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Everything posted by albinosage

  1. :chair: (one for each of you haha) CFOh said "dun do it quite often", I think he means don't target feed like that too often(?)!!!! I don't see why a syringe will contaminate the water.
  2. Ok I'll bite: Candy Basslet If you are just asking the question for fun, I might as well add a few more: Stingray Oarfish Great White And a bonus fish just for you The above are known to be coral and invert safe.
  3. Bro, nice is a subjective term la. Based on your question it can be a $1 chromis or $3000 gem tang hahaha. Anyway my dear amigo above gave a very good answer hahaha.
  4. I am curious though, bro kk, why did you buy the $39 sea squirt and call it a good investment when Poomoon's 2nd reply about it to this thread wasn't a good review? I would have thought Ray's recycled balloon stick worked better. Anyway, personally, I buy a $1.60 60ml syringe from Guardian and attach a tube to it, can use both for feeding and blowing detritus from rocks haha.
  5. Erm... in a small bucket lor haha. Shrimps will not crawl out. Snails might crawl to the surface, but most likely won't crawl out as well. If you are so worried, then put a cover over the bucket. Think about this, if it can get out of a bucket then it can crawl out of the tank too right?
  6. Oh and for the PO4, if you can't tell the colours, you can double the water tested and the PO4-1, PO4-2 reagents, then divide the reading by 2 for a clearer result if it is too low on the spectrum to see the blueness.
  7. I think it is pretty accurate. Other test kits like API are worse.
  8. Googled that for you: I found this article very useful when learning reef chemistry for the first time last weekend: Reef Aquarium Water Parameters Short and quick answer: if you don't know, then just assume it's the same cos they are co-related. There's a Salifert test kit for ALK that also gives the equivalent in dKH, because it is a good enough indicator. You should get a very clear picture from reading the above articles.
  9. kikobananas' Germany vs Serbia 2-0 (Germany -1/2) Slovenia vs USA 0-1 England vs Algeria 3-0 (England -1/2) Eniram's Germany vs Serbia 4-0 (Germany -1/2) Slovenia vs USA 2-1 England vs Algeria 2-0 (England -1/2) AhSiang's Germany vs Serbia 1-0 (Germany -1/2) Slovenia vs USA 0-2 England vs Algeria 1-0 (England -1/2) Binosage's Germany vs Serbia 3-0 (Germany -1/2) Slovenia vs USA 0-1 England vs Algeria 2-0 (England -1/2)
  10. Goondoo's take France 1 Mexico 0 Greece 0 Nigeria 1 Argentina 1 Korea Republic 0 Team to win World Cup : Tampines Rovers (Do change yourself) Eniram's France 2 vs Mexico 0 Greece 0 vs Nigeria 1(Nigeria -1/2) Argentina 3 vs Korea Republic 1 (Argentina -1) AhSiang's France 0 vs Mexico 1 Greece 1 vs Nigeria 1 (Nigeria -1/2) Argentina 1 vs Korea Republic 0 (Argentina -1) Raydiative's France 1 vs Mexico 0 Greece 0 vs Nigeria 1(Nigeria -1/2) Argentina 2 vs Korea Republic 1 (Argentina -1) Jacky's France 2 vs Mexico 0 Greece 1 vs Nigeria 1 (Nigeria -1/2) Argentina 1 vs Korea Republic 1 (Argentina -1) Kiko's France 2 Mexico 1 Greece 0 Nigeria 2(Nigeria -1/2) Argentina 3 Korea Republic 1(Argentina -1) Mitlancer's France 1 Mexico 0 Greece 0 Nigeria 1(Nigeria -1/2) Argentina 2 Korea Republic 1 Binosage's France 1 vs Mexico 1 Greece 0 vs Nigeria 1 (Nigeria -1/2) Argentina 2 vs Korea Republic 1 (Argentina -1) (Sorry, late to the thread, internet just came back up at work. Disregard the first match prediction if I didn't make it in time )
  11. Nice acquisitions bro. I thought your tank was blessed with luck in getting copperbands to feed? 3 out of 3 copperbands my colleague bought started feeding almost immediately when the tank was in my office, hope the luck rubs off on you. Anyway the birdnest has really grown by quite a bit since I passed you, I think I see 2 new growth tips
  12. Very clean and nice scape bro! Agree with Ray on the top right portion of your rocks though, maybe you can keep a lookout for nicely shaped rocks and replace it in the future.
  13. Just 2 examples. It is superglue, but in gel form. It will be written on the packaging.
  14. I think it either wears off as you heal or gets absorbed into your body. The super glue made specially for medical uses should have a slightly different recipe that is less toxic. But in an emergency when there is no plaster around, normal super glue can be used to close the wound.
  15. Bro we mentioned several times, use gel type haha. It is preferred cos the thicker consistency will not make a mess especially after you put it in the water to cure, it hardens immediately holding the same shape.
  16. Bro, super glue gel is different from super glue, make you got the right one if not the watery super glue will make a big mess. Gel type is preferred cos it will not "run" or flow all over the coral when you are sticking.
  17. Yup, it was used as a field bandage during the vietnam war I think. Even today, the spray on bandage found in most first aid boxes is mainly cyanoacrylate, the same ingredient as super glue.
  18. Gluing has always worked for me leh, I drop a blob of gel on that small piece of rock the ric is originally attached to, and then press it onto the rock I want it to be on. Worked for 5 rics so far and held on for weeks already, only 1 dropped off when I was rescaping last week. Anyway super glue gel is not that toxic. You can even use it to seal up cuts on your skin instead of using plaster.
  19. I always thought Fabio Capello looked very familiar...........
  20. Eniram's: Honduras 0 Chile 1 Espanol 5 Switzerland 0 South Africa 1 Uruguay 1 Sinch Goondoo say take all 1-0, we assume he meant to take the favourite team to win 1-0 ba.... Honduras 0 Chile 1 Espanol 1 Switzerland 0 South Africa 0 Uruguay 1 Jackywongto's Chile 1 Honduras 0 Spain 1 Switzerland 0 South Africa 0 Uruguay 1 Raydiative's Chile 2 Honduras 0 Spain 2 Switzerland 0 South Africa 1 Uruguay 1 Mitlancer's Chile 1 Honduras 0 Spain 2 Switzerland 1 South Africa 1 Uruguay 1 Kikobananas Chile 1 Honduras 0 Spain 2 Switzerland 0 South Africa 0 Uruguay 1 Binosage's Chile 1 Honduras 0 Spain 2 Switzerland 1 South Africa 0 Uruguay 1
  21. Regarding the difference between live sand and normal sand: live sand is packaged and sealed with the live bacteria from where it is collected, while normal sand is just that.. sand. The product packaging for live sand claims that it will speed up cycling, but IMO it doesn't make such a big difference, since normal sand will become "live" once you cycle the tank cos bacteria will colonise it. I choose the sand based on the colour and texture I want, whether it is live or not doesn't make a big difference
  22. LOL 10kg of sand in your tank is 1/2 the volume! Taking into account the IOS, your display area will be very small. Got to choose your livestock carefully.
  23. Bro, I think 5KG should be enough for a 1.5 inch sand bed. I'm guessing the Boyu 1ft IOS cube is either 9G or 12G, putting 10kg of sand will easily take up 1/4 or 1/5 of the tank height liao haha.
  24. Those who visited East Coast Park during in the couple of weeks following the oil spill will know how bad it is... We could smell it from the chalet during the SRC bbq.
  25. Copperband, you got a good point about the water being drawn from below the surface but you should also note that most oil slicks are cleared with oil dispersant which binds with the surface oil and sinks to the bottom of the sea. This is a controversial issue cos environmentalists claim that this doesn't take the harmful substances out of the water, but simply presents a nice picture for the media to show (tadaa!, see, no more oil), while the chemicals are still causing long term damage to the sea bed. Regarding the quality of water from our LFS, I can't comment cos I happened to switch to salt mix around the time of the oil spill; before that I was using it weekly with positive results. FWIW, I think most LFS that sells NSW have their own filtration system where they store the water too. Food for thought: If all NSW collected is contaminated, would it mean that the livestock will be wiped out at all our farms and LFS too? (Maybe can ask them if they lose more livestock than usual recently)
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