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Everything posted by albinosage

  1. Hmm why not get the whole set up from eviliztic, he was selling his whole tank set up at quite a good price due to army. Very beautiful tank, he even managed to keep SPS without problems. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=72160
  2. Haha it has just finished eating. Fed prawn meat to all 3 mouths.
  3. Hahaha you know, I can be surprisingly patient and can show restraint when stocking my tank. I am not in a hurry to fill up with corals yet, will leave my tank as it is while I fix some problems. The only thing I'm thinking of getting is a bright green bubble to replace my pink one, my gf doesn't like it very much haha. The pink zoas I have (left side) not the same as the ones you pass me leh (right side). Those have a perfect round face that is greyish blue, the ones you thought were ked reds, while your metallic pink zoas have an irregular pattern face. Currently this tank cannot on white/blue lights individually, will do so after I mod my lights
  4. It is normal. Ammonia doesn't disappear completely once nitrite appears. It will slowly fall as nitrite rises. Ammonia only disappears when nitrite peaks. This is the reason why your ANN readings are inconsistent - you are not supposed to change water when cycling! So you dilute the water, which will trick you into believing that your cycling is progressing when you are actually slowing it down, and when you think cycling is complete when nitrite is undetectable, that is where the troubles start. The insufficient bacteria population and unstable filtration will not be able to handle the bio load of fishes when you add them in, then ammonia will build up all over again and the instability will probably kill your fishes. I guess it is too late to say all that since you have already changed the water over the last 3 weeks, so I guess what you can do is to let it run longer than the usual cycling period to ensure that the tank is stable. The worms are most probably harmless. You'll be surprised how many worms there are hidden in the sand and rocks. They are mostly beneficial to the system.
  5. I'm also too young to know leh, but this was the kind of music my mom listens to, so by default, I grew up with these songs too haha.
  6. Finally talked myself into taking a couple of top down shots. Colours really do look so much nicer from the top. Maybe I should get a proper viewing box that fits my camera and tank. Camera lens was submerged in a badly scratched translucent box 2 inches below water surface Really starting to like this indo zoa more and more. Each polyp seems to have a different ink blot pattern One more FTS showing the rock structure:
  7. Wow Wilson, I always assume that I've seen or commented on your tank thread before, but turns out I was wrong haha. Interesting read, and very nice tank! Me.. Me... Me.....?
  8. Yah man... I'm constantly battling brown algae. Turn my back for a couple of weeks and it will creep up all over the place. With constant water change and my clean up crew, I haven't had to clean my glass so far. Just need to siphon the fish crap and debris from the sand every week. Hahaha. We were referring to the song lyrics I captioned the picture of the clown fish following the sea horse and blotchy around. If you recognise it immediately, you'd probably be quite old. One of my favourite oldies by Ricky Nelson. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vG5OTWlgvc0
  9. Nice! Do keep us posted if you are getting a bigger tank. Thanks for the compliments. I prefer to keep the sand bed bare so that I can easily siphon out detritus. I hate it when the sand turns brown. The rock scape is deliberately loose and simple so that water can flow freely from the back, and also provide hiding places for the fish and deflect high flow for the seahorse. As for equipment, here's a list of all add on hardware: Wavemaker: Hydor K1 1500l/h (4.5W), Hydor Flo wave deflector Chiller: Resun 280 with modified thermostat from Pacific Coo (280W) Return pump: Rio 10HF 2700l/h (25W) Will be upgrading the current 72 watts of stock lighting to LED lights soon. No skimmer at the moment, 25% water change every 4 days.
  10. Haha no problem. I don't really care about the name, just hope that the colour will recover to original state Sure, do take note that this pump uses the bigger hose 5/8 inch or something, not the narrow one. Had to change the hose halfway when the tank is running, damn sian haha. If you are laughing at the clown fish's song, then you just revealed how old you are hahaha .
