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Everything posted by iskay

  1. Generally, LS from least demanding to most (in my opinion). Least Fishes Inverts soft corals LPS SPS Most Don't even try SPS until your tank is stabilized for at least 6 months.
  2. LFS need to give you commission for bringing a van-load of open wallets. What time you going?
  3. Aquarama is 2 months away. Check out the marine tank competition. Anyone keen to lead the charge for an SRC entry? http://www.aquarama.com.sg/
  4. Suck on it, yeah, suck on it. It's effective. *no pun intended*
  5. Damselfish and chromis are anything but peaceful...
  6. Very patient noob. You'll be rewarded with a stable tank. In reefing, patience is definitely a virtue. Next up is self control. Fish, inverts, corals, anything must be added one at a time with at least 1 week interval. This will allow sufficient time for your tank to adjust to the new bioload. Adding too many too soon will crash your tank and trigger a re-cycle... killing most if not all your precious gems. This scenario is called new tank syndrome. Also since your tank is small, research and plan your livestock carefully. Compatibility issues dictates that you introduce your specimens in a certain sequence to keep them from fighting.
  7. Yellow Clown Goby Canary Blenny
  8. I keep things I like. This ensures they are cared for.
  9. Regarding your setting up process, remember to add livestock one at a time with at least 1 week interval to allow your tank to re-configure to the newly added bioload. adding too much too soon will trigger the tank to re-cycle. This is called new tank syndrome. Regarding changing of water, yes, I'd recommend a partial water change after the cycle For a reef tank, there's an infinite number of equipments that you can get. From your above list, I can recommend the following basic things to be added: Wavemaker - corals need good water circulation to bring them nutrients and take away wastes. Appropriately sized for your tank. cheapest choice will be 2 small submersible power heads. Activated Cardon - to help keep water parameters. It keeps my tank's water clear. Your lighting, tubes should be of high color temperature of at least 10K. Here's some article for your reference: http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2007/1/aafeature http://www.drsfostersmith.com/pic/article.cfm?aid=564
  10. It seems like your new light fixture is giving the algae the correct light spectrum to grow, especially the pink one. Unless you have a planted tank, you should stick to tubes with higher color temperature. My rocks was stripped of coralline once when a green algae bloom got to them. I then changed my tubes to 14K. after that coralline slowly recovering. Maybe I'll consider purple up too... Water can be another cause. Tap water might have nutrients favourable for algae growth. However, if you've been using tap ever since, then this is not likely the cause.
  11. Purple up's supposed to build coralline algae, how come your rocks turning green? what other additives you dose? Dose prescribed dosage. Don't over do.
  12. Smaller the tank, more diligent reefer needs to be. I do 10-20% water change on my 10gallon every week without fail. I missed one time due to overseas holiday and my beloved yellow polyps disintegrated. Don't treat your 2 tanks the same way. each tank has it's own needs.
  13. Was a Pasir Ris Lot35 Blk C on Sunday. tempted really badly by the red cynarina...... 5 red notes.... about 2 inches in diameter...
  14. Too bad I stay in the east.... Must pay it a visit one day. Maybe their weighing scale is in pounds. 10 pounds is roughly 5kg.
  15. My tank no algae except for Chaeto and Halimeda..... So cannot keep dwarf angels. Always like to have coral beauty and flame angel... :sigh:
  16. I see a tank that'll soon be having an algae bloom and a blue sponge that might be dying as it looked like it's turning white. Good Luck. Like what Mansiz said, don't lift the sponge out of the water. air bubbles trapped in it's body will kill it.
  17. looks like Acropora. dunno which specific species.
  18. Hi Panther, FYI. I had the same desire when first started with marine - 'frolicking' clown. Bought both, then the clown grew too aggressive and anemone grew too large for my tank in the end need to sell both at a loss. Starting off with FOWLR is good choice. LPS will require a more mature tank of at least 6 months. They can marginally survive with fan-cooled tank at 28c. Softies can tolerate heat better so you can try those first to hone your coral husbandry skills before moving to LPS.
  19. REALLY, Clowns are fine without anemone. Reverse is not always true, the clown will take care of the anemone by feeding it, taking away it's wastes. without a clown, anemone requires a lot of care from you. Also, clowns will NOT always stay close to it's anemone host. It stays there for safety and comfort. if the clown gets used to your tank it will venture away from the anemone most of the time and will only sleep there at night. Don't be charmed by video clips of clowns 'frolicking' in anemomes. This 'frolicking' time can be disappointing short. If you still cannot get this 'frolicking' thought out of your mind, the next best thing is to make sure to get the correct clown/anemone combination. This can be very tricky as non-compatible specimens will ignore each other and you'll be disappointed to the max. Here's a link for you. Still anemone NOT recommended for small tanks.
  20. 1-foot tank is fine as long as you have (1) discipline and (2) self-control. (1) discipline Proper planning. planning starts before you make any purchase. your post to this thread indicates that you've started this which is very good. Weekly partial water changes. Any slip up will result in dead LS. Water top up daily. No overfeeding. Slowly build up your LS. small tank is more prone to New Tank Syndrome. (2) self-control Proper LS planning. Small tank creates more aggression. Fast growing LS are not recommended. no overstocking. no matter how attractive that gem is... Clownfish are fine without a host anemone. Anemone not recommended for small tanks. If you intend to keep LPS (Frogspawn, torch, etc) better have a chiller. Else, softies like mushrooms are star polyps are happy with fan-cooling. Read up before you start putting anything into the tank, read up. The below links will be useful. Tank Cycling with market prawn - http://fishwhisperer.homestead.com/articles.html Nitrogen Cycle - http://www.fishlore.com/NitrogenCycle.htm The second link is primarily for you to understand the nitrogen cycle. It mentioned cycling the tank with fish as one possible method but I highly discourage it due to the suffering this method brings to the poor fishes. Good Luck. Also, here's a thread worth reading. Please don't follow this example - http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=76994
  21. 1 foot is fine as long as you have (1) discipline and (2) self-control. (1) discipline Weekly partial water changes. Any slip up will result in dead LS. Water top up daily. No overfeeding. Slowly build up your LS. small tank is more prone to New Tank Syndrome. (2) self-control Proper LS planning. Small tank creates more aggression. Fast growing LS are not recommended. no overstocking. no matter how attractive that gem is...
  22. Mine's grown to 2 inches (body length) from about 1 inch when i got it. Molts every month. Not too aggressive when small. Now it is the 2nd ranked. The yellow tail damsel is no. 1.
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