Hi Reefers,
Here's some interesting for you all. AVA regularly grades pet shops. Logically, better the grade, better the quality of products as the grading is for how well the shop safeguard the welfare of the animals. It's nice to know that some of the shops listed in our Sponsor's Forum are rated A grade.
Link to the report: http://www.ava.gov.sg/NR/rdonlyres/0675019...mber08Grade.pdf
Excerpt from AVA site:
"AVA licenses the keeping and display for sale of pets to safeguard the welfare of animals. To raise the standards of animal welfare and professionalism of pet shops, AVA will grade pet shops according to their compliance with licence conditions and their adoption of best practices. The grading will give the public better assurance that the pet shop they patronise is of a good standard. The grading will also promote responsible pet ownership through better customer education and information dissemination."
To get updated grading, Use the link: