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Everything posted by iskay

  1. That's an Alpheus randalli. Randall's pistol shrimp. Good partner of Yasha Haze or High Fin gobies.
  2. This is my piece. Less spectacular than the web photo but it's awesome none the less.
  3. Photo from web but I have one almost the same when I bought in LFS. In my tanks looks less yellow due to the lights.
  4. You can place them with members of the same genus - Euphyllia. They will sting corals of other genus.
  5. Pseudochromis diadema. Please avoid impulse buys. A quick search with your phone will avoid unnecessary wastes.
  6. Nope. It's a heavily fed tank of anemones, clams and softies.
  7. My own experience is Yuma does very well in my tank but floridas gradually shrinks in the exact same tank. Never bothered to find out why so I just stick with yumas.
  8. Price is also depended on colour and quality. A pink Yuma will likely be more expensive.
  9. Ricordea Florida is from the Caribbean while Ricordea Yuma can be found in the western pacific. How expensive depends on where you are located. Since R floridas are sourced far away, they are more expensive in Asia compared to R Yuma.
  10. Looks like brown jelly. I've not heard of any reliable cure. Frag off the affected and perhaps dip the rest in coral rx
  11. Pasar malam thread is okay as long as WTG also.
  12. Abalone, can. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Ensure chiller air filter is regularly cleaned. No blockage of air intake and exhaust. Service chiller annually. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Raw seafood of appropriate size. Place food on top of coral mouth and it will ingest. Ward off any scavengers. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Flatworm Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. I see green plate coral on both sides and a sexy shrimp in the middle. Photo too blurry to make out a proper ID of the item in the middle. More clearer photos / video will be helpful. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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