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Everything posted by albinosage

  1. Full credit shouldn't be mine, I merely spotted and bought it from johnkang on your behalf
  2. 2 polyps also can? Should have known earlier, I dropped many loose polyps of the us zoas from the irwana shipment when I move them around and didn't know what to do with them, throw away liao
  3. Top priority goes to you mah, I saw you cussing in the other thread when you missed out on a sale haha! I only intend to keep it if you don't want, but its a good thing you took it too - my gf doesn't like it, says it look like cockroach from the top. Remember to post pics of the pair!
  4. Wah, that means that you will be a long time resident at henry's and the other clementi LFS already hahahaha!
  5. Ooooooh.. I knew you couldn't resist the harlequin shrimps! Hahaha.. High maintainence leh. I suppose you won't be seeking the red marble star anytime soon yeah?
  6. Hmm.. If tank has been running for 6 months, water parameters tested normal as claimed, then by right there shouldn't be a case of sudden death across species leh. Unless it's parasite or predator -- if so, then good luck
  7. I've got one pair, the female feeds on frozen food (Henry's reef gourmet) and the other is refusing to eat anything "dead", only eats the pods from the live rocks and live brine shrimp. Now that you mention it, the creature does look like a larvae of some sort, like the freshly hatched larvae from Aliens! The creature is about 4 to 5cm long head to tail, forgot to mention.
  8. Why would you want to purchase a 2nd hand equipment overseas and incur the high cost of shipping such a heavy item? I think it would be much cheaper to buy it straight from the dealer, or even through ebay, am I wrong? This is at least S$580 with shipping for a 2nd hand chiller
  9. Hi all, I saw one of my mandarins with this alien looking protrusion from the mouth last night, and initially thought that she had vomited her mouth inside out, cos it was in the same psychedelic colour scheme (see picture). She dropped it after a while and I realised that it was a living organism, cos it had hair like bristles in the mid section of the body. This morning, she was happily digging out two bristle worms from their caves -- nope, I wasn't starving her, I have no idea why she is scavenging for pests the last couple of days. Anyway, I am attaching a picture of the alien looking creature (on the left, together with the two worms, the body has decomposed and the colour is faded), hoping that someone knows what it is.
  10. No problem I think the watchman is overstressed lah. He caused my mandarin pair to "break up" after they have been living happily together for weeks. Was quite reluctant to give it away cos I grew quite attached to him, but he was sowing discord among his tank mates - best to send him into exile haha.
  11. Oh, the starfish wasn't crushed, the white stones could be debris from the dying body. Starfish would appear to be melting when they die, and slowly disintegrate. Most often, this is caused by bad water parameters. The disintegrating flesh will pollute the water especially if it is housed in a tank with small water volume. I kena before, marble star was eaten by bobbit worm and slowly died off... I stupidly left it inside thinking the disintegrating legs will grow back, the chain reaction caused by the rotting flesh nearly crashed my small tank
  12. The dead nudibranch or star could have released toxins that killed the rest. Another possible reason is the ammonia/nitrite spike caused by the massive die off of livestock. Do a water change quick. Also let us know the capacity of the tank, filtration method, other livestocks in the tank or any other information that could give us a better picture.
  13. Just wanna add, the yellow watchman will be agressive to other gobies and blennys, not just mandarins, best to give him a home with lots of swimming and hiding space. He is a bit neurotic being in his 4th tank and experiencing the stress of 2 tank cycling in the past year
  14. Give it a couple more days to open up, my first frag from Irwana also took a few days to open up fully and adjust to the water and light
  15. Sorry to hear about the elegance, bro. Was gonna ask you if it was doing well when I clicked on this thread, was thinking that if it could do well in your small volume tank, then there's hope for me to get one for my nano tank. How's your ice pack holding up? I got the idea from you to use a similar product from cold storage, but it lasts barely a few hours, which means I am always not around to change the pack when I'm at work, dunno what the temperature is like in the day.
  16. Heh.. Friendly doesn't mean nice guy leh hahahaha... jk. Glad to have the chance to meet you today too. Back to the topic: Yah, the zoos are at a really good price, but saw quite a few bros taking turns to get to the corner tank to pick up the remaining pieces, those who have the time can head down tomorrow before they close for cny!
  17. Wow, the sun coral is niceeee...... Nice to see your zoos in the tank. Didn't have time to monitor my tank. Came home and just as I placed the zoos into the tank, kena summon out for shopping duty with minister of home affairs I agree that the rocks a bit too densely packed. Next time you tear down to catch fish can take the chance to rescape a little hahaha.
  18. If she is free then I won't turn down the offer too haha cos I'm going there on Sat anyway. Eh how come from an offer to tompang you become ur mom tompang us now huh? LOL!
  19. Call lor haha, the first time I went, the nice lady help me call for one. I can't find any sucker among my friends to drive me on Sat leh.
  20. Hahaha, of course still on. I don't mind picking up left overs too.
  21. Huh why sat not good leh? Sorry, i dont often go LFS, so i don't know the schedule one. Go first, then see got what leftover.. Hahaha. No time to cheong on the first few days of shipment cos of busy schedule.
  22. Lemon, could it be that the fish that is pooping hasn't been digesting his food properly, then the poop eater gets attracted to the smell of the undigested food? Happened to my adult dog once, digestion problem. Took a s--t, turned around and recognised his breakfast inside then..... chomp!
  23. Yup only distilled. Saltwater for water change, distilled for top-up of evaporated water. BTW, I've got a Hailea 500l/hr hang on filter. PM me if interested.
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