  11. Mandarin fish finally notices the presence of a gigantic lens staring at her: ♫ I love you, I love you, I love you~ ♫ And where you go I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow.... Cleaner shrimps setting up an illegal massage parlor at the back of the tank at night: Blotchy kena spooked by my camera after emerging from a nice massage:
  12. ♫ I will follow you~ ♪ Follow you wherever you may go~ ♫ There isn't an ocean too deep~ ♪ A mountain so high it can keep me away~
  13. O....M....G...... Jaw dropping. First picture says it all - very neat, clean, minimalist. It looks as though you have put a lot of thought into this tank, and visualised it exactly even before setting up. Very nice! Your past experiences and lessons have served you well
  14. Wah damn sad, hope your tank stabalises soon, if not the SPS will have to go..........
  15. LOL! I like the night shot of the DIY chaeto fuge! Looks very sci fi hahaha. Nice set up and scaping, the 28G has duo return nozzles right? Do look out for the space behind the rock work on the left, potential dead spot since the tall rock will block the flow. Diatoms heaven Edit: I see that you already have a K1 there
  16. Oh, it is actually more pink in person previously, now it is more red cos it lost the colour. I looked up ked red pictures, not the same
  17. The pink zoas were disturbed by the new position lor. I placed them high up on a high flow area. I placed both your pink metallics with creetin's pink zoa side by side, both seem to shorten their stem in this position, but lost some colour. The light tubes also old already, waiting to replace them with LEDs next month I set the kick in temperature at 28*C, chill down to 26*C, this way the temperature never goes over 28 degrees and yet the chiller effectively operates only 2 to 3 hours a day. The chiller kicks in for only 20 minutes every 2 to 3 hours with lights on and ambient temperature at 30*C, according to my calculations on paper, the entire tank will cost me less than $10 in power bills monthly Which one is the ked red you're talking about?
  18. Actually if you see their face, they all have a protrusion there. Part of the anatomy, according to Lemonlemon earlier in the post, there is a bone beneath it.
  19. Side views of the tank: New thermostat from Pacific Coo: Fits nicely into the slot where the old one was, but more control over chiller functions and saves electricity, $$$! In tank temperature probe connected to chiller: Accurate reading of temperature prevents unnecessary kick ins from the chiller. Final FTS:
  20. Remaining pictures of corals which I haven't posted: Bro amby, recognise the frag on the top right corner? The only surviving frag of zoa from the previous shipment of US zoas from Iwarna. A frag of bright green faced zoas that is slowly regaining its colour. The original colour of the pink zoas before the big move. Pink bubble coral All the zoas are stuck to the rocks with epoxy and superglue gel. Like I said, I don't have any gems in the tank hahaha, just some small decorations to pepper the rocks with. That might change in the future, who knows
  21. Thanks for the compliments, actually your original tank thread was the first thread I read on this forum and what made me consider getting a nano at home I haven't dose vitamin C ever since I did up this rock scape. Have been drinking my tea with extra vitamin C lately hahaha. Started dosing today, will let you know if there's any difference. My zoas all very dull now as they were stressed by the tank relocation, change in light, scaping and rescaping, all spat out zooxanthellae in disgust
  22. Can, save it for you liao. Anyway, it's the thermostat itself, in the chiller that gave way, not the pump I upgraded the thermostat already - with external temperature probe! Haha. As for LED, still waiting, should be mid to end April.
  23. Bright orange yuma from fragmaster: Not so bright anymore The yuma rock I was so excited about and happy with, 2nd day after purchase: The trimmings were green when I saw at the farm, but sadly doesn't come out under my tank lights. Taken last weekend, seems to have coloured up and grown many more small ones:
  24. Can..... The red/orange skirt one you want? I've got some loose frags that drop off, 7-9 polyps stuck together. Anyway yah I was also busy playing with the tank last sat too, chiller went kaboom, was redoing the hose and replacing the pump after repair. No lah, where got money to buy D3 haha. Thanks for the compliments anyway. Using D700 only..
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