (standing position), the object is obscured
  23. Some updates to my tank, don't have the time to shoot all new additions as it was all taken in a rush this morning. Really cute and tiny tailspot blenny from ML: Captive bred baby black ocellaris in the betta box cos I'm waiting to get another baby ocellaris (naked clown or common clown) to pair with it before introducing them into the main tank. Rare green/black favia "on loan" from Lemon Marble fromia starfish:
  24. Some wrasses will actually feed on them, small yellow wrasse and 6 line are the more hardworking ones. Yellow wrasse is usually preferred cos it is the less aggressive of the two. In the meantime, read up on pests to zoas, you will probably need to manually remove any eggs you see. If the infestation is serious, use Coral RX, Flatworm exit or Lugols with fresh water to dip them then let the wrasse do the rest.
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