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Everything posted by albinosage

  1. Is that a DIY-ed LED set or is it something bought off the shelves?
  2. Yup, I've been quite lucky in that sense. Everything going well in that tank. I've often been tempted to keep an anemone in my home nanocube, but the thought of not being able to keep other corals put me off, and of course the risk of returning home to the dreaded cloudy tank.
  3. HAHAHA! True blue Singaporean! I was thinking the same thing
  4. Seletar Farmway uncle always have a lot, bought some last week, not sure still available or not.
  5. Whoa, I guess I was misled by the size of the black face zoas haha, but still cute nonetheless. Oh Lemonlemon, the black patches on the fish are caused by stings from corals. Mine also kena when he started hosting in the pink bubble. Quite unsightly but actually harmless to their health. Any idea if it will go away eventually?
  6. Oh I was unaware of that! Thanks for the info. The rockscape is in such a way that there is a deep valley between the anemone's favourite spots and the corals, so that the tentacles won't ka-cheow anybody. If there is any chemical warfare going on, I can't tell cos visually it all looks alright. Anyway it's all soft corals lah, refuse to die type hahaha.
  7. Nice and clean! The clowns must be very small. So cute, first time I've actually seen a picture of them hosting on zoas. I notice that you are not running a chiller; how do you keep the temperature down? What's the average temp? Curious cos I'm not planning to run a chiller too, hope to keep temperature constant at 27 to 28 degrees by alternative means. EDIT: Just saw your zoas too! Very nice specimens!
  8. One feet is too small to keep a healthy anemone. Assuming you are keeping a green bubble tip, mine open up to 10 inches or more, don't be deceived by the appearance at LFSs. Even if it opens in your tank, you could be stunting its growth, another possible reason why it is unhappy Your skimmer draws so much water out till it raises the salinity by 0.06? That's a lot. The problem for us nano owners, slight change in water parameters can be catastrophic if left unchecked. I only keep soft corals and a bubble in my nano tank.
  9. Nope, the rock scape is the "2 mountain" kind, so one side anemones (where the return pipe is), one side for all other corals. The green one should be close to a year already.
  10. Nikon user here You mean Canon EOS 450D right? Can try the Tamron 90mm macro, cheap and good, I think should have canon mount. I sold off my nikon 60mm macro lens long ago cos I don't use it enough to justify the cost.
  11. That could be a clue, is your salinity always fluctuating? This is quite a wide range of variation. Keep the salinity, or the rest of the parameters for that matter, as constant as possible. Temperature is another issue which could cause it to be stressed. The anemone could be moving about for other "non chemistry" reasons like insufficient lighting or poor water flow. My experience with them is that they would keep moving until they find a spot that has a good mix of strong light and constant water flow, either that or they find their way into the overflow or powerhead -- then die. Hahaha, jk only, but that is a very strong possibility you must be prepared for when keeping anemones. I have a green bubble tip, and it preferred strong water flow over strong light, ended up bleached white as a result but still surviving in some dark corner
  12. Yup, best method is to use an viewing box to shoot through, Muji sells some clear acrylic display boxes that would work. Eliminates the ripples and distortion. Been trying to find a suitable one to fit my lens, but quite frankly I don't think I'll have the guts to put my camera equipment anywhere near the water surface, not worth the effort and risk hahaha.
  13. I've got a nanocube so it is easier to manage greedy inhabitants. To prevent the clownfish from grabbing food from the seahorse or corals, I will lure him into the betta box with food, then while he is happily eating, I will feed the rest of the slower feeders. Once in a while, he will be more stubborn, so I will feed the rest with a large syringe while threatening him everytime he comes close.
  14. No problem, just pointing out as a precaution Art materials and fish don't mix well, let's just say I found out from personal experience a long time ago hahaha.
  15. This is from the Daler Rowney safety data sheet: Actually, Cadmium is part of the ingredient, that is what gives the paint its red colouring. Different paint will have different ingredients, mostly it it red and metallic paint like silver or gold that contains toxic metals. But don't worry, I don't think it is lethal unless you drink the whole bottle hahaha.
  16. Hi Gary, you got small pieces? or are they all medium/large ones?
  17. Very complex to explain, but basically, I spread out my purchases from different merchants, including those who don't ship outside US, and those who provide free shipping within US, so average cost by weight when sent to Singapore is cheaper. I consolidate all the things I want for a few months then order whatever I need from the states one shot Not worth it if you use vpost to ship just one package from one merchant who does not provide free domestic shipping. Sorry sis Ming for OT on shipping
  18. Acrylic paint is water based, so for most parts, it is non-toxic to humans. Problem is that your paint contains cadmium as an ingredient for the red colouring - this is a toxic metal if ingested by humans, dunno if it will affect marine life... but most probably
  19. Wow, these colours are insane! I don't recall seeing such vibrant colours at Irwana's last shipment, some of them come close, but the pictures....
  20. Yah, can split shipment. Irritating thing is that vpost will declare the actual value of the items cos you need to send them your purchase invoice, want to cheat a bit also cannot haha.
  21. I use vpost most of the time, no need my things in a hurry so can afford to wait. Save money too haha. Just need to make sure not to bring in any order worth more than $400 can liao, subject to GST at customs. Usually I order a lot of items from different merchants so that the average cost of shipping is lower once you divide.
  22. Hahaha. Kena hook last year when the exchange rate was favourable mah.
  23. Wah if you guys are buying to test, why not just buy one or two and share? If not nice or effective how?
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